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WP 2010 Gunnar Sandberg

WP 2010 Gunnar Sandberg. WP 2010, structure. Stable and complementary grant schemes: StG, AdG. Investigator driven (“bottom-up”) actions. Highest quality research at the frontiers of knowledge with particular encouragement of interdisciplinarity.

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WP 2010 Gunnar Sandberg

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  1. WP 2010 Gunnar Sandberg

  2. WP 2010, structure • Stable and complementary grant schemes: StG, AdG. • Investigator driven (“bottom-up”) actions. • Highest quality research at the frontiers of knowledge with particular encouragement of interdisciplinarity. • Evaluation of proposals on the basis of the sole criterion of excellence. • Targeting investigators at two different career stages. • Multiple, sliding stage opportunities over 7 years of FP7. • Continuously increasing budget. • Funding. • Calls’ cumulative budget surpassing for the first time the € 1 bn mark! • Complementing Member States’ activities towards full spectrum coverage (SP Ideas-consistent). • Accompanying measures/actions (CSA) for the timely monitoring/assessment of the ERC activities. NCP meeting Brussels, 26/06/2009

  3. WP 2010, general adjustments • Significant budgetary strengthening of StG (StG/AdG ca.1/1). • Measure to increase attractiveness of EU and associated countries to researchers from third countries. • Further addressing of justified research career gaps and/or unconventional research career paths (especially for women researchers). • Slight simplification of proposal structure (no self-evaluation). • Clearer indications of expected commitment to the ERC-funded activity by a PI of a StG and AdG project (previously only specified in the Guide for Applicants). NCP meeting Brussels, 26/06/2009

  4. WP 2010, StGspecific adjustments Targeting PI populations: • Extension of “eligibility window” in view of the budgetary strengthening of the action: 2-10 year post PhD. • Increased extension of eligibility window for maternity leave (18 months per child born before or after PhD award). • Recognition of two streams of applicants: “starters” (2 to 6 years post-PhD) and “consolidators” (over 6 and up to 10 years post-PhD) during evaluation. • Indicative budget separation for the two streams on the basis of respective budgetary demand per panel (ensuring comparable success rate). • Introduction of “€0.5M incentive” (within the “up to €2.0M for 5 years”) to increase attractiveness for PIs from third countries. • Minor “fine tuning”: Re-application rule (from ERC-2010-StG call and on!): every other call unless proposal evaluated over quality threshold at step-1. and Step-1 cut-off level (slight increase to “normally 2.5 x” indicative panel budget). NCP meeting Brussels, 26/06/2009

  5. WP 2010, AdGspecific adjustments • No change in content (high quality applications by excellent established PIs). • Re-application rule (from ERC-2010-AdG and on): every other call unless proposal evaluated over quality threshold at step-2 but not funded. • Re-application rule that links applicants of either ERC-2008-AdG or ERC-2009-AdG calls with the ERC-2010-AdG still holds. NCP meeting Brussels, 26/06/2009

  6. Timetable 2009-10 NCP meeting Brussels, 26/06/2009

  7. Major Changes compared to StG2 • Increase in budget to €528M from €296M (78% increase) • Big increase in number of interviews! • Division in to two streams (“starters” and “consolidators”) • More generous time allowance for children: • Maternity leave: Automatic 1.5 years for any children, before for children born before or after Ph.D • Paternity leave: accumulation of time taken (documented), for children born before or after Ph.D. • Maximum cumulative time: 14.5 years

  8. Major Changes compared to StG2 • Reduction in maximum amount applicants can apply for to €1.5 M except for: • establishment of a new research activity in the EU or AC

  9. Starter and Consolidator Stream • By default: • Starters: 2-6 years past Ph.D • Consolidators: 6-10 years past Ph.D. • Applicants will be asked to elaborate on their stage in a special (short) subsection of part B1 • No box on the A1 page to tick. • Up to panels to assess and make final decision

  10. Some planned changes… • Plan is not to use A1T Form for this Call • Plan for the possibility to exclude one reviewer • Request possibility to use Title and Abstract for contacting potential reviewers

  11. Remember Resubmission rules! • Spelled out in the Work Programme • For StG3, applicants need to have reached Step 2 of the StG2 evaluation, and not be funded due to budget limitations (not failed) • Applicants that are eliminated at StG-2 Step 1 cannot apply. • The plan is to relax these rules for following Call so that only those who fail (i.e. below threshold) in Step 1 cannot re-apply

  12. Approximate Calendar/ Deadlines • PE: 28 October • LS: 18 November • SH: 9 December • Step 1 Panel Meetings: January March 2010 • Interviews: April – May 2010 • Final Panel Chair Meeting: June 2010

  13. Results 2009 Where do we stand? • All Step 1 and Step 2 (interviews) panel meetings concluded • Granting has started and results have been sent out for PE2 - PE10 and all SH panels • Small delay in PE 1 for technical reasons • LS Domain results has started the internal Interservice Consultation process • Expect to send out results July

