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The Will of God

The Will of God. Part 1. Authors: Marilyn Johnston & God. www.willofgod.biz. These slides will roll over automatically if you allow them to. In this book God presents a few ideas about: :.  The truth of our existence  God’s hopes and desires for you

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The Will of God

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  1. The Will of God Part 1 Authors: Marilyn Johnston & God www.willofgod.biz These slides will roll over automatically if you allow them to

  2. In this book God presents a few ideas about::  The truth of our existence  God’s hopes and desires for you  What you are evolving towards  How you can help yourself evolve  Seeing yourself and your everyday life through God’s eyes M. Johnston

  3. I Am God Welcome to my world This is a little book of love from me to you

  4. I have written this book to offer you a few simple explanations about: yourever present thoughts and emotions the daily choices you make and the real reason you are offered these options because each choice you make is part of the life lessons you and I agreed upon for your continued evolvement and growth towards truly loving yourself once again By giving you this book I hope to remind you of the commitment you have made to yourself and to me Remember always I Love you

  5. Chapter 1 The Personality The personality is the aspect of self that you come to Earth to work on This is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself and that I can offer you

  6. The personality, through your • ego, will strive for control of • your life and demand • identification through separateness • This is part of the illusion

  7. How can we adjust your Ego’s demands so that you recognise: Your life is my life We are not separate We take this journey together as one

  8. We also want your ego to recognise this Truth: Your spiritual journey may at times seem to be hidden but it is actually the journey that is guiding your physical life

  9. Here is another thought: How would you like to change just a few things within yourself in this lifetime knowing that these small steps will eventually lead to your ultimate……

  10. Chapter 2 Perfection

  11. You are already perfection just as I Am perfection These are a given However, you do not necessarily view yourself and the world in this way do you?

  12. Try to see yourself in your perfection, not as your eyes see you but as I see you With Love This will require much practice

  13. Imagine if you could recognise perfection in every moment not just when you are in the mood Imagine if you could always see that everything I have created around you and within you is perfect – no matter what?

  14. As part of the perfection lesson self judgment will be one of your longest trainings during your Soul’s journey here on Earth If you were able to change any part of yourself which part would you choose?

  15. Would you choose not to make judgments about others and their journey of learning? I hope So!

  16. Chapter 3 • The Web

  17. Your Soul is inter-connected within the Web of the Universe This Web sustains All and stretches to the limits of my creation

  18. All life is part of the Web In a way the Web is your home It is me sustaining you eternally

  19. Your Soul uses the Web to sense another persons feelings, intentions, undisclosed motives

  20. The Web allows no co-incidences, no accidents I keep this Web hidden from your awareness by design It is my plan that you will eventually recognise and feel your place within the Web

  21. Time Chapter 4

  22. Of this you can be sure: Your existence is time without boundaries Your existence is eternal You will always have enough time to complete all your experiences in each life

  23. Your personality is using this time to explore the deeper you Shaping you into someone stronger, more compassionate and loving Don’t you just love that? I do!

  24. If there are changes you would like to make in your life about who you are, then right now is a good time to start There is nothing you and I cannot do together So live in each moment, make each moment count

  25. Favours Chapter 5

  26. What are favours? Much of what you are taught as a child is about favours These are about society’s requirements for the personality to grow and find its place

  27. Here is an example of when you might pick up someone else's favour How many times have you said: “I like ……..” only to be told “But this is far better” and you listened

  28. Every person holds some favours which do not serve their higher good However, even if I was to point these out not everyone will desire to make a change

  29. You have adopted many favours for a variety of different reasons and not all of them have been for the right reason Releasing the undesirable favours that do not work well for you will take much time and effort on your part

  30. The Key Chapter 6

  31. What happens when your personality allows busyness to become its focus? • Then you no longer have time • to really listen • to yourself Then you no longer have time to love deeply enough

  32. You work so hard to sustain yourself and those around you but where have you gone?

  33. You aresubmerged where the real you is lost and can no longer be found

  34. So what if we need our time to talk? Will you schedule that into your busy day? Are you interested in discovering what your Soul desires for your life this time?

  35. With a bit of self exploration together you and I have the opportunity to help you realise all the desires of your Soul in this life

  36. Thank you for the taking the time to view this show If you would like to order this book please visit www.willofgod.biz This is the first of 3 slide shows to present a sample of ideas from the book The Will of God Part 2 covers Chapters 7 – 12 Part 3 covers Chapters 13 – 18 If you would like to view these slide shows email: spiritualathlete@gmail.com Please state whether you wish to receive MS office 97-2003 version or MS Office 2007 version

  37. Photo Credits Title Page: Mombasa Coast Sunset - M Johnston, NZ Opening Page – Beautiful Sunlight – Yury Khristich, Russia Perfection: Title Pg – Baby Giraffe – M Johnston, NZ Pg 1 – Gt. Barrier Island – Christine Lilburn, NZ Pg 2 – Dance Seeds – Zsuzsanna Kilian, Hungary Pg 3 – Bumble Bee – Pekka Palikka, Sweden Pg 4 – Piha Beach, NZ – Belinda McCann, AUS Pg 5 - Beggar, India – Aline Dassel, Netherlands The Web: Title Pg – Fractal – Thomas Boulvin, Belgium Pg 1 – Sky Landscape – Rodolfo Belloli, Italy Pg 2 – Spiders Web – Ilker, Turkey Pg 4 – Spring Blossom – Denis Vall, Croatia Time: Title Pg – Snail – Dalia Drulia, USA Pg 1 – Sky & Sea – Flavio Takemoto, Brazil Pg 2 – Mother & Child – Gabriella Fabbri, Italy Pg 3 – Sundial – Richard Mallinson, UK Favours: Title Pg – Cameroon Village - M Johnston, NZ Pg 2 – Helping Hand – Asif Akbar, India Pg 3 – Misty Morning – Lynn Cummings, USA Pg 4 – Sea Slug – Makio Kusahara, Japan The Key: Title Pg – Blue Door – Willi Heidelbach, Germany Pg 1 – Carefree Drive – Andrew Beierle, USA Pg 2 – Bat In Tree – Jack Horst, Netherlands Pg 3 – Submerged – Belinda McCann, AUS Pg 4 – Man at Sunset – Cheryl Empey, USA Pg 5 – Sunset Jumping – Julia Starr, USA www.willofgod.biz email: spiritualathlete@gmail.com Click to end

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