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Danger of driving drunk and consequences

Danger of driving drunk and consequences. By: Leatrice Harris . Little Anna .

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Danger of driving drunk and consequences

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  1. Danger of driving drunk and consequences By: Leatrice Harris

  2. Little Anna • A little girl riding her bike crossing the street with her mother. A car turns the corner speeding and passing the stop sign BOOM!! and hit the girl. The mother screams while her child is lying there motionless. Once again another family is affected because someone was driving drunk.

  3. Thesis • Driving drunk is a very dangerous thing. 661 people were arrested in one year because they were driving while intoxicated.

  4. Main Points • DUI’s and DWI’s • Consequences • Family

  5. DUI’s & DWI’s • On your record • Definition and difference • Drinking limit

  6. On your record • If you get caught while driving under the influence you it will be on your record forever unless a state decides to take it off. • It will be on your record when you fill out for jobs and etc. • Driving drunk is a very serious thing and it can affect your future because jobs look at your records.

  7. Definition & Difference • DUI: Driving under the influence • DWI: Driving while intoxicated • DUI: Means you are under the influence of anything from drugs to alcohol. • DWI: Means you are driving while under alcohol

  8. Drinking Limit & Age • The drinking limit is .08. • Say if someone is drinking two beers an hour that will put that at about .08. • The age that you are legal to drink is 21.

  9. Consequence • Suspended license • Loose Job • Jail time

  10. Suspended License • If you are caught while driving under the influence they will suspend your license for six months. • If you refuse to take a alcohol test they will suspend your license for a year. • They will also suspend your license which can make it harder for you to get around especially when you have a job.

  11. Loose Job • If you have a job that contains you to drive a vehicle you really need to watch your drinking limit. • Most of the time jobs will fire you if you get a suspended license because you are not able to drive their trucks and do what they need you to do.

  12. Jail Time • Most people for their first time getting caught with a DUI they can face a year up to jail and loose their license for a year. • If you get caught a 4th time with a DUI you can face four to 15 years in jail and loose your license • People who have no record can just be charged with a misdemeanor depending on the case

  13. Family • Loss and statistics • Affected • Depression & etc

  14. Loss and statistics • In 2008 42% percent of people died due to someone driving drunk in Illinois • In 2009 the numbers go higher but they are getting lower in 2010 through 2011

  15. Affected • Families are very affected when they loose a child, sister, brother and etc because someone was driving drunk. • The family will have to adjust to not seeing their child. • Little Leandra was killed due to someone driving drunk. They have even made a law in her name. The law is when someone is driving while intoxicated with children 16 years and younger in the car they will get time in jail. Her law has arrested 661 people in one year. That’s a huge number

  16. Depression • Most people cannot handle loss very well. Some people like me will get depression because we can not deal with the face that we lost a love one. • Families with little children who are killed especially killed because someone was driving drunk might have a hard time with not be able to adjust to seeing their child. They also might get depressed.

  17. Conclusion • Driving drunk is a very dangerous thing. 661 people were arrested in one year because they were driving while intoxicated. Little Anna is one out of thousands children who were killed due to DUI. This is a serious issue next time you think about driving and drinking or getting in the car with someone who is drunk think about your life and a innocent persons life.

  18. Bibliography • “2008 Drunk Driving Statistics”. Alcohol Alert.. 21 January 2010. <www.alcoholalert.com> • “DUI –DWI Law Center.” Find Law. 21 January 2010. <http://www.dui.findlaw.com >

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