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ITU-T Study Group 16 Collaboration Overview with ISO/ IEC JTC 1

ITU-T Study Group 16 Collaboration Overview with ISO/ IEC JTC 1. Chairman: Yushi Naito Joint ITU-T | ISO/IEC JTC 1 Leadership meeting 6 November 2011. Study Group 16 Overview. Responsible for Multimedia coding, systems and applications

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ITU-T Study Group 16 Collaboration Overview with ISO/ IEC JTC 1

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  1. ITU-T Study Group 16Collaboration Overviewwith ISO/IEC JTC 1 Chairman: Yushi Naito Joint ITU-T | ISO/IEC JTC 1 Leadership meeting 6 November 2011

  2. Study Group 16 Overview Responsible for Multimedia coding, systems and applications Consists of 3 WPs* (21 Qs) & 2 Qs** reporting directly to the SG plenary (accessibility & coordination) WP1: Network signal processing and voiceband terminals  (4 Qs) WP2: Applications and systems (13Qs)*** WP3: Media coding (4 Qs)**** Q.20 (MM coordination) and Q.26 (Accessibility to Multimedia Systems and Services ) Participants: 200-250 delegates from 24-26 countries Enlarged by the 200~250 JCT-VC (video) participants WP=Working Parties ** Q=Questions *** Q.5 “Telepresence systems” Created July in 2010 **** Q.9 “Embedded VBR coding of speech signals” Deleted in October 2010 2

  3. Key efforts Media Coding: H.262, H.264 (JVT), HEVC (JCT-VC) – joint with MPEG T.80-series,T-800-series(JPEG/JBIG) Architecture and requirements for IPTV: Y.1901 Tag-based ID: F.771(Service descr.), H.621 (Arch.) HN Architecture: H.622 (Generic), H.622.1 (IPTV) Ubiquitous sensor networks: H.744 E-health New opportunities Next generation video coding – within JCT-VC, joint with MPEG Advanced Multimedia System Open connected TV (formerly Advanced IPTV Terminal ) Telepresence System (Q5) 3

  4. Areas for collaboration Development of video & image coding algorithms Q.6/16 with SC 29/WG 11 (MPEG) on video coding SC 29/WG 1 (JPEG) on image coding Development of audio and speech coding algorithms Q.10/16 with SC 29/WG 11 on audio coding Development of multimedia terminals, systems and applications Q.12/16 ~ Advanced Multimedia System Q.13/16 with SC 29/WG 11 ~ Open Connected TV Q.21 and Q.22/16 ~ HN and OID and Tag-based ID with SC 31/WG 6 Q.26/16 ~ Accessibility Q.25/16 ~ Ubiquitous Sensor Networks (USN) / “Internet of Things” Q.27/16 ~ Vehicle Gateway Platform / ITS Q.28/16 ~ e-Health 4

  5. Topics for discussion Collaboration with SC 29/WG 11 on: Next generation video coding standard ~ Joint Collaborative Team on video coding (JCT-VC) Agreed Jan 2010, now in full speed – 1st version 2013 IPTV: Open Connected TV(formerly called, “Advanced IPTV Terminal (AIT)” ~ discussion on specific collaboration between Q.13/16 and SC 29/WG 11: Collaboration modality & call for proposals Networked aspects of identification Object Identifier (OID) resolution in JTC 1/SC 6 Tag-based ID work in SC 31/WG 6 5

  6. Background Slides 6

  7. Video coding Long history in standards development in: ITU-T since mid-1980s (H.261): Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG) = Q6/16 ISO/IEC/JTC1 since early 1990s (MPEG-1): SC29/WG11 MPEG video coding ad hoc group Joint work 1994  1998+: H.262/MPEG-2 Video 2001  2009: JVT: Joint Video Team H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 (MPEG4-AVC ) 2010  … : JCT on video coding Beyond H.264/AVC (new generation of video compression technology with substantially higher compression capability) First outcomes expected 2012 7

