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Salad cream separates out into two layers

Salad cream separates out into two layers. Salad cream is an emultion so it doesn´t separate out into two layers. False. The right answer is…. A foam is a mixture of a liquid spread through a gas or a solid or a gas. A foam is a mixture of a gas spread through a liquid or a solid.

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Salad cream separates out into two layers

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  1. Salad cream separates out into two layers Salad creamisanemultion so itdoesn´tseparateoutintotwolayers. False. The right answer is…..

  2. A foam is a mixture of a liquid spread through a gas or a solid or a gas A foamis a mixture of a gas spread through a liquidor a solid False. The right answer is…..

  3. Many food additives A-numbers are emulsifying agents Manyfoodadditives E-numbers are emulsifyingagents False. The right answer is…..

  4. Lithium gets its name from the Latin word for glass LithiumgetsitsnamefromtheGreekwordforstone False. The right answer is…..

  5. Oil mixes with water Oilfloatson top of waterbecausethey are immiscible. False. The right answer is…..

  6. Sodium gets its name from Greek Lithium gets its name from Greek False. The right answer is…..

  7. Sodium batteries are powerful and lightweight Lithiumbatteries are powerful and lightweight False. The right answer is…..

  8. Thetwomostimportantsodiumcompounds are sodium carbonate and sodiumnitrate Thetwomostimportantsodiumcompounds are sodiumchloride and sodiumhydroxide False. The right answer is…..

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