  14. Final Panel Chair Meeting • Had Final Panel Chair meeting June 18 and 19) • Resulted in 16 proposals accepted by Panel Chairs to funded from ID budget. • Reserve list have been formed by domain by the panel chairs • Expect to be able to fund 219 main list proposals • Expect o have up to €29€ available in Associated Country contributions for this Call, which should allow some ~25 addional proposal to be funded

  15. ERC Starting Grant 2009 Submitted and mainlist proposals by domain Submitted proposals Mainlist Life Sciences 927 (37%) 69 (31.5%) Physical Sciences & Engineering 1112 (44.4%) 93 (42.5%) Social Sciences & Humanities 464 (18.6%) 41 (18.7%) Interdisciplinary Domain 16 (7.3%) ∑ = 219 ∑ = 2503

  16. ERC Starting Grant 2009 – Mainlist Profile of Principal Investigator • Age: mean: 37.2, min: 30, max: 52 • Gender: 24.2% women • PhD: 100% • Years after PhD: mean: 6.7, min: 4, max: 11 • Prof: 22.5% (11.4% for all applicants)

  17. ERC Starting & Advanced grant calls 2007, 2008 & 2009Submitted proposals by domain Number of proposals Proposals by domain │ 17

  18. ERC Starting Grant 2009 Submitted proposals by panel & gender

  19. ERC Starting Grant 2009 Mainlist proposals by panel & gender

  20. StG 2009 Submitted proposals by country of host institution (2503) 86 49 30 2 2 29 47 4 347 134 34 95 256 28 228 4 52 61 26 19 26 6 434 42 1 7 227 43 90 1 9 80 Source: StG-09: 2503, 17.12.2008

  21. ERC Starting Grant 2009 Submissions from nationalsof third countries Russia 30 Canada 3 Belarus1 Kazakhistan 1 Ukraine 8 Moldova2 Armenia 2 Japan 6 China 14 Korea 3 USA 31 Lebano 1 Algeria 1 Iran1 Taiwan 2 Egypt 1 Bangladesh 1 Mexico 2 Cuba 1 India 14 Viet Nam 1 Sri Lanka 2 Malaysia 2 Singapore 1 Brasil 7 Peru 1 Chile 1 Australia 7 South Africa 2 Uruguay 1 New Zealand 2 Argentinia 2 Source: StG-09: 2503 submitted proposals

  22. ERC Starting Grant 2009Submissions from researchers with a residence outside of ERA 1 ERA 3 1 56 5 1 1 1 1 1 4

  23. ERC Starting Grant 2009 Submitted proposalsby country of host institution& gender

  24. ERC Starting Grant 2009 Submitted proposals by country of host institution& domain

  25. ERC Starting Grants 2007 & 2009Call comparison: Submissions by country of host institution

  26. ERC Starting grant calls 2007 & 2009Submissions from citizens of third countries Russia 139 Canada 36 Belarus8 Ukraine 40 Kazakhstan 1 Bosnia 2 Armenia 4 Japan 24 USA 116 Uzbekistan 3 Korea 10 China 61 Lebanon 3 Iran 1 Tunisia 8 Morocco 2 Algeria 7 Cisjordanie1 Taiwan 5 Pakistan 2 Egypt 4 Bangladesh 5 Mexico 12 Cuba 5 Hong Kong 1 India 53 Thailand 1 Viet Nam 2 Nigeria 1 Venezuela 4 Togo 1 Ethiopia 1 Philippines 1 Sri Lanka 3 Colombia 2 Malaysia 5 Singapore 8 Kenya 1 Congo 1 Tanzania 1 Peru 4 Brasilia 21 Malawi 1 Mauritius 1 Zimbabwe 1 Chile 3 Australia 35 South Africa 2 Uruguay 3 Argentina 18 New Zealand 8

  27. ERC CommunicationUnit ERCEA.A.2(11+1 people) Acting Head of Unit A2: Pablo AMOR (since March 2009) Promoting ERC funding opportunities:Samantha CHRISTEY (since 1/5/2009) Communicating ERC-funded research: Catherine AUDOUZE (since 1/6/2009) Media Relations:Madeleine DRIELSMA (since July 2007) Organisation of events, NCPs: Béatrice THIRY (since May 2008) ERC image, benefits and publicity: Hilde BAESKENS (as of 16/8/2009) Production (print, audiovisual): Carla PALMIERI (since Mai 2006) Internal Communications, corporate identity:Elina DESYLLA (since Oct 2005) Web and Database ManagerPaolo BORGHESI (since 16/6/2009) Graphics Designer to be recruited Support and assistance: Sylvie ORIOT (since 1/12/2008) Danielle EVRARD (since 1/3/2009) Deputy Head of Unit S1 in charge of ERC communications , DG-RTD: Gianpietro VAN DE GOOR(since 2004/05)

