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Documenting the Systematic Planning Process in a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)

Documenting the Systematic Planning Process in a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP). Introduction. Presenters Attendees Logistics Please turn cell phones off Electronic communication devices off. Introduction. Workshop Attendee Materials: Abstract Contact Information Web Sites

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Documenting the Systematic Planning Process in a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)

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  1. Documenting the Systematic Planning Process in a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)

  2. Introduction • Presenters • Attendees • Logistics • Please turn cell phones off • Electronic communication devices off SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  3. Introduction • Workshop Attendee Materials: • Abstract • Contact Information • Web Sites • Hardcopy of Slides • UFP-QAPP Manual Glossary • Example QAPP • OSWER Directive, OSWER Guidance, Under Secretary of Defense Memo • CD • UFP-QAPP Manual, Workbook, QA/QC Compendium • QAPP Review Checklists • Electronic UFP-QAPP Worksheets • Workshop Materials SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  4. Objective • DESCRIBE how the Uniform Federal Policy (UFP) for Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs) … • Documents the Systematic Planning Process (SPP) • Supports the collection of defensible environmental data • Defines content and Quality Assurance requirements for QAPPs • Provides worksheets for QAPP development • Facilitates QAPP review SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  5. Topics Presented • Topic 1 – • Introduction • Topic 2 – • Systematic Planning Process • Topic 3 – • Quality Assurance Project Plans • Summary SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  6. Show that the UFP QAPP… • Improves data quality • Helps closeout sites faster and cheaper • Uses the team-based concept • Accommodates the graded approach • Assures defensible decisions • Encourages consistency and common understanding • Streamlines QAPP development and approval • Is a better way of doing business SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  7. Historical Overview • Who • Why SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  8. Uniform Federal Policy • Intergovernmental Data Quality Task Force (IDQTF) (2000) • DOD, DOE, EPA • Environmental Quality Systems • ANSI/ASQ E4 (2004) SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  9. Uniform Federal Policies • Components: • Organizational Specification • Quality Systems (UFP-QS 2003) • Quality Management Plan (EPA QA/R-2 2001) • Project Specification • Systematic Planning Process (EPA QA/G-4 2006) • Dynamic work plan (ITRC Triad 2003) • QAPP (UFP-QAPP 2005) SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  10. UFP Documents • UFP-Quality System (UFP-QS) • A high level management document • If adopted by a Federal Agency, a Quality System is Required Look documents based on ANSI/ASQ E-4!! SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  11. UFP Documents • UFP-QAPP • A project level work document • A standardized content and preparation for reporting QAPPs • site specific or generic • EPA issued OSWER Directive 9272.0-17 • 7 Jun 05 • Office of the Under Secretary of Defense Memo of 11 Apr 06 SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  12. New Concepts NOT AGAIN! • Emphasis on sampling design/sample collection • Screening data not just from field • Field data used in decision making • Definitive methods used in conjunction with screening methods • Data validation based on quality objectives not “functional guidelines” • Project quality objectives • Assessments to ensure work is done as planned Many more ….. Stay tuned….. SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  13. Systematic Planning Process (SPP) • Scientific method – logical, objective • Ensures • Management of all aspects of the project • Appropriate amount and type of data for decision • Data collected addresses special physical, environmental and chemical characteristics of the site SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  14. SPP Elements • Team-based approach • Project goal, objectives, questions and issues • Project schedule, resources, milestones and applicable requirements • Data collection and analysis process matched to project objectives • Collection and analysis requirements • Process for generation, evaluation and assessment of collected data SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  15. New EPA 7-Step Data Quality Objective (DQO) Process • State the problem • Identify the goals of the study • Identify information input • Define the boundaries of the study • Develop the analytic approach • Specify performance or acceptance criteria • Develop the plan for obtaining data EPA QA/G-4 February 2006 SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  16. QUIZ! • What is Systematic Planning? SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  17. QUIZ! • What is Systematic Planning? • Group effort to balance cost vs. amount of data needed to make decision • Understand how the data will be used • Ensure you get what you pay for by defining project needs in detail • Knowing what was not delivered and why Better planning may add cost at the beginning of my project SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  18. EPA Triad • Improve decision confidence and decrease time and cost through real time, adaptive project management • Conceptual site model (CSM) emphasis • Key tasks • Problem set-up • Uncertainty identification • e.g., matrix heterogeneity, project goals • Uncertainty management SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  19. Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) • Integrates technical and quality control aspects of a project including … • planning, implementation, assessment, and corrective actions • Documents steps taken to ensure environmental data are … • of the correct type and quality required for a specific decision or use SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  20. QAPP (Continued) • Organized and systematic description of … • quality assurance (QA) • quality control (QC) • application to the collection and use of environmental data SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  21. QAPP Development Process • Assemble project team • Use SPP • Apply UFP-QAPP Manual • Complete appropriate QAPP Worksheets • EPA approval/concurrence with QAPP • Before data collection events begin • Implement QAPP • Assess QAPP implementation • Assess data usability • Review annually and update as needed and keep current SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  22. UFP-QAPP Manual • Consistent implementation of: • ANSI/ASQ E-4, Section 6 • EPA QA/R-5 • EPA QA/G-5 SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  23. UFP-QAPP Documents • PART 1: UFP-QAPP Manual • Provide instructions and guidance on QAPP content and preparation • PART 2A: QAPPWorkbook • Use not mandatory • Facilitate ease of compiling information and review • PART 2B: QA/QC Compendium • Lists required QC activities for the CERCLA process • Minimum set of requirements • Other Programs (e.g. RCRA) can use the Compendium if agreed by all parties SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  24. UFP-QAPP Documents • To download documents: http://www.epagov/fedfac/qualityassurance.htm Compendium Manual Example QAPP SPP QAPP 05/11/06 Workbook

  25. Overview of UFP-QAPP Manual • Applicable to: • Investigation • Remediation activities • Final Clean-up and long term monitoring/stewardship activities • All environmental programs SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  26. QUIZ! • What is a QAPP? SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  27. QUIZ! • What is a QAPP? • A document required in National Contingency Plan (NCP) • A document defining the technical and quality aspects for any environmental data activity • A document that communicates project requirements for implementation SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  28. Types of QAPPs • Generic • One site, multiple activities • Multiple sites, one activity • Umbrella document • Project-specific • Limited time • Limited scope • Single activity Cost effective Adds efficiency SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  29. Graded Approach • Intended use defines: • Degree of documentation • Level of effort • Detail required • UFP-QAPP examples • Text boxes Cost effective SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  30. QAPP Requirements UFP-QAPP – Table 2 SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  31. QAPP Crosswalk UFP-QAPP – Table 3 Required QAPP elements = EPA QA/R-5 SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  32. QAPP Review • Know your role • Internal reviewer • Organization developing QAPP • Before regulatory review • Outcome: Complete and accurate plan • External reviewer • Regulatory agency(s) • Outcome: Approval of plan SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  33. Life Cycle - QAPP • UFP-QAPP document • Environmental Problem • QAPP Development • QAPP Approval • QAPP Implementation • QAPP Archive SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  34. Summary - Introduction • Present basis for UFP-QAPP documents • Present overview of Uniform Federal Policy and supporting guidance for the SPP documentation in QAPP SPP QAPP 05/11/06

  35. Does anyone have a question? Question ! Why does this help? SPP QAPP 05/11/06

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