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RESEARCH METHODS AN INTRODUCTION. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh School of Education – University of The Gambia E-mail: bsinghateh@utg.edu.gm. “All progress is born of inquiry. Doubt is often better than overconfidence, for it leads to inquiry, and inquiry leads to invention”

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  1. RESEARCH METHODSAN INTRODUCTION Presented By: BakarySinghateh School of Education – University of The Gambia E-mail: bsinghateh@utg.edu.gm Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  2. “All progress is born of inquiry. Doubt is often better than overconfidence, for it leads to inquiry, and inquiry leads to invention” (Hudson Maxim) Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  3. Why Research, and Who Benefits? • As a graduate student... • To be able to read and understand the empirical literature in your field; to become a critical consumer of information. • As a graduate student preparing for a thesis or dissertation… • To be able to both design and implement your thesis or dissertation as well as future studies that interest you. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  4. Why Research, and Who Benefits? • As a future practitioner… • To be able to intelligently participate in research projects, evaluations, and studies undertaken by your institution. • As an educated citizen ... • To understand the difference between scientifically acquired knowledge and other kinds of information. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  5. What Research Is Not • Research isn’t information gathering: • Gathering information from resources such books or magazines isn’t research. • No contribution to new knowledge. • Research isn’t the transportation of facts: • Merely transporting facts from one resource to another doesn’t constitute research. • No contribution to new knowledge although this might make existing knowledge more accessible. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  6. What Research Is • Research is: “…the systematic process of collecting and analyzing information (data) in order to increase our understanding of the phenomenon about which we are concerned or interested.” Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  7. Research Methods Vs Methodology • Research Methods are the methods that the researcher adopts for conducting the research Studies • Research Methodology is the way in which research problems are solved systematically. • It is the Science of studying how research is conducted Scientifically Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  8. Method: Techniques for gathering evidence The various ways of proceeding in gathering information Methodology: The underlying theory and analysis of how research does or should proceed, often influenced by discipline What’s the Difference “Method” and “Methodology”? Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  9. Conceptual Vs Empirical • The Research related to some abstract idea or theory is known as Conceptual Research. (Ex: Philosophers and Thinkers using this to developing new concepts) • Empirical Research relies on the observation or experience with hardly any regard for theory and system. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  10. Qualities of a Researcher • Desire for accuracy of observation & precision of statement • An alert mind. • Must practice “The art of enduring intellectual hardships” • Making statements cautiously Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  11. Research Characteristics • Originates with a question or problem. • Requires clear articulation of a goal. • Follows a specific plan or procedure. • Often divides main problem into sub-problems. • Guided by specific problem, question, or hypothesis. • Accepts certain critical assumptions. • Requires collection and interpretation of data. • Cyclical (helical) in nature. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  12. Research Projects • Research begins with a problem. • This problem need not be Earth-shaking. • Identifying this problem can actually be the hardest part of research. • In general, good research projects should: • Address an important question. • Advance knowledge. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  13. High-Quality Research(1 of 2) • Good research requires: • The scope and limitations of the work to be clearly defined. • The process to be clearly explained so that it can be reproduced and verified by other researchers. • A thoroughly planned design that is as objective as possible. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  14. High-Quality Research(2 of 2) • Good research requires: • Highly ethical standards be applied. • All limitations be documented. • Data be adequately analyzed and explained. • All findings be presented unambiguously and all conclusions be justified by sufficient evidence. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  15. Sources of Research Problems • Observation. • Literature reviews. • Professional conferences. • Experts. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  16. ELEMENTS OF RESEARCH Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  17. Areas for Discussion • Meaning of Research. • Definitions of Research. • Significance of Research. • Aims and Objectives of Research. • Motivation for Research. • Research as Method of Science. • Characteristics of Research. • Functions of Research. • Scope of Research. • Classification of Educational Research. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  18. Meaning of Research • A search for knowledge. • A scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. • A careful search or inquiry, endeavour to discover new ideas by scientific study, - a course of critical investigation. • A careful search for solutions to the problems that plague and puzzle the mankind. