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Cumbria Quality of Life Survey 2006 Eden District Report

Cumbria Quality of Life Survey 2006 Eden District Report. Part 1: Key findings. Key findings (1) – quality of life.

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Cumbria Quality of Life Survey 2006 Eden District Report

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  1. Cumbria Quality of Life Survey 2006Eden District Report

  2. Part 1: Key findings

  3. Key findings (1) – quality of life • The Quality of Life Survey findings point to a number of important differences between liveability and satisfaction in Eden and in Cumbria as a whole. Key factors underlying these differences are likely to be related to the fact that the Eden district is relatively less economically deprived than some other parts of the County, particularly urban areas. • Levels of satisfaction with the local area are high in Eden, as they are in Cumbria overall, with 93% of residents satisfied. Eden residents are less likely than those Cumbria-wide to say that their local area has got worse in recent years. • Eden residents score more highly on many health indicators - happiness, state of health and smoking – than do residents throughout the County.

  4. Key findings (2) – crime and safety • Residents perceive Eden as a relatively safe place to live and fear of crime is lower in Eden than in Cumbria overall. 16% of Eden residents say they feel unsafe outside after dark, which compares with around three in ten people nationally (British Crime Survey 2005/6). • Anti-social behaviour (ASB) is a key concern for Eden residents, as it is for Cumbria residents generally – and three in five Eden residents do not feel well informed about what is being done to combat it.

  5. Key findings (3) - participation • An even stronger sense of community cohesion is evident in Eden than in Cumbria generally – three quarters of residents say they trust most people locally and feel they belong to their community, compared with two thirds in Cumbria overall. Half of residents believe people in their neighbourhood are able to influence local decision-making by working together, and a quarter believe they personally can influence it. • Many Eden residents are keen to have more of a say in Council decisions, with two in five giving this view, compared to around one in five residents nationally (source: Ipsos MORI research for the DCLG). It should be noted, however, that previous Ipsos MORI research has shown residents tend to ‘overclaim’ in terms of their actual willingness to get involved. • Levels of volunteering in Eden are in line with Cumbria overall in being above the national average, with a third saying they have volunteered in the last twelve months, compared to national survey data showing around a quarter of people volunteering nationally (Ipsos MORI Social Issues Omnibus, 2006).

  6. Key findings (4) - liveability • In terms of what makes an area a good place to live, access to nature is seen as more important in Eden than in Cumbria overall, while clean streets are seen as less important. These differences are likely to reflect the rural nature of the district compared with some districts elsewhere in the County. • Liveabilityissues such as clean streets are however still an important driver of Eden residents’ satisfaction with the local area – as they are for Cumbria residents overall. Dog fouling, litter and roads and pavements being in poor condition are particular concerns for Eden residents – the Council being seen to address these concerns would be likely to aid in driving up satisfaction with Eden as a place to live.

  7. Key findings (5) – service delivery • Eden residents’ top priorities for service delivery are affordable decent housing, activities for teenagers and public transport. • While housing, public transport and wage levels and the cost of living are cited by a higher proportion of Eden residents as in need of improvement than by residents in Cumbria overall, other issues – road and pavement repairs, clean streets, and traffic congestion - are by contrast seen as less in need of improvement. • Broadly speaking, Eden residents who use local services and facilities think service delivery in the local area is good. User satisfaction with a number of local services and facilities – libraries, GPs, the amount and quality of parks and green spaces, local train services and public toilets - is higher in Eden than it is in Cumbria overall. • While users of local services in Eden are more satisfied with many local services than are users in Cumbria generally, satisfaction with bus services and leisure facilities for young people is lower in Eden than in Cumbria overall.

