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Preparación Hoy es jueves , el 19 de marzo de 2015 Today is Thursday, March 19, 2015

Preparación Hoy es jueves , el 19 de marzo de 2015 Today is Thursday, March 19, 2015. Look at your notes and information on Fallas . Answer how would you explain to a tourist the following: (answers are on following link and lesson) https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icT25K38t6E

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Preparación Hoy es jueves , el 19 de marzo de 2015 Today is Thursday, March 19, 2015

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  1. PreparaciónHoy esjueves,el 19 de marzo de 2015Today is Thursday, March 19, 2015 Look at your notes and information on Fallas. Answer how would you explain to a tourist the following: (answers are on following link and lesson) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icT25K38t6E What are ninots of Fallas in Spain? What city and country has them? Which month happens? What is cremá?

  2. Objectives/ Objetivos • Review days question with months. • Describe Easter in • Gather in Groups of 3-4 with similar country • Use your research of one particular Spanish country • Decide how you would present the questions of homework about Easter • Be original. Compare and contrast how Easter is celebrated in the area, country you chose and how it is celebrated in the USA. Describe celebrations. Give specific examples. • Make a colorful, insighful power point on it.

  3. Valencia Fallas, Spain Want to learn Spanish? Lesson on what are lasfallas, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icT25K38t6E 2015 Falls Mascleta= fireworks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qzKTdkwBvw Las Fallas de Valencia (all in Spanish explanation for kids) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDa9y47XCcA Does the USA have any celebrations similar to the Fallas? New Orleans lighting the way for Papa Noel (USA) http://video.wgno.com/Bonfires-in-St-James-Parish-help-light-the-way-for-Papa-Noel-28290346

  4. New Orleans Bonfires during Christmas

  5. Valencia city oflasFallas.

  6. Ninot or small fallas made of wax or paper mache which are burned

  7. The cremáor actual burning of the fallas.

  8. Valencia illuminated during Fallas

  9. Homework for Monday , March 23 or Tarea para el lunes, 23 de de marzo • Work on Easter presentationfinish it, rehearse to present beginning Monday - Thursday • (see next slide for info)

  10. Easter Project (see next slide for Rubric) • Research and do a power point on Easter. (summative) • Read and write about Easter in one of Spanish speaking countries. You can use same country you chose for the end of the year project. Answer the following questions: • When is it celebrated? • Why is it celebrated? • Who celebrates it? What do families do? • How is it celebrated? Show examples of: • Main city celebration • Small towns celebration • Describe celebration • Is it religious? What is the meaning of it? • What foods are served? • describe , find a recipe, bring a sample or similar to it. • Compare and contrast with USA’s Easter. • Type bibliography, video links. (include on power point) • Have fun creating your power point. Be original.

  11. Rubric of Easter Project Excelente/ Excellent: 10 pts. Power point answers 9-10 questions. There several nice pictures, it may include history, a video and compare and contrast this celebrations with Easter in the USA. Group members take turns in an organized manner. Presentation: Speaks loud with a clear voice, show enthusiasm, addresses the audience. Presenter does not read because he/she knows what each picture means and the meaning of it. Buentrabajo/Good Job: 6 pts. Power point: it has 4 pictures with few details. Includes 5-7 questions of what was asked. Presentation: only read off power point bullets, no loud voice, and lack of enthusiasm. A few group members participate and they don’t know content. Necesitaayuda/ Needs help: 1-3 pts. Power point: Does have only 1-3 slides. No clarity in explanations. There is no effort, lack of information. Presentation: Only one student speaks. Reads off power point, not much enthusiasm, no loud voice.

  12. Fallas of Spain http://www.travelvivi.com/las-fallas-amazing-valencia-festival/

  13. Preguntas con meses del año.Questions with months of the year. • ¿Cuáleséstemes? • What is this month? • EsJunio. It’s______ • ¿Cuálfue el mespasado? • What was last month? • Fue ________ It was_____ • ¿Cuálesel próximomes? • What is next month? • El próximomeses _______ • Next month is___________

  14. “The Seasons in Spanish" - Las Estacioneshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7W5oKx6g2I • ¿ Quétiempohace? What’s the weather like? Hacecalor. It’s hot. Hacefrío. It’s cold. Hace sol. It’s sunny. Haceviento. It’s windy. Llueve. It’s raining. Nieva. It’s snowing.

  15. Las 4 Estaciones: la primavera, el verano, el otoño y el inviernoFour Seasons: • Hacecalor La primavera El verano • Hacefrio • Hace sol • Haceviento • Llueve • Nieva El invierno El otoño

  16. CumpleañosTradicion/ TraditionHow is 15th birthday celebrated? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aPCgAHjq9c

  17. QuinceañeraTraditionSee Rubric too on online homework. • Have fun creating your power point. • Content • Pictures • Accuracy • Briefly answer the following questions: • What is it? • Why is it celebrated? Do other Spanish countries celebrated? • What is the meaning of it? • How is it celebrated? • How are the boys and girls dressed? • Is it a religious and family tradition? • Is this formal? • Describe what you see in the videos: food, cake, decorations, music, dances. • What does it look like to you? Tell me your opinion. • Is there any comparison with any US tradition? • Where did you get the information? Did you interview someone that has gone to one Quinceañera?

  18. Rubric for Quinceanera Have fun creating your power point. RUBRIC: Excelente/Excellent: 10 pts. Power point: answers 9-10 questions. Several nice pictures, it may include a video or compare and contrast this celebrations with another one. Group members take turns in an organized manner. Presentation: Speaks loud with a clear voice. Does know what each picture means and the meaning of the Quinceañera. Buentrabajo/Good job: 6 pts. Power point: it has 4 pictures with few details. Includes 5-7 questions of what was asked. Presentation: only read off power point bullets, no loud voice. A few group members participated and they don’t seem to know much. Necesitaayuda/ Needs help: 1-3 pts. Power point: Does have only 1-3 slides. Doesn’t show much. There is no effort. Presentation: Only one student speaks. Reads off power point, not much enthusiasm.

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