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WIC & Community Health Center Integration

This project aims to align WIC, nutrition, and breastfeeding messages among North County Health Services (NCHS) support and pediatric staff to increase knowledge of WIC benefits and improve child retention. Training modules will be developed, and a WIC Coordinator will be hired to streamline WIC services and provide education and benefits to NCHS patients.

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WIC & Community Health Center Integration

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  1. WIC & Community Health Center Integration Mary Sammer MS, RD VP Nutrition Services North County Health Services

  2. Goal 1: Align WIC, Nutrition and Breastfeeding Messages • To increase the knowledge of WIC benefits, services and eligibility requirements among select NCHS support staff • Increase knowledge of infant and child nutrition among select NCHS Pediatric staff. Method: Develop 4 Training Modules 1: All About WIC (Call Center, Pt. Resource Specialists, MA’s, Receptionists, etc.) 2: Basic Nutrition (Pediatric, Women’s Health and Adult MA’s and Health Partners) 3: Infant Nutrition (Pediatric, Women’s MA’s and Health Partners) 4: Child Nutrition (Pediatric, Women’s MA’s and Health Partners) Objective: 100% of MA’s & Health Partners will show improvement in posttest scores for modules 2, 3 & 4

  3. Goal 2: Improve Child Retention To improve the participation of certified infants and children who identify NCHS as their health care provider in the San Marcos (pilot) clinic through Recruitment, Retention and & Re-engagement activities. Methods: • Hire a WIC Coordinator (an existing, highly-skilled WNA) • Train to match appts (Peds EHR and WIC MIS) • Screen matched patients/ppts for WIC status and encounter need • Huddle with HC staff in morning to ID kids • Maintain a detailed spreadsheet of RETENTION ENCOUNTER and RETENTION ACTIVITIES: number of encounters, infant enrollments, GA education, Mailed vouchers, etc.

  4. Sample Encounter Spreadsheet

  5. Goal 2: Objectives • WIC Coordinator will have at least 10 face-to-face encounters per day with WIC ppts (guardian) during Pediatric visits. • WIC participation will increase by 5% above baseline among the infants and children that are also patients of NCHS San Marcos Health Center – the pilot site. • Identify opportunities & provide streamlined WIC services

  6. Streamlined Pediatric Activities • Provide WIC education and issue benefits • Provide retention messages and re-engage back on to WIC • Recruit new ppts, screen for eligibility and start enrollment process/appt • Start NB enrollment using Maternal Infant Assessment from LC in Peds • Utilizing EHR information (Hgb, Ht/Wt) to remove holds, issue benefits • Assist with Therapeutic Formula process • ELIMINATE ANY BARRIERS TO PARTICPATION New Utilize Nutrition Fast Passes and EHR for processing OB pts

  7. Retention Encounters: Jan 2017-Sept 2018

  8. Sample Encounter Spreadsheet with Outcomes

  9. 73% of ALL Encounters = WIC Benefits

  10. 42% of “One-Time/Active in Past Users” Re-engaged RE-ENGAGED

  11. 20% of “Never on WIC” = New Recruits New Recruits

  12. Percent of WIC Infants & Children w/NCHS Provider

  13. Thank you! Any questions?

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