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Neurodevelopmental Construct Review

Neurodevelopmental Construct Review. PPT-1. Facilitator information. Introduction Logistics. Round Robin. GO PLAY!!. Instructions. Visualize A time when you were told to “Go Play” Jot down thoughts Find a partner Share your thoughts and compare. PPT-4. Understanding the Constructs.

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Neurodevelopmental Construct Review

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Presentation Transcript

  1. NeurodevelopmentalConstruct Review PPT-1

  2. Facilitator information Introduction Logistics

  3. Round Robin

  4. GO PLAY!! Instructions • Visualize • A time when you were told to “Go Play” • Jot down thoughts Find a partner • Share your thoughts and compare PPT-4

  5. Understanding the Constructs Language Spatial Ordering Attention Neuromotor Functions Social Cognition Memory Higher Order Cognition Temporal-Sequential Ordering Advance to AKOM Pyramid

  6. Temporal Sequential Ordering Understanding, retaining and using the order of steps, events or other sequences • Examples: • Following a series of directions to complete a project • Understanding the steps necessary in a math problem • Writing a story with a clear beginning, middle and end Back to PPT-5 (Understanding the Constructs)

  7. Spatial Ordering [Visual Thinking] Interpretation and use of relationships within and between spatial patterns • Examples: • Understanding ideas like fractions without using language • Organizing materials in an effective way • Using art to create a product Back to PPT 5(Understanding the Constructs)

  8. Neuromotor Functions [Controlling Movement] Effectively controlling the muscles of the body, big and small • Examples: • Playing a game like baseball or soccer • Manipulating a paint brush • Using a writing implement successfully Back to PPT 5 (Understanding the Constructs)

  9. Attention Getting and staying focused while listening and watching • Examples: • Tuning out distractions in order to concentrate on assignment • Working efficiently to meet a deadline • Monitoring your own work pace Back to PPT 5 (Understanding the Constructs)

  10. Social Cognition [Making and Keeping Friends] Thinking that facilitates the making and keeping of friends • Examples: • Choosing the best topic of conversation depending on group make-up • Using appropriate humor • Resolving conflicts successfully Back to PPT-5 (Understanding the Constructs)

  11. Memory Holding onto to new thoughts and connecting them to past thoughts through storage and recall • Examples: • Retaining the beginning of a story while reading the end • Incorporating new information to what is already known • Recalling information for a test Back to PPT-5 (Understanding the Constructs)

  12. Higher Order Cognition Inter-related processes that accomplish complex thinking & address sophisticated mental challenges • Examples: • Understanding a graphic that illustrates a science concept • Coming up with good and bad examples of a concept • Creating a solution to an environmental problem Back to PPT-5 (Understanding the Constructs)

  13. Language Communicating and understanding ideas and thoughts • Examples: • Determining meaning of a word from its context • Using rich vocabulary to describe a concept • Giving an oral report Back to PPT-5 (Understanding the Constructs)

  14. AKOM Pyramid

  15. Look Sharp:Activities that require Temporal Sequential Ordering • Remembering days of the week • Order of operations • Long division • Punctuality • Time management • Spelling

  16. Helping Out:Accommodations for Attention Weaknesses • Daily planner • Fidget • Alarm clock • Check lists • Highlighters • Minute timers

  17. What Do You Want to Do?:Careers that involve Spatial Ordering • Interior Designer • Surgeon • Engineer • Graphic artist • Carpenter • Landscaper

  18. Moving, Moving, Moving:Things that require muscle control • Drawing a straight line • Playing basketball • Signing your name • Balancing on one foot • Filling out an application • Decorating a cake

  19. Play Time:Games that require Higher Order Cognition • Chess • Pictionary • Scrabble • Battleship • Bridge • Mancala

  20. Thanks for the Memories:Metaphors for long-term memory • Hard drive • Library • Filing cabinet • Encyclopedia • Scrapbook • Attic

  21. Coming In, Going Out:Types of Language Activities • Watching a play • Listening to the news • Reading a book • Writing a thank-you card • Telling a story • Asking a question

  22. Down Time:Affinities • Reading • Gardening • Sports • Computer games • Animals • Musical instrument


  24. BONUS ROUND 1“Helping Out” Accommodations for Attention Weakness

  25. BONUS ROUND 2“What NOT to do!” Indications of weak Social Cognition

  26. BONUS ROUND 3“No Term Papers Allowed” Ways to work around Neurodevelopmental Weaknesses

  27. Now that you’re warmed up…

  28. Connect the Dots Neurodevelopmental Demands

  29. Strategy PPT-29

  30. That… was this:

  31. Questions? Insert contact information here

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