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What is WIC?

What is WIC?. Presented by Stephanie Sinclair, MPH, RD Marana Health Center – WIC Program January 24, 2012. Women, Infants, & Children.

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What is WIC?

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  1. What is WIC? Presented by Stephanie Sinclair, MPH, RD Marana Health Center – WIC Program January 24, 2012

  2. Women, Infants, & Children • Arizona Women, Infants, & Children (WIC) is a federally funded program providing families with nutritious foods, nutrition education, breastfeeding support, and referrals.

  3. Who Do We Serve? • WIC is available to Arizona’s: • pregnant, • breastfeeding, and • postpartum women, • infants and children under the age of five who are at nutritional risk and who are at or below 185 percent of the federal poverty guidelines.

  4. Income Guidelines

  5. Nutrition Education & Breastfeeding Support

  6. AZ Baby Steps • Initiate breastfeeding within the first hour after birth. • Avoid giving infants fluids or solids other than breast milk unless medically necessary. • Promote 24-hour rooming-in, encouraging the family to recognize and respond to infant’s cues. • Do not use a pacifier or artificial nipple with infants during the hospital stay. • Give mothers a telephone number to call for help with breastfeeding.

  7. Breast Pumps

  8. Need for Supplements • Infant formula • Human Milk Fortifier • Pediasure • Peptamen Junior • Boost Kids Essential • DuoCal

  9. Infant Formulas • Why does the Arizona WIC Program encourage the use of certain infant formula? • Arizona WIC entered into an agreement with Abbott Laboratories (Ross Products Division) to provide: • Similac Advance with Iron, • Similac Isomil Advance Soy and • Similac Sensitive • … as the sole source milk-based and soy-based formulas for WIC participants.

  10. Special Formulas • How can a special formula be prescribed for a WIC participant? • A WIC participant who is prescribed any formula other than the standard formulas, must have a completed prescription.  • It must include: • participant's name, • medical diagnosis, • formula prescribed, • appropriate foods, • duration, and • original signature, date and contact information • The form may either be returned to the participant to give to WIC staff or faxed directly to the WIC clinic.

  11. www.AZWIC.gov

  12. www.AZWIC.gov

  13. Special Formulas • What if my patient is a participant of both AHCCCS and WIC?  • If your patient has AHCCCS healthcare coverage and is an EPSDT member who is also a WIC client, WIC is a secondary provider of specialty exempt formulas.  • Please submit the 430-3 Form "ARIZONA HEALTH CARE COST CONTAINMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATE OF MEDICAL NECESSITY FOR COMMERCIAL ORAL NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS"directly to the healthcare plan for coverage of specialty exempt formulas.

  14. What Does WIC Do for YOU? • What does WIC have to do with me as a healthcare provider?

  15. How Can I Help? • How can I help my patients receive WIC benefits? • Make it routine! Put a WIC brochure in every new-patient packet. • Mention WIC to everyone. Tell your patients that WIC is a health and nutrition program and encourage them to call a local WIC program or 1-800-2525-WIC. • Display WIC posters and brochures in your office in the languages your patients speak.

  16. Find a WIC Clinic Near You

  17. LATCH-AZ • August 2nd -Phoenix • August 3rd -Tucson • Free to the public • Dr. Thomas Hale, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics • Registration at: http://azdhs.gov/azwic/

  18. Contact Information • Stephanie Sinclair, MPH, RD • ssinclair@maranahealthcenter.org • Office Phone: 520-616-6213 • Office Fax: 520-616-0361 • Cell Phone: 520-344-AZRD

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