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Alternative Development and Screening Process

Alternative Development and Screening Process. Corridor-wide Meetings May 2004. Interstate Alignment. Stations. TDM/TSM. Transit Alignment. Interstate Lane Types. Local System Improvements. Transit Technology. Interchanges.

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Alternative Development and Screening Process

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Alternative Development and Screening Process Corridor-wide Meetings May 2004 A cooperative effort between FHWA, FTA, CDOT, RTD, and Denver

  2. Interstate Alignment Stations TDM/TSM Transit Alignment Interstate Lane Types Local System Improvements Transit Technology Interchanges Alternative development starts with defining alternative categories Master List of Alternatives A cooperative effort between FHWA, FTA, CDOT, RTD, and Denver

  3. Pre-screening reduces the number of alternatives within categories TDM/TSM Interstate Alignment Stations 1. Pre-Screening Transit Alignment Interstate Lane Types Local System Improvements Transit Technology Interchanges A cooperative effort between FHWA, FTA, CDOT, RTD, and Denver

  4. Comparative screening further reduces alternatives within categories TDM/TSM Interstate Alignment Stations Transit Alignment Interstate Lane Types 2. Comparative Screening Local System Improvements Transit Technology Interchanges A cooperative effort between FHWA, FTA, CDOT, RTD, and Denver

  5. Interstate Alignment Interstate Lane Types Interchanges Alternative categories are combined for detailed screening Interstate Alternatives A cooperative effort between FHWA, FTA, CDOT, RTD, and Denver

  6. Stations Transit Alignment Transit Technology Alternative categories are combined for detailed screening Transit Alternatives A cooperative effort between FHWA, FTA, CDOT, RTD, and Denver

  7. Detailed screening reduces number of interstate and transit alternatives Interstate Alternatives Transit Alternatives 3. Detailed Screening A cooperative effort between FHWA, FTA, CDOT, RTD, and Denver

  8. Stations Interstate Alignment Transportation Demand Management Transit Interstate Local Alignment System Improvements Lane Types Transportation System Management Transit Technology Interchanges Alternative packaging defines the alternatives evaluated fully in the DEIS A cooperative effort between FHWA, FTA, CDOT, RTD, and Denver

  9. Evaluation in the DEIS considers impacts to develop best transportation solution In-depth alternative evaluation that considers potential impacts to over 20 different social, environmental, and economic resources 4. Full DEIS Evaluation A cooperative effort between FHWA, FTA, CDOT, RTD, and Denver

  10. Alternative Development and Screening Process Corridor-wide Meetings May 2004 A cooperative effort between FHWA, FTA, CDOT, RTD, and Denver

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