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“The Coyote and the Buffalo” Think Something, Say Something. Page 11. Warm Up 02/06/14. Page 14. ***Answer the following questions on “The Coyote and the Buffalo (pages 48-52). Make sure you CITE evidence from the text using MLA.***

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  1. “The Coyote and the Buffalo” Think Something, Say Something Page 11

  2. Warm Up 02/06/14 Page 14 ***Answer the following questions on “The Coyote and the Buffalo (pages 48-52). Make sure you CITE evidence from the text using MLA.*** 1.) Why is Buffalo Bull so enraged at Coyote at the beginning of the story? 2.) How does Coyote convince Buffalo Bull to spare his life? 3. According to the story, why don’t buffalo live in the Swah-netk’-qhu country?

  3. Objective • By the end of this class, you should be able to: • Cite textual evidence to support analysis by completing a multiple choice/extended response quiz for "The Coyote and the Buffalo"/R1.

  4. Essential Question Why is it important to cite examples and textual evidence when writing?

  5. Calendar

  6. “The Coyote and the Buffalo” – Mourning Dove

  7. “The Coyote and the Buffalo” Independent Practice Page 15 • 1.) Trickster tales endure, in part, simply because they are fun to read. But they also often serve to teach a lesson or moral. What does “Coyote and the Buffalo” teach or explain? Support your answer with specific lines from the story. (MLA, please) • 2.) Trickster tales, like other forms of folk literature, offer • readers insight into a society’s way of life. What information about the following aspects of Okanogan culture did you glean from this tale? Cite evidence. (MLA, please) • • traits or qualities the Okanogan admired as well as those they disapproved of • • the traditional role of women in Okanogan society • • Okanogan rituals and religious beliefs

  8. Any Questions?

  9. “The Coyote and the Buffalo”/R1 Quiz • Directions: • Complete the quiz silently and independently. • Try your best. • Attempt all questions – ESPECIALLY the extended response. • All extended response questions REQUIRE textual evidence and an MLA citation. • When done, you have permission to get out of your seat and turn the quiz into the basket, but do not wander around the room afterwards. • Find something SILENT to do under the testing session is over (Mrs. Brister will tell you when).

  10. Essential Question Why is it important to cite examples and textual evidence when writing?

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