  8. Interpretation of the data • A sample, not the entire population of Eden, has returned a survey questionnaire. All results are therefore subject to sampling tolerances, and not all differences between percentages are statistically significant. As a guide, when comparing Cumbria against the districts there needs to be a difference of 6 percentage points for that difference to be statistically significant. • Data have been weighted to the known demographic profile of the area from the 2001 Census and to account for relative differences in the population size of districts. • Where percentages do not sum to 100, this may be due to computer rounding, the exclusion of ‘don’t know’ categories, or it being possible to give multiple answers to that question. • In this headline report, reference is made to ‘net’ figures. This represents the balance of opinion on attitudinal questions, and provides a useful means of comparing the results for number variables. For example, if 40% of residents are satisfied and 25% dissatisfied, the ‘net satisfaction’ figure is +15 points. • Caution should be taken when making comparisons with national data such as the British Crime Survey due to the different methodologies used.

  9. Part 2: Liveability in Eden

  10. Quality of life (1) Q Thinking generally, which of the things below would you say are most important in making somewhere a good place to live? % Top ten mentions Eden Cumbria The level of crime Health services Affordable decent housing Education provision Access to nature Job prospects Wage levels/cost of living Clean streets Public transport Shopping facilities Base: 2,133 Cumbria residents; 389 Eden residents

  11. Quality of life (2) Eden Q Thinking generally, which of the things below would you say are most important in making somewhere a good place to live? Cumbria 2003/04 Cumbria BVPI The level of crime Health services Affordable decent housing Education provision Access to nature Job prospects Wage levels/cost of living Clean streets Public transport Shopping facilities Base: 2,133 Cumbria residents; 389 Eden residents; 1,137 BVPI 2003/04 residents

  12. Improvements to local area Eden Q And thinking about this local area, which of the things below, if any, do you think most need improving? Cumbria 2003/04 Cumbria BVPI % Top ten mentions Affordable decent housing Activities for teenagers Public transport Wage levels/cost of living Job prospects Road/pavement repairs Health services Clean streets Facilities for young children Level of traffic congestion Base: 2,133 Cumbria residents; 389 Eden residents; 1,137 BVPI 2003/04 residents

  13. Importance vs. need for improvement % Most important The level of crime Health services Affordable decent housing Education provision Access to nature Job prospects Wage levels and local cost of living Shopping facilities Public transport Clean streets Level of traffic congestion Level of pollution Parks and open spaces Activities for teenagers Facilities for young children Community activities Cultural facilities Road and pavement repairs Sports and leisure facilities Race relations % Most need improving Base: 389 Eden residents

  14. Satisfaction with local area Q Overall how satisfied are you with your local area as a place to live? Not stated Very satisfied Not at all satisfied Not very satisfied Fairly satisfied Base: 2,133 Cumbria residents; 389 Eden residents

  15. Satisfaction with Cumbria and districts Q Overall how satisfied are you with your local area as a place to live? ±% Net satisfaction Eden Cumbria Allerdale Barrow Carlisle Copeland South Lakeland Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 389 Eden; 373 Allerdale; 314 Barrow; 362 Carlisle; 325 Copeland; 370 South Lakeland residents

  16. Changes in local area Q On the whole, do you think over the last 3 years your local area has got better, got worse or stayed the same? % Better % Same % Worse Eden Cumbria Allerdale Barrow Carlisle Copeland South Lakeland Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 389 Eden; 373 Allerdale; 314 Barrow; 362 Carlisle; 325 Copeland; 370 South Lakeland residents

  17. Comments about local area Q Why do you say the local area has got worse? Most frequent responses: Environment (13%) Transport (8%) Crime and safety (6%) Further responses: Housing and business development (6%) Children/young people (3%) Local amenities and facilities (3%) Community (1%) Other negative comments (3%) Q Why do you say the local area has got better? Most frequent responses: Community (7%) Local amenities and facilities (3%) Environment (1%) Further responses: Crime and safety (1%) Housing and business development (1%) Other positive comments (4%) Base: 389 Eden residents

