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The West

The West. The West. A._______________for Westward Migration ___________ Factors farmers, ex-slaves (______________), workers looking for new start after Civil War a. _______________/ethnic groups looking for new start i . _________________( Joseph Smith ). The West.

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The West

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  1. The West

  2. The West A._______________for Westward Migration • ___________ Factors • farmers, ex-slaves (______________), workers looking for new start after Civil War a. _______________/ethnic groups looking for new start i. _________________(Joseph Smith)

  3. The West 2. _______________ Factors a. cheap _______________ i. _______________ Land Grant Act (1862) - fed. gov’t gave land to states to sell to raise $ for agriculture colleges b. _______________ Act (1862) i. cheap land in exchange for promise to farm it for _____ yrs. c. property rights i. a big deal in the West

  4. The West d. _______________________ RR (1869) • __________ Pacific RR (going _________) connected w/ _____________ Pacific RR (going __________) at Promontory Point, ______ - finished w/ a _______________ ii. immigrant workers: UP - __________; CP – __________ iii. biggest factor in development/_____________of the West

  5. The West C. New _______________ • going west for cheap ____________ • Midwest – Germans • West Coast – Italians, _____________ , Jews • West – Mexicans

  6. The West • The __________________(Miss. River -> Rocky Mtns) • Plains ________________ • Sioux, Cheyenne, Navajo, Apache b. ______________ hunters i. ________________ – food, shelter, clothing, tools, toys 2. after Civil War, ___________ ready to push west for _______________________

  7. The West

  8. The West • US Indian __________ • sign ______________ i. buy land; push tribes off land on to ____________________ ii. US broke promises iii. hunted buffalo almost to _______________

  9. The West b. Indian ___________ (1865-1890) i. US gov’t – Native Americans ii. US Army spread thin - lots of ____________________ iii. Sand Creek Massacre (1864) - Cheyenne killed; sent to reservations iv. Battle of ____________________ (1876) (__________________ Last Stand) - gold found in Dakota Territory; sacred land protected by treaty - Gen. Custer sent to round up ________ - Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse - Custer/US _______________ by Sioux

  10. The West v. Battle of _______________________(1890) - Ghost Dance Movement: rituals performed by Sioux on __________________ - ________ sent in to stop it - _______________ killed; group rounded up and killed • _________ of the Indian Wars (Chief Joseph: “I will fight no more forever”)

  11. The West c. _______________________ i. policy designed to “_______________” Native Americans; to become part of _____________ American culture (customs, dress, etc) ii. _______________ Act (1887) - divide up reservation land into _______________ - NA had little training, equipment _________________ w/farming - _____________ set up for children (Carlisle School – PA)

  12. The West • Open Territory (1889) a.__________________ (Oklahoma today) was the last, best farmland • gov’t opened it up for _______________ i. Boomers, ___________ c. Native Americans officially ____________

  13. The West • ___________ the West • _____________ a. gold, silver, ore • Comstock Lode, Denver – new ___________ overnight

  14. The West 2. __________________ a. _________________ taught Americans to raise cattle i. Americans copied dress, equipment b. big demand for _________ i. after Civil War, lots of cattle roaming ___________ c. started raising ___________ longhorn cattle d. Invented __________________ rr cars to ship slaughtered cattle ___________

  15. The West e. Indian _____________ and destruction of __________________ f. growth of _______________________ i. along ____ lines to receive cattle coming from __________ ii. Abilene, KS; Dodge City, KS; Chicago g. ___________________– cattle drives by cowboys (white, NA, AA, Mexican) i. push cattle ___________ to cow towns for slaughter ii. _____________________– from Texas h. rise of ___________________ as big business i. cattle ______________ – in Texas ii. started to decline in 1880’s iii. bad weather, falling prices for beef

  16. The West 3. ________________ a. hard life for _____________________ in Plains i. Shelter a priority – built ____________ ii. ____________ crop prices, rising _____________ , little ___________, insects b. new technology i. ______________ farming ii. mechanical reaper (McCormick) iii. steel _______________ (Deere) iv. __________________________ (Glidden) c. _______________ farms – farming starts to become bigbusiness i. Agribusiness– specialize in one crop; decline of self-sufficient farming ii. mines start to close; ranching slows down

  17. The West • Myth of the ________________ • The “____________________ ” a. Stories of no laws, no control b. Actually calmed down pretty fast as populations grew a. myths created by _________, traveling ____________________ 2. Dime Novels (1870’s) a. stereotypical characters b. Wild Bill Hickok, _________________ 3. Wild West ________________(1880’s) a. started by Bill Cody b. ______________, ________________ =>created _________________image of the West, cowboys (whites), good guys v. bad guys

  18. The West 4. End of the _____________ (1890) a. 1872 – first national ________ created by fed. gov’t to preserve _________ (Yellowstone) b. end of ____________ land, no more frontier

  19. Populism • Populism 1. Political movement to help ____________, west a. 1870’s-90’s – farmers hurt by falling ___________, ________ i. _________ calling in loans ii. tariffs helped/hurt - keep cheaper crops out; farm equipment more expensive

  20. Populism • _____________________________ Issue • ___________ standard – money backed by ________ supply of fed. gov’t • ___________ wanted ________ $ in circulation (_____________ in money supply) => ______________ • ____________ would be worth _______; prices would go ______ ii. ______ farmers– sell goods at ________ price

  21. Populism c. to ___________ money supply, need to back money w/____________ (more silver than gold) i. _____________ standard - money traded in for gold or silver ii. “Free _____________” - to _____________ money supply

  22. Populism 3. Farm ______________ • ______________ Movement (1866) – Oliver Kelly i. organize _____________ to discuss their issues b. Farmers’ Alliance (1880s’) i. _____________________ (“Raise _________ corn and _________ hell”)

  23. Populism c. __________________ Reaction i. Munn v. Illinois (1877) - _____________ could regulate ______________ trade, including ___________ rates ii. Wabash v. Illinois (1886) - because rr lines cross ______________________(__________________ commerce), _______________can regulate (not states) iii. _____________________ Commerce Act (1887) - ____________ gov’t can regulate prices charged by rr for _________________trade

  24. Populism 4. ______________ Party (1891) a. People’s Party – push for _____________, social changes i. _______ in the money supply ii. Unlimited coining of _________ • _______________ income tax (make more, pay more) iv. Fed gov’t ownership of ______ • What group would benefit most from these issues? _______ v. ______________ work day =>To get support from which group? __________

  25. Populism • Election of _________ a. McKinley (R), ____________(D,Populist) • William Jennings Bryan i. _____________________ (“You shall not ____________mankind upon a ________ of gold”) =>Meaning what?

  26. Populism c. Bryan won in ________, South, NOT big _______ d. ____________ Party COULD NOT: i. unite _________, rural voters ii. slow down change from __________________ to _________ in the US

  27. Populism • Effects of _______________ Movement • Free ______________ issue ______________ • Other ________________ stayed alive: i. Picked up in early 1900’s by new group – _______________________

  28. Populism • Populism and The Wizard of Oz i. book written in early 1900’s – meant to be an allegory for Populist Movement

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