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Making predictions – how sure you are

Making predictions – how sure you are. will definitely (100% sure) It will definitely happen. will almost probably It will almost probably happen. is / are likely to It is likely to happen. could / may well It may well happen. may / might (not) (50% sure) It might happen.

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Making predictions – how sure you are

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Making predictions – how sure you are will definitely(100% sure) It will definitely happen. will almost probablyIt will almost probably happen. is / are likely toIt is likely to happen. could / may wellIt may well happen. may / might (not) (50% sure) It might happen. isn't / aren't likely toIt isn´t likely to happen. probably won'tIt probably wont´happen. almost certainly won'tIt almost certainly won´t happen. definitely won't(0% sure) It definitely won´t happen.

  2. Second conditional = hypothetical situations if = kdyby • Mluvíme o nereálných věcech, o tom, co by bylo, kdyby.... Člověk je zvláštní tvor a rád o podobných věcech mluví, i když je to zbytečné. If I had money, I would be happy. - Kdybych měl peníze, byl bych šťastný. (Ale peníze nemám, a tak nejsem šťastný.) If I had more time, I would study English every day. Kdybych měl více času, učil bych se anglicky každý den. (Ale nemám čas, tak se neučím) If I was hungry, I would have something to eat. - Kdybych měl hlad, dal bych si něco k jídlu. (Ale hlad nemám, a tak si nic k jídlu nedám) !!!!If I was/were you, I would not do it. – Být tebou (kdybych byl tebou), tak bych to nedělal. (Ale já nejsem tebou.) If the sentence begins on IF, we put comma after the first sentence.

  3. Second conditional = hypothetical situations if = kdyby First conditional = real future situations if = jestliže I will go out if it stops raining in the evening. I will buy a jacket if I go shopping this week.

  4. Past Perfect – předminulý čas • I had lived (subject + had + past participle) • I hadn´t lived • Had you lived? Vyjadřuje děj, který se odehrál před jiným dějem v minulosti.

  5. The Little Red Riding Hood

  6. Reported speech Backshift You must change the tense if the introductory clause is in Simple Past (e. g. He said). This is called backshift. Example: He said, “I am happy.” – He said that he was happy.

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