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Alexis Valentín-Vargas, M.S. Dr. Raina M. Maier’s Environmental Microbiology Research Lab

Soil, Water and Environmental Science. Alexis Valentín-Vargas, M.S. Dr. Raina M. Maier’s Environmental Microbiology Research Lab. Dynamics of soil microbial communities during the phytostabilization of Iron King mine tailings: a greenhouse experiment. Introduction.

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Alexis Valentín-Vargas, M.S. Dr. Raina M. Maier’s Environmental Microbiology Research Lab

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  1. Soil, Water and Environmental Science Alexis Valentín-Vargas, M.S. Dr. Raina M. Maier’s Environmental Microbiology Research Lab Dynamics of soil microbial communities during the phytostabilization of Iron King mine tailings: a greenhouse experiment

  2. Introduction Iron King Superfund Site Field Trial Greenhouse Mesocosm Experiment 0.5 m 1 m Mesocosms treatments: (1) Tailings only (2) Tailings + Compost (3) Tailings + Compost + Plants (Buffalo grass or Quail bush) Iron King Mine Tailings Town of Dewey-Humboldt Field Trial Site Humboldt Smelter

  3. Project Goals • To better understand the ecology and dynamics of microbial communities during the phytostabilization of metalliferous mine tailings. • Develop better and more knowledge-driven field remediation techniques for mine tailings in arid environments.

  4. Research approach: Molecular analysis of microbial communities Microbial community phylogenetic diversity Clone Libraries Soil (Rhizosphere) Samples Microbial community composition DNA DNA fingerprint (DGGE) Microbial community structure Nucleic acids extraction Microbial community metabolic capacity RNA Microbial community metabolic potential Functional gene microarrays (Geochip) Roots samples Spatial correlation of community composition and metabolic activity Quantification of gene expression and abundance Fluorescent In-situ Hybridization (FISH) RT- qPCR

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