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Merging the Academic and Behavior RtI Teams

Merging the Academic and Behavior RtI Teams. Crandon Middle School and High School. School District of Crandon. Jessica Keao , High School Tina Taylor, Middle School. Goal. To share the successes and challenges faced as we merged the academic and behavior RtI system.

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Merging the Academic and Behavior RtI Teams

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Merging the Academic and Behavior RtI Teams Crandon Middle School and High School

  2. School District of Crandon Jessica Keao, High School Tina Taylor, Middle School

  3. Goal • To share the successes and challenges faced as we merged the academic and behavior RtI system

  4. School District of Crandon • 1,000 students K-12 • Two Native American Tribes • Located in Northern Wisconsin

  5. Crandon’s RtI History • RtI academic team (6+ years) • PBIS team (4 years) • Academic and behavior teams merged (1 year)

  6. Obstacles Defining our roles Finding a common language Realizing we were all working towards the same goal

  7. Merged Teams • Universal Team • Intervention Team • Data Team • Coaches Meeting • Friday Fiesta

  8. Merging Efforts • Action plans • Goals • Acknowledgements • Budget • Data

  9. What has changed... • No longer use “PBIS” or “RtI” to refer to the behavior and academic. • Presenting to staff is as one unit, no longer separate the behavior vs. academic

  10. Electronic Data Wall (6-12) • DEWS • SMI/SRI Scores • WKCE Scores • Attendance • Behavior • Grades • Credit Recovery

  11. Benefits • Look at the entire child • Focused energy of the teams • Easier to sell to staff

  12. Contact Information Jessica Keao, High School Counselor keaojess@sdofcrandon.com Tina Taylor, Middle School Counselor taylotin@sdofcrandon.com

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