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Remaining person centred

Remaining person centred . Moyra Riseborough Care and Repair Scotland Conference May 2013 . Or - being human what you do best. What I am going to talk about. Personalisation – the policy and social background Two research projects I have been working on The key learning points from each

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Remaining person centred

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  1. Remaining person centred Moyra Riseborough Care and Repair Scotland Conference May 2013

  2. Or - being human what you do best

  3. What I am going to talk about • Personalisation – the policy and social background • Two research projects I have been working on • The key learning points from each • A fun quiz for you • Word of a draft SROI and other tools – to determine the difference your work makes to someone’s health and well being • Leaving behind – a quiz for your organisations to tackle later to test how person centred your processes and practices are

  4. Things you probably know • “Personalisation” part of big movement • Policy side • Government policy UK wide since early 2000s “Putting People First” – Key English policy document • In Scotland – the recent Social Care (Self Directed Support) Act has provisions that go further than anywhere else in the UK • But the personalisation movement has older origins - partly response to demands made by disabled groups and people with mental health problems • Choice, dignity, self-determination are the keys • Been slower to spread to older groups in the population

  5. Personalisation - money + philosophy • Partly about bringing different money together such as IB’s and Direct Payments • Four different methods to using public (welfare/social) monies enshrined in the Scottish approach • But – have to remember that the vast majority of people don’t get any funds from the public purse – they are already self funders • So its vital to think about the things that people can pay for but need trustworthy sources to purchase from • And the philosophy – relationships • Changing controls - Putting the customer in the driving seat

  6. The research projects • Two year programme commissioned by Orbit Charitable Trust from RRCA 2010 - 12: Housing and Care for the Most Vulnerable Older People. What Can Social Housing Providers and Older People’s Organisations do Together? • And • Outputs from research commissioned by London Rebuilding Society from NEF and RRCA to evaluate their unique Home Improvement Scheme and develop a set of SROI measures with a toolkit other organisations can use (2012- 13)

  7. The Orbit work first • Two phases • Phase 1 identified key themes that older people, social housing landlords and older people’s organisations thought were most important re housing, support and care • Based on three big conversations with people from the three groups in York, London and Birmingham. Also dedicated web site and twitter campaign • Expert panel examined all the views. Orbit Charitable Trust decided for Phase 2 they wanted the research team to run demonstration projects to develop and apply a set of core person centred principles and practices suitable for: • Housing associations (with residential care, extra care and other kinds of housing) • Older people’s organisations e.g. Age Uk’s and local Age Scotland’s The organisations worked with as demonstrators were Age UK Newcastle and Accord Housing Group with Age UK Walsall • VERY FORTUNATE to have Dimensions UK Limited - an award winning person centred organisation as a knowledge transfer partner

  8. We worked with older people, staff and volunteers over 8 months • Dimensions shared their learning with us • We (the researchers) adapted it and devised new ways of working • The two organisations helped us to test these ways of working and amend them • We also worked out the ideal customer journey – what it should be like and worked out how to get there – this helped both organisations focus on what worked best • We tried out learning techniques adapted from Dimensions – these are experiential and democratic ways of working – side by side working • Involved volunteers and paid staff in accessible technology (phones and laptops) so that the customer could ‘see’ and understand and have control over the information and advice process • We worked out how to give customers a record of the enquiry at the time not later – so all are clear on what was said, by whom and who is doing what

  9. Kim and Harry: Accord

  10. Researchers and demonstration projects • Adapted person centred planning/working techniques and tested them • Used experiential learning to encourage staff and volunteers to be person rather than task centred • To concentrate staff/volunteers on doing with not for • To present themselves – using personal profile methods • To think about what people can do not what they can’t • Encourage people to take responsibility – instead of experts taking control – even when people don’t want to! • Encourage people to find out – learn rather than take short cuts • Had honest discussions – what to do if someone doesn’t want to wash/dress/ take their medication? Or wants the support worker to do something for them because its easier? • We checked and rechecked with staff and volunteers to see what worked

  11. The Age UK Newcastle Customer Support team!

  12. I started working for Age UK Newcastle in January 2009 as a volunteer in reception and administration.  In May 2009 I was offered the position as a permanent member of staff, which I was more than happy to accept.  I worked in this role for two and a half years, then took up my new role as customer services advisor.   • My work now involves being first point of contact to customers over the telephone and face to face contact, giving advice on benefits, housing, community care, consumer and legal. • I feel that I am a very patient person who works well under pressure and if I can help one person in a day, then this gives me great job satisfaction. • Outside of work, I like to spend as much time as possible with my children and grand-children.  I also like to go swimming when I have the time, I like going to concerts and shows, shopping and going to the sales. Personal profile -example Carol Douglas Customer Services Advisor

