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Bar Coding in the Office of Financial Assistance

Bar Coding in the Office of Financial Assistance . Stephen Magliocco Coordinator of E.M. Systems and Training Susan Morgan System Coordinator for Admission and Financial Assistance Villanova University. What is Bar Code?.

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Bar Coding in the Office of Financial Assistance

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  1. Bar Coding in the Office of Financial Assistance Stephen Magliocco Coordinator of E.M. Systems and Training Susan Morgan System Coordinator for Admission and Financial Assistance Villanova University

  2. What is Bar Code? • A barcode is a machine-readable representation of information in a visual format. • First commercial appearance on a package of Wrigley's gum sold in Marsh's Supermarket in Troy, Ohio in June 1974.

  3. Bar Coding at Villanova • We barcode the following: • Freshman Aid Applications • Including bar-coded labels for students to place on all financial aid supporting documentation (Tax returns, W-2’s, etc.) • Returning Undergraduate Aid Applications • Freshman Award Letters • Including the reply page for what aid the student chooses to accept.

  4. Run Banner Letter Generation • GUAMAIL or GLBDATA • When a student has been awarded, a financial aid counselor puts a letter as needed in RUAMAIL. Our award letter for new students is FA_AWARD_NSWD02. • GLBLSEL • GLRLETR • Parameter 2 – Word Processor Extract Option – choose 1 for Word. • Retrieve file from UNIX account- glrletr with sequence #.doc

  5. Install Barcode Font • Install barcode font in C:\WINDOWS\Fonts.

  6. Bar Coding with Microsoft Office • To bar code a merge field in Microsoft Word, place the start/stop character, an exclamation (!) or asterisk (*), directly in front of and after the field brackets to format the data for the font.

  7. Bar Coding with Microsoft Office • Highlight the merge field that you want you to barcode and choose your bar coding font from the options.

  8. Barcoding with Microsoft Office • This will change your merge field to the barcode you chose.

  9. Barcoding with Microsoft Office • Complete your merge.

  10. Bar Coding with Microsoft Access • In a Microsoft Access Report, the barcode is created by placing =(“!"& [TableName.FieldName]& “!") in the Control Source Field of a text object.

  11. How does Banner Read the Record? • The scanner converts the code into text and places said text wherever the cursor lies • See Demo

  12. Staffing • We have two full-time staff members who enter all aid applications and supporting documentation into Banner. • Over 9,000 applications were processed for potential Freshman, Transfer and Returning Undergraduate students this year.

  13. Which Barcode Should I Choose? • Code 39 is a barcode symbology that can encode uppercase letters (A through Z), digits (0 through 9) and some special characters like the $ sign. - Info www.barcodeisland.com/code39.phtml- Download www.idautomation.com/ • If it is necessary to encode several extended characters consider using Code 128.

  14. Barcode Scanner • We currently use Intermec’s ScanPlus 1800 purchased through Promark Data Capture Solutions. • Scanner - $199/pc. • Including set-up software, keyboard wedge, and documentation • Hands-free Stand - $69/pc.

  15. Benefits • Speed • A bar code scanner typically can record data five to seven time as fast as a skilled typist. • Accuracy • Keyboard data entry creates an average one error in 300 keystrokes, Bar code data entry has an error rate of about 1 in 3 million. • Cost Effectiveness • Reduced Labor Costs

  16. Demo

  17. Questions?

  18. Contact Information Chris Parke – Promark Data Capture Solutions215-886-4432 Susan Morgan – susan.morgan@villanova.edu Stephen Magliocco – stephen.magliocco@villanova.edu

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