  28. ERC Communications Current/ongoing challenges • Consolidation of communication capacities, especially to support growth of the Agency and its transition to autonomy (internal communication) • Promoting ERC-funding opportunities, especially outside of Europe: events, grantees as ambassadors (alumni culture), promote career and funding opportunities for young researchers in Europe • Communicating ERC-funded Frontier Research, including case studies, success stories, portrays of grantees, achievements of ERC-funded research • Communicating ERC achievements, including the wider benefits and impact (supported by CSAs) • Monitoring the impact of communication activities

  29. Up-to-date InformationERC website at http://erc.europa.eu NEW SECTIONFunded Projects │ 29 │ 29

  30. ERC-funded Research & PIsCase studies ERC website ‘Funded projects’ section: List with names of StG PIs and host institutions, grant size, duration, project abstracts of 299 funded projects (1st call 2007) List with names of AdG PIs and host institutions of 282 retained proposals ERC Starting Grant brochure with Case Studies Various brochures on Starting Grant case studiesproduced by national actors (e.g. in DE, AT, BE, FR) ERC StG event, 7 October 2008, ParisVideo of presentations & 2 discussion roundtables with 10 Starting Grantees http://www.canalc2.tv/video.asp?idEvenement=423 ERC AdG event, 13 March 2009, Istanbul Video of presentations, incl. several Advanced Grantees: www.fp7.org.tr/erc2009 FP7 project database (FP IDEAS projects)http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/projects_en.html │ 30

  31. PublicationsCommunicating Frontier Research • ERC-dedicated Supplement Edition of “research*eu” available in EN, FR, ES, DE, CZ • Guide for Applicants,revisionJuly 2009 • Leaflet on ERC grant schemes (pocket size), pdf: July 2009; print: fall 2009 • ERC Annual Report 2008,July/August 2009 • ERC fact sheets, being updated and re-printed (fall 2009) • ERC Scientific Council Brochure fall 2009 • Brochure on ERC Starting Grant with Case Studiesreprint all 2009 • Promotional video on ERC Starting Grantees, fall 2009

  32. Events in 2009 & 2010 with active role of the ERC • The Nobel Laureate meetings, Lindau, 28 June-3 July • The Source event,London, 25 Sept, Berlin 4 Dec • European Career Fair,Boston, Jan/Feb • AAAS Annual Meeting 2010, San Diego, February • International Career Fair,San Francisco, Feb/March • ESOF2010, Torino, 2-7 July • NCP National Information days, if staff available

  33. För mer Information • www.vr.se • www.vinnova.se NCPs Ana Beramendi Ana.Beramendiheine@vr.se Gunnar Sandberg Gunnar.Sandberg@vinnova.se NCP meeting Brussels, 26/06/2009

  34. ERC emblematic posters

  35. Advanced Grant 2009 State of Play • Proposals checks • Performed • Eligibility • Re-application rule • Information sent to PE and SH applicants • On-going for LS applicants • Requests for redress received from PE applicants • On re-application rule • Step 1 evaluation • Completed for PE and SH panels • On-going for LS panels (panel meetings until mid-July) • Results will be communicated to all applicants (July-August) • Step 2 evaluation • September-October

  36. ERC Starting & Advanced grant calls 2007, 2008 & 2009Submitted proposals by domain Number of proposals Proposals by domain │ 36

  37. Advanced Grant 2009 Number of submitted proposals Submitted proposals Selected proposals 513 Life Sciences ? Physical Sciences & Engineering 736 ? Social Sciences & Humanities 335 ? Interdisciplinaryresearch ? ∑ = 1584

  38. ERC Advanced Grant 2009 Overview

  39. 3 AdG 2009 Submitted proposals by country of host institution (1584) 22 18 64 3 1 16 31 1 307 GE: 1 RU: 1 CN: 1 80 1 14 36 146 11 161 4 37 102 18 8 21 221 3 10 96 1 7 1 17 31 2 79 Source: AdG 2009: 1584, 27.05.2009

  40. ERC Advanced Grant 2009 Submissions from nationals of third countries Russia 13 Canada 8 Ukraine 1 Georgia 1 USA 39 Japan 4 Lebanon1 Morroco1 India 2 Australia 6 South Africa 2 Argentinia 2 New Zealand 4

  41. Advanced Grant 2009 Profile of Principal Investigator • Age: mean: 52.7, min: 30, max: 81 • Gender: 14% women • PhD: 99.4% • Years after PhD: mean: 23.5, min: 1, max: 56 • Prof: 79.2%

  42. Advanced Grant 2009 Submitted proposals by panel and gender (%)

  43. ERC Advanced Grant 2009 Submitted proposalsby host country & domain

  44. ERC Advanced Grant 2009 Submitted proposalsby host country & gender

  45. ERC Advanced Grant 2009 Submitted proposalsby nationality & gender

  46. ERC Advanced Grant 2009 Submitted proposals– mobility

  47. AdG 2008/2009 Submitted proposals by country of host organisation ME AL

  48. ERC Advanced Grant 2009 Eligibility check for Principal Investigators 1) Status as of 2 June 2009 2) Whereof 4 still in Committee

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