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Partnering for Profit

Partnering for Profit. Immo Hüneke, Technical Architect. Working with hardware and software partners in the professional handheld market for industry and enterprise. Why partner?.

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Partnering for Profit

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  1. Partnering for Profit Immo Hüneke, Technical Architect Working with hardware and software partners in the professional handheld marketfor industry and enterprise

  2. Why partner? • No single organisation has all the market access, customers, skills, knowledge, IPR and resources needed to maximise success • Much that we do is not core business activity • Doug Engelbart distinguishes levels A-C • Strategic IPR is only in level A activities • Much of the rest can be outsourced or shared • Cross-fertilisation of ideas / “Reality Check” • Improved customer value • Richer set of products and services • Higher quality • Market presence: “Together we’re stronger” Partnering for Profit

  3. Input side Output side Types of partnership • Technology components • Hardware • Software • Outsourced skills and services • Research • Industrial design • Software development • “Channel” partners • Systems Integrators • Value Added Resellers • Original Equipment Manufacturers • Marketing and PR • Third-party (“after-market”) • Application and utility software • Upgrades, add-ons, accessories • Maintenance, servicing, repair Partnering for Profit

  4. Selecting strategic partners • Develop a partnering strategy • Based on business goals and requirements • Regularly reviewed and updated • Grasp opportunities as they arise • Use the strategy to guide research, but take advantage of serendipity • Match capabilities offered to the requirements of the strategy using an objective method e.g. score-sheet • Try to forecast costs and ROI for up to five years ahead • Avoid conflicts of interest with own or existing partners’ interests: IPR, revenue streams, clients • Look around for possible alternatives • Pilot each partnership • “Cohabitation” before “marriage”: trade shows can be a useful proving ground • The relationship has to work at the code-face! Partnering for Profit

  5. Maximising value: “ win-win” • Align goals and value systems • Ensure partners are on the same wavelength, yet complementary • Limit number of partners to what you can manage and fully exploit • Build mutual trust • Equitable contractual agreement that encourages openness • Treat partners like customers: make an account manager responsible • Ensure continuity – frequent changes of staff can alienate • Continually sell the benefits of the partnership to your own staff and other partners Partnering for Profit

  6. Maintaining partnerships • Internal • Partnering infrastructure: processes, systems • Partnership/Alliance Management training • Incentives and rewards for successful partnering (“good citizenship”) • External • Pro-active relationship management (PRM ≈ CRM) • Devote adequate resources: jointly plan/review ROI • Briefings and workshops: keep partners involved • Communication: newsletters, extranet, CD-ROMs… • Visibly support each other: PR, trade shows, industry bodies, joint sponsorships… Partnering for Profit

  7. Disengaging appropriately • Recognise the signs • Either party more interested in new relationships than the existing partnership • Either party failing to derive benefit • People not showing up for scheduled meetings • Minimise damage to both sides • Agree the message to be communicated to the market • Ensure that this message appears consistently in both internal and external written material Partnering for Profit

  8. ObjectValue Ltd., 31 Guildford Way, Wallington, Surrey SM6 8NS, United Kingdom www.objectvalue.com Immo Hüneke BSc MBCS CEng, Director ' +44 (0)20 8395 5835; +44 (0)7941 072 238 *immo.huneke@objectvalue.com Software Systems consultancy & development O T E bjec valu Thank You! Questions? Partnering for Profit

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