  13. Age UK Newcastle Customer Services Team • Gateway to all of Age UK Newcastle’s services and those of our partners and other organisations. • Information and advice on a wide range of subjects including finance, care, housing, legal issues, health, etc. • Hairdressing at Home, Will Advice Service • Pension Service surgery and Legal surgery • Benefit checks and welfare rights advice • In-depth casework and advocacy • Holistic, independent and impartial

  14. Quotes • I think the personal profile is a great idea – we are going to adapt it to use in Accord residential care and extra care • It certainly made me think about empowerment and not trying to do everything for the customer • Even if it takes longer its better not to do everything for somebody • The ‘important to and important for’ exercise got me going

  15. Outputs • Short report on how we did the research • Resources for doing person centred working based on demonstration projects & Dimensions actual experience including tools: • “important to/for” • circles of support • Personal profiles • Principles • Side by side and democratic working • Scripts and prompts • Challenging practice • Practice papers and checklists

  16. The London Rebuilding Society Home Improvement Fund • Unique financial product • Integrated with property and support services • Tailored to household circumstances • Leverages grants and other finance

  17. The product • Finance for home improvements • Survey driven retrofit and improvements • Independent project management • All payments made upfront from fund • Equitable mortgage – share in property value • Redeemed on disposal

  18. Delivering the works • Local delivery partners (e.g. Home Improvement Agencies) • Comprehensive property survey • Professional Property Services • Independent Project Management • Delivered by certified contractors

  19. Social impact • Quantified and captured • Improved health and wellbeing • Independent living • Saves public money – hospitalisation, hospital discharge, care, social services etc. • Reduced carbon emissions • More sustainable communities

  20. Impact map for LRS Home Improvement Scheme Stakeholders Outputs Outcomes Improved Wellbeing (autonomy, independence, sense of community) Individual homeowners Reduced Energy usage Improved physical and mental health Improved financial situation Family/friends Housing to Fit for Living Standard Reduced anxiety Increase in resources e.g.: time Environment Reduced emissions Neighbours, community Removal of Category 1 Hazards Improved local environment Local Authority Discharge of duty to remove Category 1 hazards Health agencies Savings to public finances nef and RRCA

  21. Impact map for homeowners Activities Short term Outcomes Long term Outcomes Improved living conditions/comfort Improved physical health & well being Energy Efficiency Improvements Improved debt situation Improved Mental Health& well being Feel safer and more confident in home Home Improvement Works Increased autonomy & independence Support for individual alongside works e.g. signposting to services, advice, reduced hoarding Able to manage & do more things in home LRS refers to other organisations as appropriate Proud of home Reduced social isolation Financial empowerment OT advices on adaptions (dfg) Improved financial situation Better money management skills DABD for financial advice nef and RRCA

  22. Devising outcome indicators – the thinking behind them nef and RRCA

  23. Summing up • Person centredness takes conscious action, change in practice and processes – it isn’t just common sense • Small changes bring big rewards • Isn’t always what customers want – challenges the paternalism that some like • But long term benefits for more people have to be a good thing • The work done by LRS and the work between NEF and ourselves to develop indicators to capture health and well being after repairs, heating and other interventions finally provides measurable evidence on the benefits that home improvements work deliver – but still early days e.g. in terms of getting everyone to adopt the same standards • The work will be published soon by LRS • Outputs from Orbit Charitable Trust are available now • All are steps in the right direction and definitely reasons to be cheerful

  24. Organisational test – for later • How person centred is your organisation? Are you working well with customers and volunteers? • Do you ask their views on how best to greet customers? • On the best way to record information about customers from a customer point of view first? • Do customers evaluate customer service or reception staff? • Do they advise you on how best to evaluate? • Do customers mystery shop? • Have you ever been shadowed by a customer? • Have you ever been mentored by a customer? • What do you do to make sure customers have control? • (Answer yes to all 8 and you are doing very well – less than 6 yeses – your organisation needs to do some work – less than 4 your organisation needs to start some work to change things NOW)

  25. And finally • The research for Orbit Charitable Trust was carried out by Adrian Jones, Steve Ongeri and me, Moyra Riseborough • The research for LRS was carried out by Pat Conaty and Helen Kersley at the New Economics Foundation and my colleague Marion Mitchinson and I. • Contact me at Riseborough Research and Consultancy Associates ww.rrca.co.uk 07710505740 or 01661831229 • To see more about the research for Orbit Charitable Trust please visit their site – www.orbit-research.org.uk • To see more about the LRS research please visit their site – www.londonrebuilding.com

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