  18. Influence over decision-making (1) Q To what extent do you agree with the following statements?‘I can influence decisions that affect my local area’ Not stated Strongly agree Strongly disagree Agree Disagree Neither/nor Base: 389 Eden residents

  19. Influence over decision-making (2) Q To what extent do you agree with the following statement?‘I can influence decisions that affect my local area’ % Agree % Disagree Eden Cumbria Allerdale Barrow Carlisle Copeland South Lakeland Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 389 Eden; 373 Allerdale; 314 Barrow; 362 Carlisle; 325 Copeland; 370 South Lakeland residents

  20. Interest in the Council and decision making Q Which of these statements below comes closest to your own attitudes towards your district and county council? Eden Cumbria I’m not interested in what the council does, or whether they do their job I’m not interested in what the council does as long as they do their job I like to know what the council is doing, but I'm happy to let them get on with their job I would like to have more of a say in what the council does I already work for, or am involved with, the council Don’t know/not stated Base: 2,133 Cumbria residents; 389 Eden residents

  21. Involvement with Council Q Which of these statements below comes closest to your own attitudes towards your district and county council? All those agreeing with: ‘I would like to have more of a say in what the council does, and the services it provides’ Gender Male Female Age 16-34 35-54 55+ Working status Working Not working Base: 389 Eden residents

  22. Involvement with Council Q Which of these statements below comes closest to your own attitudes towards your district and county council? All those agreeing with: ‘I would like to have more of a say in what the council does, and the services it provides’ Eden Cumbria Allerdale Barrow Carlisle Copeland South Lakeland Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 389 Eden; 373 Allerdale; 314 Barrow; 362 Carlisle; 325 Copeland; 370 South Lakeland residents

  23. Part 3: Community and Safety

  24. Attitudes to neighbourhood Q To what extent do you agree with the following statements? % Disagree % Agree By working together people in my neighbourhood can influence decisions that affect their neighbourhood Eden Cumbria In my local area people from different backgrounds get on well together (e.g. race, disability, social group) Eden Cumbria Eden I trust many or most of the people locally Cumbria Eden I feel I belong to my local area Cumbria Base: 2,133 Cumbria residents; 389 Eden residents

  25. Time spent on voluntary work Q If you have volunteered during the last year, roughly how many total hours have you volunteered, on average, per week? Less than 2 hours 2-5 hours 6-9 hours 10-13 hours 14 hours plus Base: All those who say they have volunteered in the last year (162)

  26. Fear of crime Q How worried are you about being a victim of any type of crime in your local area? % Worried % Not worried Eden Cumbria Allerdale Barrow Carlisle Copeland South Lakeland Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 389 Eden; 373 Allerdale; 314 Barrow; 362 Carlisle; 325 Copeland; 370 South Lakeland residents

  27. Having been a victim of crime Q Have you been a victim of any type of crime in the past 12 months? % ‘Yes’ Eden Cumbria Allerdale Barrow Carlisle Copeland South Lakeland Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 389 Eden; 373 Allerdale; 314 Barrow; 362 Carlisle; 325 Copeland; 370 South Lakeland residents

  28. Perceptions of safety in local area (1) Q How safe or unsafe do you feel in your local area, i.e. the area within 15-20 minutes of your home? Cumbria% ±% Net safe 55 Outdoors after dark 92 Indoors after dark Outdoors during the day 94 95 Indoors during the day Base: 2,133 Cumbria residents; 389 Eden residents

  29. Perceptions of safety in local area (2) Q How safe or unsafe do you feel in your local area, i.e. the area within 15-20 minutes of your home? ±% Net safe outdoors after dark Eden Cumbria Allerdale Barrow Carlisle Copeland South Lakeland Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 389 Eden; 373 Allerdale; 314 Barrow; 362 Carlisle; 325 Copeland; 370 South Lakeland residents

