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Chapter 10 - 12 UNLOCKING the full meaning of texts.

Chapter 10 - 12 UNLOCKING the full meaning of texts. " ...the student who does not read words correctly has little advantage over the student who cannot read them correctly.". pg. 266 paraphrasing Mark Twain, . I am a reading teacher. I am a content area teacher. .

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Chapter 10 - 12 UNLOCKING the full meaning of texts.

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  1. Chapter 10 - 12 UNLOCKING the full meaning of texts. " ...the student who does not read words correctly has little advantage over the student who cannot read them correctly." pg. 266 paraphrasing Mark Twain,

  2. I am a reading teacher. I am a content area teacher. What general techniques will help my students? THE BASICS: ·Decoding -deciphering text to identify the SPOKEN word it represents ex. LMS word - archbishop ·Fluency- yes it's the rate but especially the skill to group words together to reflect MEANING & TONE ex. Re-read a sentence with voice

  3. Decode this word ghoti Phonics rules may not apply!

  4. What general techniques will help my students? THE BASICS CONT.: ·Vocabulary - word base (pg. 271), " research suggests a 10,000 word gap exists between students of privilege and students from less advantaged backgrounds by 10th grade." ·Comprehension - students need decoding, fluency , & vocabulary to distinguish between important & trivial details.

  5. Reading = Investment How do I get "The biggest bang for my buck?" Transaction cost (hurdle rate) must cost me as little as possible when my currency is time and student attention. time & student attention =

  6. Where do I start? drop everything and read With DEAR? SSR? SURF? DIRT? silent sustained reading silent uninterrupted reading for fun direct instructional reading time

  7. Whatever you call it, how do we ensure there is accountability? What techniques can we emphasize for fluent(non-robotic) reading? How can I make certain my instruction becomes highly leveraged?

  8. AFL ACCOUNTABILITY Accountability: focus their reading with a question they respond to at the end of reading. (Nothing general that anyone could answer). Back to AFL

  9. AFL FLUENCY Fluency: re-read parts of troubling sentences, model expression, shorten the reading duration, & use drama (for voice & inflection) Clip #23 & 24 Back to AFL

  10. AFL: LEVERAGE Random readers: students stay on track Durations: unpredictable ; struggling readers don't get the same quantity to read Bridging: short teacher read alouds, placeholders for discourse Oral Cloze: Let student end the sentence you begin about the reading (good as recap or summary) Placeholder: hold your place & track me Back to AFL

  11. Control the Game CLIP # 22

  12. Comprehension Made Easy (Accessible) Decoding- student comprehension builds with cohesive understanding rather than echo-correction (spelling rules, punch the error, mark the spot) Fluency- read aloud, read with expression, students read with expression, check punctuation, re-read Vocabulary - teach the words and use them, do not substitute for simpler words or synonyms-- the specific words used create meaning in texts.

  13. With those around you discuss how you check for COMPREHENSION: Before? During? After?

  14. Before During After

  15. Things to check for COMPREHENSION Do a B - D - A (before - during -after) ---B--- ·Colloquial expressions or syntax ·Level your Bloom's Taxonomy questions between the low & high order questions ·Perhaps provide students with a "Big Picture" (read aloud, exemplars, animoto, Prezi, youtube....) ·Do a pre-reading summary ·Front load words or concepts ·Front load a question students will find the answer to in the passage ---D--- ·Take frequent breaks to recognize the gaps in understandings (and Q & A) ---A--- ·Summarize the text to reinforce testable ideas ·Reinforce text to text connections or text to world (text to self is of lower comprehension value)

  16. Teacher Strategies for Reading Noticing - without a focal point students notice immaterial material Picturing - read a section & create an image (not so different from the 4 Fold Vocabulary or Inspiration concept maps) Predicting - anchor your question to a specific focus Figure Out & Infer - unpack a key phrase, define a word, underline a piece of evidence Wonder - Teaches models "musing" or "metacognition" aloud Connecting - again ; to what?

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