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Contemplating the Quran in Ramadan-2 Bismillah

Awaken to Presence Transform your life. w orkshop series. Contemplating the Quran in Ramadan-2 Bismillah. Dr. M. Omar July 2012, Orlando www.nurspirituality.org. Inspired by the First Word, authored by B . Said Nursi . See : Nursi , Words .

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Contemplating the Quran in Ramadan-2 Bismillah

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  1. Awaken to PresenceTransform your life workshop series Contemplating the Quran in Ramadan-2Bismillah Dr. M. Omar July 2012, Orlando www.nurspirituality.org Inspired by the First Word,authored by B. Said Nursi. See: Nursi, Words.

  2. Let’s start with bismillah to understand bismillah… Internalizing bismillah opens the door to infinite blessings

  3. RAMADAN inspirations 1433/2012 DAY 9: Those who fast begin to “read” the creation as a “book” The first verse “Recite” (Alaq, 1) is revealed to the one who fast… The scattered is united; forgotten tastes awaken on the tongue of the one who fast… She begins to “read” in excitement. Her “bismillah” (in the name of God) is no longer merely words, but penetrates her heart. In this world where she owns nothing, she sees that she is living with the permission of the One. She notices that she has been welcomed to existence only and only by the grace of God. What her lips utter, her heart joins wholly: “Bismillahirrahmanirrahim." DAY 9 www.nurspirituality.org

  4. Aiming for the Prophetic Path of Transformation Muhammad (p): “The utmost beauty (Ihsan) is to worship God as though you see Him, and if you cannot see Him, to be aware that He sees you” …to become certain of God’s Unity through confirming belief (iman = certainty) bypersonalwitnessing/experience This is the secret of directinner transformation

  5. All beings exist in the name of God (bismillah)

  6. Reality of Things? What is it? What is the meaning? Why is it created?

  7. Power-less Needy in need for power in need for broadcasting Why? Actions Supplying of power Specific broadcasting Qualities of Source Power Supply Broadcasting

  8. The TV show is functioning in the name of its Source • The TV show is a mirror to its Source’s qualities • The TV show is a servant of its Source, valuable because of its Source

  9. Reality of Things Needy Power-less in need to be created in need to be sustained Why? Actions Fashioning Sustaining Qualities of Source Fashioner Sustainer

  10. The bird is functioning in the name of its Source • The birdis a mirror to its Source’s qualities • The bird is a servant of its Source, valuable because of its Source

  11. How about us?

  12. We need to be aware of bismillah Say it to bring it to our awareness Bismillahis full of infinite blessings

  13. My Reality Needy Power-less Human in need to be created in need to be sustained Why? Actions Fashioning Sustaining Qualities of Source Fashioner Sustainer

  14. Iam functioning in the name of my Source • Iam a mirror to my Source’s qualities • eg. Compassionate (Raheem)  • Iam a servant of my Source, valuable because of my Source

  15. In reality I am always connected to the Source… When I try to live in His Name, everything in life starts making sense In my illusion (kufr = covering up reality) • I imagine that I am the source of my life • I fearlosing it • I worry all the time • I assume that everything functions by itself • Everything becomes a potential danger

  16. The messengers of God brought the message of love and mercy Our state of hell is the result of our imagination and living according to it The message = bushra = glad-tidings is: Come to reality Come to felicity Come to peace & joy

  17. The summary of the message: “Live in the awareness of bismillah” In the name of the Loving Grace, witness and become a mirror to Him… In the name of the Provider, witness and become a mirror to Him… Following the messengers mean to live a life in the name of God… By witnessing and becoming a mirror to God’s Divine Attributes

  18. The simple prophetic solution: • Surrender to the Truth Moment by moment… • Surrendering: Accepting reality and living accordingly • Humility • (Loving Grace) I Choose • Choosing the illusion: Who said my life is contingent to a Source? • Arrogance • Ongoing process…

  19. Why is this critical? No paradigm shift, no inner peace… Not noticing that everything comes to existence by the Source, means I interact with it as if it is by itself… Iman in tongue and identity, but no iman in my daily life… 

  20. Disconnect everything from its Source… assume it is acting in its name

  21. Paradigm shift… see, feel, think, talk, act in the name of God…iman Noticingthe Divine Attributes of the Source in everything, means I live/worship “as though I see God” Imanin tongue, in heart (love), in thoughts and action Inner peace… salam…

  22. This way, each time we “say” bismillah we reaffirm confirm reinforce our belief in all of the above!

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