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Leveraging Performance Management to Support School Priorities

This training focuses on implementing a new evaluation system for educators, with specific goals of understanding the system, creating implementation plans, and clarifying responsibilities. It explores how the evaluation system can be leveraged to support school priorities and improve academic performance.

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Leveraging Performance Management to Support School Priorities

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  1. Leveraging Performance Management to Support School Priorities Professional Development for evaluators Day 1: Tuesday, September 25, 2012

  2. Today’s Agenda • Overview of the five-step cycle and contract language • How the online Employee Development & Feedback System helps the evaluator manage the evaluation cycle • Resources • Understanding the rubric and priority elements • Self-assessment

  3. Overall goals of the 3-day training Goal 1: Evaluators will know how to implement the new system (technical 5-step implementation) and how to get it done and done well (evaluation best practices).

  4. Overall goals of the 3-day training Goal 2: Evaluators will leave with concrete, specific plans for implementation in their school, as they will adapt or adopt sample agendas for meetings that will help them: • Talk with teachers about the evaluation system • Use the evaluation system as a unifier to focus on instruction during teachers’ collaborative work time • Use the evaluation system to further their school priorities

  5. Overall goals of the 3-day training Goal 3: Evaluators will leave knowing the specific responsibilities of evaluators and teachers under the new evaluation system.

  6. How’s it going? Where is your school in the evaluation implementation process? What questions do you hope to address over the next three days?

  7. The new evaluation system: • Empowers every educator to take ownership of their evaluation • Promotes growth and development • Places student learning at the center • Recognizes excellence • Sets a high bar for tenure • Shortens timelines for improvement • Aligns evaluations of every educator in the system  Can be a focal point from which to leverage other academic priorities

  8. Leveraging Performance Evaluations How can BPS use this… to be successful in: and achieve the AA Goals? Engaging Families, Students & Partners Graduate all students from high school prepared for college completion and career success Professional Growth and Evaluation Close access and achievement gaps Using Data to Differentiate Instruction Educator Performance Evaluation Increasing Academic Rigor Ensure all students achieve MCAS proficiency

  9. Five Step Evaluation System CycleKey Change: Continuous Learning

  10. School-wide goals & priorities should guide theFive Step Evaluation System Cycle School-wide Analysis & Goal-Setting

  11. Step 1: Self Assessment • Educators self-assess their performance using: • Student data and • The Standards and Indicators of Effective Teaching Practice and/or Administrative Leadership • Educators propose goals related to their professional practice and student learning needs

  12. Step 2: Analysis, Goal Setting, and Plan Development • Educators set at least two goals: • Student learning goal (Aligned to their team’s/school’s student learning goals) • Professional practice goal (Aligned to the Standards and Indicators of Effective Teaching and/or Administrative Leadership Practice) • Educators are required to consider team goals • Evaluators have final authority over goals

  13. Step 3: Implementation of the Plan - Educator • Educator completes the planned action steps. • Educator collects evidence relative to standards and goals. • Evaluator provides feedback on practice to educators.

  14. Step 4: Formative Assessment/Evaluation • Educator submits collected data to evaluator • Evaluator summarizes data collected, coming to a formative rating on each of the four standards of professional practice and/or assessment of progress toward goals • Evaluator provides feedback to the educator to help him or her improve professional practice

  15. Step 5: Summative Evaluation • Educator submits collected data to evaluator • Evaluator determines an overall summative rating of performance based on: • The educator’s performance against the four performance Standards (educators receive a rating for each Standard), and • Evidence of the attainment of goals

  16. Step 5: Summative Evaluation cont’d • Evaluator provides feedback to the educator to help him or her improve professional practice • Educator uses summative evaluation to inform self-assessment

  17. Rubric for Effective Teaching: Key Change: 4 Standards

  18. Rubric for Effective Teaching: Key Change: 4 Standards

  19. Rubric for Effective Teaching: Key Change: 4 Standards Former categories New categories

  20. Rubric for Effective Teaching: Key Change: 4 Standards New categories Proficient Fully and consistently meets the requirements of a standard

  21. Employee Development & Feedback System

  22. EDFS: Manager View

  23. EDFS: 5-Step View

  24. Timelines and Requirements

  25. Contract Highlights • Timelines & Observation Requirements • Dates for educators rated proficient or exemplary • Set minimums for # of observations • Dates and minimums for educators on development plans • Includes some announced observations

  26. Timelines • Self-Directed Plans of 1 year • By Oct1: Educator submits self-assessments & goals • By Nov 1: Evaluator approves goals and action steps • By May 15: Evaluator completes summative assessment • By June 1: Evaluator meets with anyone moving down plans • Directed & Improvement Plans • Dates established by evaluator in educator plan • Developing Educator Plans • By Oct 1: Evaluator meets to assist with goal setting

  27. Observation Requirements

  28. Directed and Improvement Plans • Meet with educator within 10 days of assigning the plan to provide goals and action steps • Educators should self-assess prior to meeting • Educators must sign off on the plan on EDFS • Suggested lengths: 30, 60 or 90 days • Calendar days, including weekends and holidays • Plan officially begins as soon as action steps are approved

  29. Reflection With an elbow partner, discuss: What do these shifts mean for you and your school?

  30. Goals and Ratings Progress on Ratings on OVERALL (2) Goals (4) Standards RATING

  31. Next year’s educator plan is determined by the performance rating and career stage

  32. Transition year: educator plan is determined by previous performance rating and career stage

  33. 3-2-1 Communication Strategy Plan 3: What are the three key messages that educators in your school need to know about the new educator evaluation system? 2: What are two key difference between the new system and our current evaluation system? 1: What is one source of available support in our school and/or district related to educator evaluation implementation?

