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Addresing Grammar within Task Work

Addresing Grammar within Task Work. Exposure to language at an appropiate level of difficulty . Engagement in meaning-focused interaction in the language . Opportunities for learners to notice or attend to linguistic form while using the language .

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Addresing Grammar within Task Work

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  1. AddresingGrammarwithinTaskWork • Exposuretolanguage at anappropiatelevel of difficulty. • Engagement in meaning-focusedinteraction in thelanguage. • Opportunitiesforlearnerstonoticeorattendtolinguisticformwhileusingthelanguage. • Opportunitiestoexpandthelanguageresourceslearnersmake use of over time.

  2. AddresingAccuracy Prior totheTask • By pre-teachingcertainlinguisticformsthat can be usedwhilecompleting a task. • Byreducingthecognitivecomplexity of thetask. • Bygiving time to plan thetask.

  3. AddresingAccuracyDuringtheTask • Participation • Procedures • 1. Preparatoryactivitydesignedtoprovideschemata, vocabulary and language. • 2. Dialogue listeningtask, tomodelshorterversion of target task. • 3. Dialogue practicetask, toprovidefurtherclarification of task.

  4. 4. Firstpractice, using role-playcues. • 5. Follow-up listening • 6. Second role-playpractice • Resouces • Order • Product

  5. AddresingAccuracyAftertheTask • Public Performance • Repeat Performance

  6. Doespracticework? • There are strongempiricaland theoricalgroundstodoubttheefficacy of practice. Itmayhavelimitedpsycholinguisticvalidity. • Practiceisdirected at theacqusition of implicitknowledge of a grammarstructure. • Theresults of bothtypes of research are notencouragingforsupporters of practice.

  7. A number of empiricalstudentshaveinvestigatedwhetherpracticecontributesto L2 acquisition. • Thesestudies are of twokinds: thosethatseekto relate theamount of practiceachievedbye individual learnerswith general increase in proficiency and thosethathaveexaminedwhetherpracticingspecificlinguisticstructureresults in itsacquisition.

  8. Consciousness-raising: • Itisunlikelytoresult in inmediateacquisition. • More likelyitwillhave a delayedeffect. It can be deductive and inductive. • There are somelimitationsforexampleitcannot be usedforyounglearners, (thosewholiketolearnbydoingratherthanstudying.)

  9. Facilitatestheacquisition of thegrammaticalknowledgeneededforcommunication. • Theacquisition of implicitknowledgeinvolvesthreeprocesses. • Noticing • Comparing • Integrating

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