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Studies in Book of Acts Chapter 11:1-30 Apostle Ronald C Hill Sr. January 18-21, 2012

Studies in Book of Acts Chapter 11:1-30 Apostle Ronald C Hill Sr. January 18-21, 2012. Studies in Acts. In the process of the study of the word of God we must seek to discern how God and man communicated with each other. We should also seek to detect and comprehend the principle,.

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Studies in Book of Acts Chapter 11:1-30 Apostle Ronald C Hill Sr. January 18-21, 2012

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  1. Studies in Book of Acts Chapter 11:1-30 Apostle Ronald C Hill Sr. January 18-21, 2012

  2. Studies in Acts In the process of the study of the word of God we must seek to discern how God and man communicated with each other. We should also seek to detect and comprehend the principle,

  3. Studies in Acts which is a rule or standard that is being established by God. Once we have perceived the fixed and predetermined policy of God we are to embrace that truth and we are to profess

  4. Studies in Acts it and practice it when the opportunity presents itself.

  5. Studies in Acts • I trust we can perceive that God had communicated with both Cornelius and Peter that He is the God who will honor prayer.

  6. 1. We note Peter praying in Acts 3:1 and Acts 10:9.

  7. Acts 3:1 1 Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour.

  8. Acts 10:9   9 On the morrow, as they went on their journey, and drew nigh unto the city, Peter went up upon the housetop to pray about the sixth hour:

  9. 2. We also note Cornelius praying in Acts 10:1,2.

  10. Acts 10:1 1 There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a centurion of the band called the Italian band,

  11. Acts 10:2 2 A devout man, and one that feared God with all his house, which gave much alms to the people, and prayed to God alway.

  12. Studies in Acts • I trust we can also perceive that God communicated with both men during the time they prayed and after they had prayed.

  13. Studies in Acts • If we are wise we would observe how God dealt with them and expect to receive a similar result in our lives if we do what they did which was to pray.

  14. 3. We also note how both men obeyed the voice of God once they understood what God was saying.

  15. Studies in Acts • If Peter and Cornelius who were mere men could communicate with God and follow His instruction so can I, if I do what they did.

  16. Studies in Acts • The fact that God will hear and answer prayer is a fixed and pre-determined policy that is supported by a plethora of verses throughout the Bible.

  17. Studies in Acts • How is it possible for a true believer not to pray is the question?

  18. Studies in Acts • From our study thus far we also see that the Holy Spirit is the major person in the life of a Christian after they have accepted Christ as Savior.

  19. Studies in Acts • As we continue the study of the one and only history book in the New Testament we will observe repeatedly that there can be no ministry or fellowship with God without the presence of the Holy Spirit.

  20. Acts 11:1 1 And the apostles and brethren that were in Judaea heard that the Gentiles had also received the word of God.

  21. Acts 11:2 2 And when Peter was come up to Jerusalem, they that were of the circumcision contended with him,

  22. Acts 11:3 3 Saying, Thou wentest in to men uncircumcised, and didst eat with them.

  23. Studies in Acts A. Word quickly got back to Judea that Peter had preached to the Gentiles and that they had been saved.

  24. Studies in Acts B. When Peter returned to Jerusalem, he was challenged by those of the “Circumcision” ;for eating with Gentiles. The “Circumcision” here refers to Christian who were born

  25. Studies in Acts B. Jews and who had practiced the Jewish religion before accepting Christ as savior.

  26. Studies in Acts C. Although they were born again, they yet held on to their former way of thinking. They believed that a Gentile must be circumcised in order to received the full blessing of

  27. Studies in Acts C. God. They still thought it was wrong for Peter to eat with the Gentiles.

  28. 1. We recall that Peter had that same belief before God dealt with him upon the roof.

  29. 2. Peter heard the voice of God and was courageous enough to obey God. His courage caused the church to question his actions.

  30. Studies in Acts • When we obey God we can expect to receive strong disapproval and harsh criticism from those who are in the body of Christ that are yet holding on to outdated and or unbiblical principles.

  31. Studies in Acts D. Do we not find it remarkable how the church leaders were so blinded by their prejudices of pride and bigotry that they were unable to detect clearest discoveries of divine truth.

  32. Studies in Acts D. How could they not see that God had revealed His love for the Gentiles by saving them and filling them with the Holy Spirit? Instead of them being happy someone had gotten

  33. Studies in Acts D. saved they wanted to protect what they believed to be true.

  34. Acts 11:4 4 But Peter rehearsed the matter from the beginning, and expounded it by order unto them, saying,

  35. Studies in Acts E. Peter now began to defend why he had gone into the home of a Gentile and to eat with them. In Acts 11:5-18 Peter gave a simple recital of all that had happened to him from

  36. Studies in Acts E. chapter 10 of Acts, which was covered on last week.

  37. 1. He said that the sheet from heaven came right down to where he was.

  38. 2. He spoke of gazing intently at what was on the sheet.

  39. 3. Peter reported that the voice of the Lord had instructed him to kill and eat and that he refused to obey the Lord at first.

  40. 4. The Lord told Peter “What God has cleansed and pronounced clean he was not to call common or unclean”. This occurred three times.

  41. 5. Peter says immediately there were three men waiting at the door for him.

  42. 6. The Holy Spirit instructed him to accompany these men without any hesitation, misgiving or discrimination.

  43. 7. Peter adds the detail that six brethren accompanied him from Joppa to Caesarea. I believe Peter took those men with him to have support and witnesses.

  44. 8. Peter tells how Cornelius had reported seeing an angel in his house. The angel instructed him to send for Peter.

  45. 9. Peter was to give and explain a message by which Cornelius and his household would be saved.

  46. 10. Peter says as he began to speak the Holy Spirit fell on them as He had on them at the beginning.

  47. 11. Peter says he remembered the word of the Lord in regards to water baptism and being baptized in the Holy Spirit.

  48. 12. Peter then says “If God gave to them the same Gift as He gave to them when they believed on the Lord Jesus Christ who was I and what power and authority had I to interfere with what God was doing.

  49. 13. When they heard this, they were quieted and made no further objection. They then glorified God, saying God has also granted to the Gentiles the ability to repent and received eternal life strictly by faith without any rituals or ceremonies or Judaism.

  50. Studies in Acts F. All their objections about what Peter had done were gone. This was to their credit. When we accuse people of doing wrong and discover we were the one that was

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