  34. Resources, Support, Questions, and Feedback • For more information, visit: • EDFS: http://eval.mybps.org/ • http://educatoreffectiveness.weebly.com • Email questions, comments, and feedback to: • Bpsevaluation@boston.k12.ma.us • MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Evaluation (DESE) Evaluation Site: • http://www.doe.mass.edu/edeval/

  35. http://educatoreffectiveness.weebly.com

  36. Office of Educator Effectiveness • Ross Wilson, Assistant Superintendent for Educator Effectiveness • Jared Joiner, Implementation Specialist • Emily KalejsQazilbash, Implementation Specialist • Angela Rubenstein, Implementation Specialist • Kris Taylor, Implementation Specialist • Jenna Costin, EDFS On-line System Coordinator Evaluator Training Facilitators: Catherine Carney, Michele Davis, Jess Madden-Fuoco

  37. Desired Outcomes As a result of this next conversation, you will be able to: • Plan how to use team-level student learning goals as a lever to promote coherence in your schools • Name key considerations to help teacher-leaders/teams select high-leverage team student learning goals

  38. Where we’re going Goals, Goals, Goals • Making mandated goals make sense • Making use of them to move the work • Your role in teams’ goals This next session, you will be able to: • Plan to focus and align school, team, and individual goal-setting in your school to promote, coherence, accountability, and rapid progress

  39. Goals, Goals, Goals Turnaround Schools All Schools School Turnaround Priorities School AYP Goals School Measurable Annual Goals School Mission and Vision Whole-School Improvement Plan Goals School Instructional Focus/Strategies Personal Goal: Make them all make sense! New MA Educator Evaluation System Individual Student Learning Goal Individual Professional Practice Goal

  40. If you can make the mandates make sense, you can make the mandates work for you! Your school might already have: • Urgent student learning goals • A priority focused on developing teacher capacity to improve instruction • Commitment to coaching teachers So… you can start acting on the assumption that you can use the new Evaluation System as a lever to help you do our core work better. What does that look like?

  41. Goals, Goals, Goals Performance/Learning Goals Practice Goals School Priorities Individual Professional Practice Goal School Measurable Annual Goals School Instructional Focus/Strategies School AYP Goals Individual Student Learning Goal Other Important Stuff School Mission and Vision

  42. School Mission & Vision Priorities Performance/Learning Goals Practice Goals Individual Professional Practice Goal School’s Measurable Annual Goals School Performance Goals School AYP Goals School Level School Instructional Focus/Strategies Individual Student Learning Goal Team Level Teacher Level

  43. Why add more ?!? Team-level student-learning goals: • Promote alignment between individual and school-level goals, equity and transparency across grades • Reinforce message of collective responsibility (“our work,” not just “your work”) – which can decrease anxiety • Capitalize on teacher teams as site of teacher learning & collaboration (and your coaching!) • Make individual goal-setting easy! NOTE: Team goals are encouraged but not required as part of the Educator Evaluation system Conversations with peers about the goal, what's important and why we feel so have been helpful.

  44. School Mission & Vision Priorities Performance/Learning Goals Practice Goals School Performance Goals School Instructional Focus/Strategies School Level ? Team Student Learning Goal Team Professional Practice Goal Team Level Individual Student Learning Goal Individual Professional Practice Goal Teacher Level

  45. Use the evaluation system to make what you already do BETTER: focus, alignment, & accountability.

  46. Making Goals Better: Self-check questions To test alignment of goals, ask: • “If you achieve that goal, is it highly likely that your students/team/school will achieve this student learning goal?” • “How is your work** this year helping the school meet our turnaround goals?”** (work with kids, with team, and to improve own practice) To test commitment to goals, ask: • “The goal is going to serve as your yardstick later this year when you’re deciding ‘should we focus on this or focus on that?’ Does this feel like the right thing to drive your work with kids and colleagues throughout the year?” • “Is this a goal you can live with? Live out? Live up to?”

  47. Self-Check“Cheat Sheet” Activity 1. Identify school priorities. 2. Be sure the school priorities are data-based. 3. Identify the school priorities as a leadership team or as an administrative team 4. Consider writing your school priorities using the SMART goal template. 5. Prepare to present these data-based school priorities to your school staff and draw connections with the self-assessment and goal-setting components of the new evaluation system.

  48. Understanding the rubric and priority elements Evaluators will: • understand the four new standards • understand how district priorities are reflected in the rubric • understand changes in language across performance levels • be prepared to lead meetings with staff using the rubric

  49. The purpose of a Rubric of Effective Teaching • Develop a consistent, shared understanding of what proficient performance looks like in practice. • Develop a common terminology and structure to organize evidence. • Make informed professional judgments about formative and summative performance ratings on each standard and overall. The rubric is NOT a classroom observation tool.

  50. Goals and Ratings Progress on Ratings on OVERALL (2) Goals (4) Standards RATING

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