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The Truth About Dental Implants

http://fineartsdentistry.com/dental-implant-restorations/ - We provide affordable dental implants in Charlotte, an excellent solution for the millions of people who have permanently lost a single tooth, many teeth or for those who use dentures. Call (704)-461-0685 to make an appointment.

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The Truth About Dental Implants

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Truth About Dental Implants

  2. WHAT IS A DENTAL IMPLANT? Implantsaremanufactureddevicesthatareplaced surgicallyintheupperorlowerjaw, wheretheyfunction asanchorsforreplacementteeth. Implantsaremadeof titaniumandothermaterialsthatarecompatiblewith thehumanbody.

  3. PARTS OF DENTAL IMPLANTS Theimplant Theabutment Therestoration Madeoftitanium, is placedintheupperor lowerjawbone. Attachedtotheimplant withascrew. Thispart connectstheimplantto thecrown. Thecrownisattached eithertotheabutmentor directlytotheimplant. 

  4. DENTAL IMPLANT PROCEDURES STEP1 Thedentistsurgicallyplacestheimplantinthejaw, with thetopoftheimplantslightlyabovethetopofthebone. Ascrewisinsertedintotheimplanttopreventgumtissue andotherdebrisfromentering. Thegumthenissecuredovertheimplant, whereitwill remaincoveredforapproximatelythreetosixmonths whiletheimplantfuseswiththebone, aprocesscalled "Osseointegration".

  5. DENTAL IMPLANT PROCEDURES STEP2 Theimplantisuncoveredandthedentist attachesanextension, calleda "post," tothe implant. Thegumtissueisallowedtohealaroundthe post. Oncehealingiscomplete, theimplant andpostwillserveasthefoundationforthe newtooth.

  6. DENTAL IMPLANT PROCEDURES STEP3 Thedentistmakesacustomartificialtooth, calleda "dentalcrown," ofasize, shape, colorandfitthatwillblendwiththeotherteeth. Oncecompleted, the crownisattachedtotheimplantpost.

  7. PRESENTED BY DO You Need an Expert for Dental Implants Treatment? FineArtsDentistryisateamcommittedtoprovidingexcellenceinpatient carebytheappropriateuseofadvanceddentaltechnologies.

  8. CONTACT US TODAY! Mathews, NC28105 (704)-461-0685 Fineartsdentistry.com


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