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  19. Definitions of Research Advanced Learner’s Dictionary “A careful investigation or inquiry specially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge” Redman and Mory “A systematized effort to gain new knowledge.” Clifford Woody “ A careful inquiry or examination in seeking facts or principles, a diligent investigation to ascertain something.” Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  20. Definitions of Research C.C. Crawford “ A systematic and refined technique of thinking, employing specialized tools, instruments and procedures in order to obtain a more adequate solution of a problem than would be possible under ordinary means. It starts with a problem, collects data or facts, analyses them critically and reaches decisions based on the actual evidence”. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  21. Significance of Research “All progress is born of inquiry. Doubt is often better than overconfidence, for it leads to inquiry, and inquiry leads to invention.”Hudson’s Maxim 1.For educationists in studying various educational problems and in seeking answers to various educational problems. 2.For social scientists in studying social relationships and in seeking answers to various social problems. 3.Provides the basis for nearly all government policies in our economic system. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  22. Significance of Research… 4.For solving various operational and planning problems of business and industry. 5.It inculcates scientific and inductive thinking. 6.It promotes the development of logical habits of thinking and organization. 7.To understand the new developments in one’s filed in a better way. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  23. **Significance of Research…** • An outlet for new ideas and insights to philosophers and thinkers. • For the development of new styles and creative work to literary persons. • For the generalizations of new theories to analysts and intellectuals. • For research scholars it is a way to attain a high position in the social structure. • A source of livelihood to professionals in research methodology. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  24. Aims and Objectives of Research General Aims • To find out the truth which is hidden and which has not been discovered as yet. • To discover answers to questions through the application of scientific procedures. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  25. Objectives of Research • To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights into it. (Exploratory or Formulative) • To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual, situation or a group. (Descriptive) • To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is associated with something else. (Diagnostic) • To test hypothesis of a causal relationship between variables. (Hypothesis-testing) Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  26. Motivation for Research • Desire to get a research degree. • Desire to face the challenge in solving the unsolved problems. • Desire to get intellectual joy of doing some creative work. • Desire to be of service to society. • Desire to get respectability. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  27. Motivation for Research…. • Desire to understand casual relationships. • Directions from government. • Employment conditions. • Curiosity about new things. • Social thinking and awakening. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  28. Research as Method of Science Evolution of Human Thinking Man has appealed to the following sources of evidence in his search for truth. • Custom and tradition. • Authority. • Personal experience. • Reasoning from self-evident propositions. • Scientific inquiry. • Inductive thinking. • Deductive thinking. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  29. Research as Method of Science…. Characteristics of Scientific Thinking • Science is based on facts. • Science employs the method of analysis. • Science employs hypotheses. • Science is free from emotional bias. • Science employs objective measurement. • Science uses quantitative methods in the treatment of data. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  30. Research as Method of Science… Steps in the Process of Scientific Thinking • Location of a problem. • Survey of past experiences with the problem. • Formation of hypothesis. • Collection of data for checking hypothesis. • Analysis, classification and summarization of the data collected. • Formulation of new generalizations, or scientific law. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  31. Characteristics of Research • Research is expert, systematic and accurate investigation. • Research is logical and objective. • Research gathers knowledge or data from primary or first hand sources. • Research endeavours to organize data in quantitative terms as far possible. • Research is highly purposive. • Research maintains rigorous standards. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  32. Characteristics of Research • Research places emphasis upon the discovery of general principles and scientific generalizations. • Research requires courage. • Research is patient and unhurried. • Research usually involves, as a step, a hypothesis or a set of hypotheses. • Research is carefully recorded and reported. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  33. Specific Characteristics of Educational Research • A sound philosophy of education forms the basis of educational research. • It needs imagination and insight as much as scientific attitude of mind. • It requires an interdisciplinary approach. • It usually employs deductive reasoning. • It is not as exact as research in physical science. