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Statistical Analysis Tools GET/MEMS/*MEMS Elliott Linder

Statistical Analysis Tools GET/MEMS/*MEMS Elliott Linder. Questel • Orbit Workshop PIUG Annual Meeting 4 May 2003 Chicago, IL. Statistical Analysis Tools. 1. Competitive Analysis Extracting Patent Assignees from a dataset and creating a chart in Excel G E T it ?. Competitive Analysis.

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Statistical Analysis Tools GET/MEMS/*MEMS Elliott Linder

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  1. Statistical Analysis ToolsGET/MEMS/*MEMSElliott Linder Questel•Orbit Workshop PIUG Annual Meeting 4 May 2003 Chicago, IL

  2. Statistical Analysis Tools 1. Competitive Analysis Extracting Patent Assignees from a dataset and creating a chart in Excel GET it ?

  3. Competitive Analysis

  4. Competitive Analysis Multiline Entry

  5. Competitive Analysis

  6. Competitive Analysis GET PA TOP 10

  7. Competitive Analysis Use MEMS instead of GET to produce a complete alphabetical listing, e.g., MEMS SET ALPHA /PAN PRT MEM2 NONSTOP

  8. Competitive Analysis Select and Copy Be sure to select area out to left margin.

  9. Competitive Analysis Edit >> Paste Special…

  10. Competitive Analysis Select Text from the list.

  11. Competitive Analysis

  12. Competitive Analysis Data >> Text to Columns…

  13. Competitive Analysis Data is fixed width.

  14. Competitive Analysis Notice data now in separate columns.

  15. Competitive Analysis Chart Wizard

  16. Competitive Analysis Data Range tab Select Rows and FREQ data values.

  17. Competitive Analysis Click on Series#, then select the corresponding company name. Series tab Names added to legend

  18. Competitive Analysis Titles tab Fill in boxes

  19. Competitive Analysis Legend tab Indicate placement of legend. Legend tab Legend tab

  20. Competitive Analysis Indicate placement of chart.

  21. Competitive Analysis Not looking just right ?

  22. Competitive Analysis Resize and reposition chart and/or source data.

  23. Competitive Analysis Et voilà !

  24. Statistical Analysis Tools 2. Modifying a Search Strategy Extracting and reviewing ECLA codes from a PlusPat result set and expanding the search

  25. GET EC TOP 5

  26. Look up selected codes in ECLADEF file.

  27. Bingo !

  28. Search ECLA code in PlusPat. NOT out original set.

  29. Not retrieved with text search alone

  30. FAM SS 6 Captures family members not having ECLA codes.

  31. 75 families with more than twice the number of patents PRT MSTD (standard family display)

  32. Statistical Analysis Tools 3. Migrating a Search Strategy Extracting IPCs from PlusPat to migrate a search or SDI (alert) from USPAT to PCTFULL

  33. Run search in USPAT

  34. FI PLUSPAT; EX 1-24 FROM USPAT Re-executes search in PlusPat (US class/subclass available)

  35. GET IC TOP 10

  36. Decide frequency criteria for review e.g., only review if FREQ>10 Search desired codes in ECLADEF file.

  37. Print ECLADEF records.

  38. Review definitions.

  39. Modify USPAT strategy, appropriately incorporating selected IPCs; upload and run in PCTFULL.

  40. PCTFULL results

  41. PCTFULL History

  42. Thank you for being here this afternoon.Enjoy the PIUG meeting !!!Be sure to attend the IFFI Players’ Production of “Harvey” Tuesday evening.

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