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The TimeBank Model

The ABCs of Measuring Program Impact: A Case Study of TimeBank Outcome Research June 30, 2010 Mashi Blech, Director VNSNY Community Connections TimeBank Alexis Stern, Research Analyst Center for Home Care Policy & Research, VNSNY. The TimeBank Model.

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The TimeBank Model

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  1. The ABCs of Measuring Program Impact: A Case Study of TimeBank Outcome ResearchJune 30, 2010Mashi Blech, DirectorVNSNY Community Connections TimeBankAlexis Stern, Research AnalystCenter for Home Care Policy & Research, VNSNY

  2. The TimeBank Model • Alternative community currency based on the hour (pay it forward model) • 1 hour of service = 1 earned TimeBank credit • International model with 300+ banks in 23+ countries (grass roots to nationwide) • Over 1,000,000 hours exchanged each year

  3. Core Values of TimeBanking Assets: Everyone has something of value to contribute Redefine Work: Preserving community is real work Reciprocity: Acknowledge and honor providers and receivers Social Capital: Social networks require ongoing investment

  4. Goals of TimeBanking Mobilize available time and talent Match unmet needs with untapped resources Improve quality of life Strengthen communities Aging in place strategy

  5. Why Conduct Program Research? Sometimes data speaks louder than words Can we do better? Can we do more? Engaging the stakeholders

  6. Key Research Decisions For whom? About what? From whom?

  7. Methodology What is your minimum “burden of proof”? Blinded, randomized studies Control groups Sample size and response rate Retrospective and prospective studies Process measures and outcome measures Collecting quantitative and qualitative data Data collection methods Focus Groups Case Studies Surveys

  8. Survey Tool Use validated tools whenever possible Prioritize to keep it manageable Closed and open ended questions Don’t lose track of target audience and goals of research

  9. Use of Research Partners Pros and cons Potential partners Financial considerations

  10. Assessing Your Resources Time frame Availability of research personnel Development of strategy/tools Data collection: interviewers, focus group leaders etc. Training/oversight of those collecting data Data entry Data analysis Software/Hardware Incentives

  11. The 2009 VNSNY Community Connections TimeBank Survey One year project funded by the Fan Fox & Leslie R. Samuels Foundation Telephone survey of 61 active TimeBank members aged 60 and older Two interviewers (one Spanish-speaking) Survey tool combined questions from a tested tool and our own additions

  12. The 2009 VNSNY Community Connections TimeBank Survey Tool

  13. The 2009 VNSNY Community Connections TimeBank Survey Tool

  14. Results of the 2009 VNSNY Community Connections TimeBank Survey High response rate Outcomes exceeded expectations for every measure Extremely valuable outcome results Powerful responses to open ended questions

  15. Data Highlights All members surveyed said that they benefit from being a Time Bank member 69% said that they benefitted a great deal Non-English speakers and those with lowest income reported the greatest benefit Members are engaged 96% said that they provide services 67% said that they receive services

  16. Data Highlights (cont’d)

  17. Data Highlights (cont’d)

  18. Data Highlights (cont’d)

  19. Data Highlights (cont’d)

  20. Data Highlights (cont’d) Confirmation that members underreport exchanges and hours. Of the 51 respondents who said that, outside of meetings, they talk to, meet with, or exchange services with friends they made through the TimeBank: Only 10% said they always report the exchange 35% said they sometimes report the exchange 55% said they never report the exchange

  21. Qualitative Data Highlights “Now I don’t feel like an old woman without a future.” “If it wasn’t for my friends from the TimeBank who encouraged me to continue on, I would have died of pain and loneliness.” “The TimeBank has given me new energy to go forward every day.” “The TimeBank, for me, has been the best thing that can happen to someone to feel human.”

  22. Dissemination of Results Executive Summary Internal – newsletters; presentations to senior management and at key department meetings; share results with participants and volunteer group as a whole External- potential funders and volunteers; publishing options include industry journals, research publications, books, press releases; conferences

  23. Lessons Learned The investment and risk paid off Interviewer skills are key Addition of Spanish language survey tool was well worth the effort Getting internal and external buy-in was critical to our success Figuring out what’s important to measure is challenging Deciding on how to slice the data is not always obvious

  24. So What’s Next? Ongoing measurement including collection of baseline data? Periodic surveys? Specific issues(e.g., underreporting)

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