  30. Change in local area with regard to crime and safety Q In terms of crime and safety, do you feel in the last 3 years your local area has got better, worse or stayed the same? % Better % Same % Worse Eden Cumbria Allerdale Barrow Carlisle Copeland South Lakeland Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 389 Eden; 373 Allerdale; 314 Barrow; 362 Carlisle; 325 Copeland; 370 South Lakeland residents

  31. Anti-social behaviour (1) Q How much of a problem do you feel that the following are in your local area? % Not a problem % A minor problem % A serious problem People using drugs Teenagers hanging around on the streets People dealing drugs People not treating other people with respect and consideration Parents not taking responsibility for the behaviour of their children People being drunk or rowdy in public places Crimes against your property Base: 389 Eden residents. Note: the chart does not include don’t know or not stated

  32. Anti-social behaviour (2) Q How much of a problem do you feel that the following are in your local area? % Not a problem % A minor problem % A serious problem Noisy neighbours or loud parties Deliberate rubbish/wheelie bin fires Door step crimes People sleeping rough on the streets Abandoned or burnt-out cars People being attacked because of their skin colour, ethnic origin or religion Base: 389 Eden residents. Note: the chart does not include don’t know or not stated

  33. Tackling anti-social behaviour Q How well informed do you feel about what is being done to tackle anti-social behaviour in your local area? % Very well informed % Fairly well informed % Not very well informed % Not well informed at all % Don’t know/ not stated Eden Cumbria Allerdale Barrow Carlisle Copeland South Lakeland Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 389 Eden; 373 Allerdale; 314 Barrow; 362 Carlisle; 325 Copeland; 370 South Lakeland residents

  34. Effectiveness of the criminal justice system Q How effective do you feel the criminal justice system in Cumbria is in bringing offenders to justice? % Very effective % Fairly effective % Not very effective % Not at all effective % Don’t know/ not stated Eden Cumbria Allerdale Barrow Carlisle Copeland South Lakeland Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 389 Eden; 373 Allerdale; 314 Barrow; 362 Carlisle; 325 Copeland; 370 South Lakeland residents

  35. Part 4: Environment, Local Services and Transport

  36. Environmental issues (1) Q How big a problem do you think the following environmental issues are in your local area? % Not a problem % A minor problem % A serious problem Dog fouling Rubbish and litter lying around Roads and footpaths in poor condition Pavements blocked by parked cars Noise pollution Base: 389 Eden residents. Note: the chart does not include don’t know or not stated

  37. Environmental issues (2) Q How big a problem do you think the following environmental issues are in your local area? % Not a problem % A minor problem % A serious problem The appearance or location of new developments Air quality and traffic pollution Vandalism, graffiti and other deliberate damage to property or vehicles State of the local river/ stream Neglected or derelict buildings or land Base: 389 Eden residents. Note: the chart does not include don’t know or not stated

  38. Satisfaction with local services/ facilities (all residents) (1) Q How satisfied are you with the following services or facilities in your local area? ±% Net Eden ±% Net Cumbria % Dissatisfied % Satisfied GPs 83 70 Number of parks/green spaces 74 70 Appearance of streets etc 56 40 Libraries 70 66 Quality of parks/green spaces 63 61 Hospitals 55 55 Leisure facilities for adults 38 30 Local train services 34 29 Local primary schools 49 52 Fire/rescue services 50 50 Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 389 Eden residents. Note: the chart does not include don’t know or not stated

  39. Satisfaction with local services/ facilities (all residents) (2) Q How satisfied are you with the following services or facilities in your local area? ±% Net Eden ±% Net Cumbria % Dissatisfied % Satisfied Local secondary schools 42 40 Opportunities for adult education 36 38 Children’s playgrounds/play areas 30 31 Local bus services -2 14 Dentists -17 -4 Public toilets -10 -13 Leisure facilities for young people 5 2 Social services 21 24 Suitable housing -38 -8 Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 389 Eden residents. Note: the chart does not include don’t know or not stated