  8. Still image coding Long history in standards development since mid-1980s: ITU-T: Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG) = Q6/16 (started in CCITT SG VIII) ISO/IEC/JTC1: SC29/WG1 (started in ISO TC97 SC2 WG8) Joint work 1986: creation of JPEG, Joint (CCITT/ISO) Photographic Expert Group for cont. tone color image coding 1988: creation of JBIG Joint (CCITT/ISO) Bi-level Image Group for b/w image compression and coding Many Common or Twin texts: T.8x & T.8xx series JPEG, JPEG2000, JPEG-XR

  9. Speech and audio coding Long history in standards development: ITU-T since early 1970 (G.711): currently in Q10/16 (mainly), Q9/16, Q8/16 ISO/IEC/JTC1 since mid-1980s (MPEG-1 = ISO/IEC 11172): SC29/WG11 MPEG audio coding ad hoc group Past work ITU-T focus on speech codecs (Narrow band and wideband) for conversational applications ISO/IEC/JTC1: focus on audio codecs (with greater audio bandwidths) for broadcast applications Recent and ongoing work ITU-T: audio bandwidth increase (superwideband, fullband), wider range of audio contents (such as mixed content, music, etc), enhancement of existing ITU-T codecs (more flexibility in bit rate/ audio bandwidths, adaptation to "modern" networks) ISO/IEC JTC1: target lower delay codecs

  10. Advanced Multimedia System Q12/16 is working on Advanced Multimedia System (AMS), a new multimedia system for NGN and other packet-based networks AMS will enable a union of physically separate devices, like a desk phone, mobile phone, or LCD panel on the wall AMS will enable multiple applications to work together to deliver a rich communication experience It is a project from the same multimedia communications experts group that created H.320, H.323, H.324, etc. Work items: system architecture, terminal architecture, network facilities, signaling, etc. 10

  11. Networked aspects of identification (NID) / tag-based ID NID related work since 2006 under Q21/16 and Q22/16 Focused on tag-based ID triggered MM services and applications Good foundation laid: F.771: Service description and requirements for multimedia information access triggered by tag-based identification   H.621: Architecture of a system for multimedia information access triggered by tag-based identification   Ongoing work—two major methods accommodated to achieve maximum harmonization ID schemes ID resolution methods Effective liaison work ITU-T: JCA-NID,SG13 & SG17 ISO/IEC JTC1 JTC 1/SC 6 (OID resolution) & JTC1/SC31/WG6 (RFID) 11

  12. USN Applications & Services Q25/16 is working on ubiquitous sensor network (USN) applications and services Service description and requirements for USN middleware An architectural framework for USN middleware services Functional profiles of USN applications and services A sensor information description language Application interfaces among USN middleware entities An identification scheme for USN elements including sensor nodes Also covering Internet of Things aspects F.744 with framework for USN middleware already approved, other Recommendations expected 2012 12

  13. MSATC* In recognition of strong needs to better support video-centric multimedia services using DPI-based** technologies,Q22/16 started this work in early 2008. DPI is employed to provide awareness of different MM service traffic to enable: Better QoS Management and regulation Accurate billing Labeling and suppression of harmful information(e.g. porn) Services requirements and description work on F.MSATC is ongoing Plans to start of approval process at next SG16 meeting MSATC has potential applications in HN Possible relation with other SGs DPI work in SG13 * MSATC = Multimedia Service Awareness and Traffic Control ** DPI = Deep Packet Inspection

  14. Visual Surveillance (VS) In a broad sense, visual surveillance can be viewed as a specific class of machine-to- machine applications Joint Q21/16 and Q22/16 work since 2008 Telco-oriented visual surveillance is studied Large scale system support Convergence with other MM services e.g. IPTV Completed deliverables Framework for VS services in F.743 Architecture for VS services in H.626 Potential application in home networking

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