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  34. Specific Characteristics of Educational Research….. • It comes out of a desire to do things better. • It is not the field of the specialist only. • It generally requires inexpensive material. • It is capable of being dealt through empirical methods. (Qualitative) • It is based on interdependence of causes and effect. • Educational research cannot be a mechanical process. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  35. Functions of Educational Research General Functions • Help the man to enhance his abilities and powers freeing him from the limitations imposed by ignorance. • Development and reconstruction of the theories. • Test the validity of the theories. • Generate knowledge and promote educational practice. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  36. Functions of Educational Research Functions for a teacher • Increase the efficiency of the teachers. • Make the teachers aware of the ways in which psychological laws governing educational practices. • Enable the teachers to understand and evaluate the professional literature critically. • Keep the teachers abreast of new trends in the field of education. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  37. Functions of Educational Research Functions for a teacher….. • Help in making wise educational decisions. • Improvement of the over-all system of education. • Invention of and testing new educational experiments. • Realization of the goal of universalisation of education. • Bringing a new social order. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  38. Scope of Educational Research Two questions to determine the scope; • What are the limits of its field of operations? • What is to be included in its study? Scope of Educational Research can be viewed from; 1. Types of Research 2. Area of Education Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  39. Scope of Educational Research… Types of Research I. Classification based on ‘goal or objective’ • Fundamental Research. • Applied Research. • Action Research. II. Classification based on ‘methodology’. • Historical Research. • Descriptive Research. • Experimental Research. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  40. Scope of Educational Research… Types of Research Classification based on ‘goal or objective’ Fundamental Research (Basic/Pure) • Aims at obtaining empirical data that can be used to formulate, expand or evaluate a theory. • Creation of knowledge solely for the sake of knowledge. • Not concerned with the solution of immediate practical problems. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  41. Scope of Educational Research…Types of Research.. Classification based on ‘goal or objective’ Applied Research. (Field) • Directed towards the solution of a specific and practical problem. • Testing of theories or laws in the actual field setting. • Devoted to the solution of the problems of field workers or other affected individuals. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  42. Scope of Educational Research…Types of Research.. Classification based on ‘goal or objective’ Action Research • Focused on the immediate application and not on the development of a theory. • Purpose:- Improvement of institutional practices. • Emphasis on decentralization of decision making and action. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  43. Scope of Educational Research…Types of Research.. Classification based on ‘methodology’. Historical Research • Describes ‘What was’. • Purpose:- to arrive at an exact account of the past, to build a perspective about the present, to predict and control our future activities. • Process:- Investigation – Analyzing -- Interpretation – Generalization -- Recording. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  44. Scope of Educational Research…Types of Research.. Classification based on ‘methodology’ Descriptive Research • Describes‘What is’. • Purpose:- To discover the relationship between the existing variables. • Process:- Description – Analysis – Interpretation - Recording. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  45. Scope of Educational Research…Types of Research.. Classification based on ‘methodology’ Experimental Research • Describes ‘What will be’ when certain variables are carefully controlled or manipulated. • Purpose:- Examine the impact of one set of variables on another set of variables. • Process:- Experiments – Analysis – Interpretation – Generalization – Recording. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  46. Scope of Educational Research II. Area of Education • Pre-primary education. • Primary education. • Secondary education. • Higher Secondary education. • Higher Education. • Professional Education. • Technical Education. • Vocational Education. • Distance Education. • Teacher Education. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  47. Psychology of Education. Philosophy of Education. Technology of Education. Sociology of Education. Economics of Education. Language Education. Science Education. Mathematics Education. Social Science Education. Commerce Education. Adult Education. Continuing Education. Women Education. Comparative Education. Scope of Educational ResearchArea of Education….. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

  48. Special Education. Guidance and Counseling. Educational administration. Curriculum. Instruction. Learning. Evaluation. Non-Formal Education. Moral Education. Art Education. Physical & Health Education. History of Education. Environment Education. Scope of Educational ResearchArea of Education….. Presented By: Bakary Singhateh - Instructor: UTG

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