  40. Satisfaction with local services/ facilities among users (1) Q How satisfied are you with the following services or facilities in your local area? ±% Net Eden ±% Net Cumbria % Dissatisfied % Satisfied Fire/rescue services (9)* 100 86 Libraries (228) 90 84 GPs (361) 86 73 Number of parks/green spaces (233) 87 80 Quality of parks/green spaces (233) 78 72 Hospitals (243) 65 64 Train services (156) 61 50 Leisure facilities for adults (141) 57 56 Base: All users. Base sizes in brackets above. * Small base size

  41. Satisfaction with local services/ facilities among users (2) Q How satisfied are you with the following services or facilities in your local area? ±% Net Eden ±% Net Cumbria % Dissatisfied % Satisfied Social services (50)* 55 64 Opportunities for adult education (69) 52 55 Children’s playgrounds/ play areas (116) 45 50 Bus services (122) 23 34 Dentists (247) 7 11 Public toilets (213) 2 -5 Leisure facilities for young people (74) 8 26 Base: All users. Base sizes in brackets above. * Small base size

  42. Forms of transport Q Please list your main form of transport for different journeys on a typical weekday: Public transport Car/motorbike Pedestrian/cyclist Eden (228) Work Cumbria (1,178) Eden (367) Shopping Cumbria (2,202) Eden (339) Leisure Cumbria (1,861) Medical/ clinic Eden (335) Cumbria (1,830) Base: All those who travel. Base sizes in brackets above.

  43. Distances travelled Q Please list how many miles you travel for different journeys on a typical weekday: Under 3 miles 3-4 miles 5-8 miles More than 8 miles Work (212) Shopping (359) Leisure (306) Medical/clinic (311) Base: All those who stated how far they travel. Base sizes in brackets above.

  44. Time travelled Q Please list how much time it takes you to travel for different journeys on a typical weekday: None >15 mins 15-29 mins 30-59 mins 1-2 hours <2 hours Work (303) Shopping (368) Leisure (333) Medical/clinic (351) Base: All those who stated how far they travel. Base sizes in brackets above.

  45. Part 5: Health and Well-being

  46. Happiness Q Taking all things together, would you say in general you are…? % Very happy % Happy % Neither/nor % Unhappy % Very unhappy Eden Cumbria Allerdale Barrow Carlisle Copeland South Lakeland Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 389 Eden; 373 Allerdale; 314 Barrow; 362 Carlisle; 325 Copeland; 370 South Lakeland residents

  47. Health Q Over the last 12 months, would you say that on the whole your health has been… % Very good % Good % Fair % Bad % Very bad Eden Cumbria Allerdale Barrow Carlisle Copeland South Lakeland Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 389 Eden; 373 Allerdale; 314 Barrow; 362 Carlisle; 325 Copeland; 370 South Lakeland residents

  48. Disability Q Do you have any long term illness, health problem or disability which limits your daily activities or the work you can do? Q Do you think of yourself as a disabled person? % No % Yes Eden Long term illness, health problem or disability Cumbria Eden Think of yourself as a disabled person Cumbria Base: 2,133 Cumbria residents; 389 Eden residents

  49. Smoking Q Do you smoke cigarettes at all nowadays? % ‘Yes’ Eden Cumbria Allerdale Barrow Carlisle Copeland South Lakeland Base: All who have ever smoked cigarettes, cigars or other tobacco products: 1,038 Cumbria; 205 Eden; 179 Allerdale; 167 Barrow; 173 Carlisle; 148 Copeland; 166 South Lakeland

  50. Diet Q On a typical day, how many portions of fruit and vegetables do you eat? Less than 4 5+ Eden Cumbria Allerdale Barrow Carlisle Copeland South Lakeland Base: 2,133 Cumbria; 389 Eden; 373 Allerdale; 314 Barrow; 362 Carlisle; 325 Copeland; 370 South Lakeland residents

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