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Talent Management in Industries: A Comparative Analysis Between Malaysia and Germany

Talent Management in Industries: A Comparative Analysis Between Malaysia and Germany. Prof. Dr. Karl Wagner Consultant Faculties of Business University of Applied Sciences Rosenheim, Germany Open University Malaysia. Talent Management / Development Structure.

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Talent Management in Industries: A Comparative Analysis Between Malaysia and Germany

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  1. Talent Management in Industries:A Comparative Analysis Between Malaysia and Germany Prof. Dr. Karl Wagner Consultant Faculties of Business University of Applied Sciences Rosenheim, Germany Open University Malaysia

  2. Talent Management / Development Structure • (Definition -> Rationale of TM(D)) • Measurement: 7 Global Cross-Cultural Values Reconsidered for TMD -> Application for TQM (6 Sigma) • Analysis: 3.1. Manufacturing and 3.2. Service • Improvement (Synthesis): Creating a Generic Framework from Cultural Values to TMD

  3. 1. Definition TMD -> Rationale “Talent Management” • Represents the human factor in the organisation: the combined intelligence, skills and expertise that gives the organisation its distinctive character. • The human elements of the organisation are those that are capable of learning, changing, innovating and providing the creative thrust which if properly motivated can ensure the long-term survival of the organisation. Bontis, et al. 1999 => Not reserved for HIGH potentials… => Core of Human Capital Development

  4. 2.1. Measurement of TMD 2. Measurement: Hofstede’s 7 Global Cross-Cultural Values Reconsidered for TMD • a) Individualism-Collectivism • b) Power Distance • c) Uncertainty Avoidance • d) Achievement-Nurturing • e) Short-Term Orientation • Polychronic Orientation • Context Orientation Hypothesis H1: Red: Detrimental for HC Orange: must be balanced

  5. 2.1. Measurement of TMD Malaysia Germany g) Context Orientation High Context Orientation China Arab countries A high context culture focuses on the implicit message, the meaning of a message is context-dependent. A low context culture is more outspoken, everything is due to reflection and discussion. France Italy U.S.A. Low Context Orientation

  6. 2.2. Measurement of TMD : 6 SIGMA Two Comparisons a) Bicycle Tyre Life: Expectancy b) Appointment: Waiting Time Defect Reduction (DFMD) Timeliness Reduced Cycle Time

  7. 3.1. Analysis Tyre A. Comparison Tyres Expected Lifetime 1. How many months should a city bicycle tyre last (estimated life expectancy at 1,000 km mileage p.a.)? 2. How many months do you think it will last on average? 18.13 months 37.63 months n=30 n=46 13.73 months 28.82 months

  8. 3.1. Analysis Tyre Cause: • Cultural Software Programming might have an impact on the making of tyres AND delivery of quality… Effect: Defect Reduction (DFMD) • If quality is the main buyer’s decision, TM has to adopt to certain standards, without foregoing the beauty of its own culturak originality

  9. 3.2. Analysis Appointment B. Guess: if you make a business appointment, what would you expect as an Timeliness • Average delay rate • Continuous Scale 0 – 60 min (without missing cases of “cancelled” appointments) n=90

  10. 4. Improve: 4. Improve • Changing Mindsets? • Mould (live up to talent strengths, and tamper shortfalls gently) • There is no X-Y-theory, many grey zones!

  11. 4. Improve: Hofstede Translated into TQM-> TMD

  12. 4. Improve: FURTHER CONCLUSION 3 And what will LEAD to a SOCIETAL COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE by TMD no matter where you are located? CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE MALAYSIA • Product & Design innovation • Service & Distribution innovation • Manufacturing innovation • Total Quality concept • By bridging the gap between University and Practice…

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