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This Jeopardy review covers the study of nuclear physics, including atomic mass units, parts of an atom, mass numbers, isotopes, particles, half-life, reactions, controlled reactions, and more.

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  1. Jeopardy PHY101 Chapter 11 Review Study of Nuclear Physics Cheryl Dellai

  2. Study of Nuclear Physics

  3. Basics $100 What is the atomic mass unit? ANSWER

  4. Basics $200 What are the parts of an atom? ANSWER

  5. Basics $300 What is a Mass Number? ANSWER

  6. Basics $400 What is an isotope? ANSWER

  7. Particles $100 Name 3 types of particles ANSWER

  8. Particles $200 When sulfur-35 (Z = 16) decays to chlorine-35 (Z = 17), a(n) __________ is emitted. ANSWER

  9. Particles $300 Nuclear radiation can be detected by using a __________. ANSWER

  10. Particles$400 Two particles that will be deflected by a magnetic field are __________ and __________. ANSWER

  11. Half-Life $100 When a nucleus in an excited state decays to the ground state, a(n) __________ particle is emitted. ANSWER

  12. Half-Life $200 The time interval during which a nucleus has a 50% probability of decaying is its __________. ANSWER

  13. Half-Life $300 The half life of uranium-232 is 70 years. The time for 3/4 of a sample of uranium-232 to decay is __________. ANSWER

  14. Half-Life$400 If a piece of wood is suspected to be several thousand years old, its true age can likely be determined through use of the isotope _________. ANSWER

  15. Reactions $100 The combining of two nuclei to form a larger nucleus with the release of energy is __________. ANSWER

  16. Reactions $200 What is fission? ANSWER

  17. Reactions $300 What is meant by binding energy? ANSWER

  18. Reactions $400 In a bad accident, a nuclear reactor could explode like an atomic bomb. (T/F) ANSWER

  19. Controlled Reactions $100 Magnetic confinement is used in controlled fusion experiments to control a plasma. (T/F) ANSWER

  20. Controlled Reactions $200 In a nuclear reactor, __________ are used to limit the number of neutrons passing from one fuel rod to another. ANSWER

  21. Controlled Reactions $300 Two areas in which fusion is the source of energy are __________ and __________. ANSWER

  22. Controlled Reactions $400 The determination of the composition of a material by bombarding it with neutrons and monitoring the emitted radiation is __________. ANSWER

  23. Potpourri $100 The Voyager space probes used electricity provided by __________. ANSWER

  24. Potpourri $200 When uranium-238 (Z = 92) is bombarded with a neutron, it can change into __________. ANSWER

  25. Potpourri $300 The mass of an atom of carbon-12 (Z = 6) is less than the mass of 6 protons and 6 neutrons because of __________. ANSWER

  26. Potpourri $400 Most stable element. ANSWER

  27. Basics $100Answer What is the atomic mass unit? 1 amu = 1 u = 1.66*10-27 kg Back to Jeopardy

  28. Basics $200Answer What are the parts of an atom? Proton positive charge in the nucleus of an atom. Atomic # (Z) = # of protons determine element Neutron neutral particle in the nucleus of an atom. Neutron # (N) = # of neutrons determine isotope Electron negative charge in the outer shell of an atom. Back to Jeopardy

  29. Basics $300Answer What is a Mass Number? A = Z + N Back to Jeopardy

  30. Basics $400Answer What is an isotope? Isotopes of a given element have the same number of protons in the nucleus but different number of neutrons. A 14 Element Name example C Z 6 Back to Jeopardy

  31. Particles$100Answer Name 3 types of particles Alpha particle  helium-4 nucleus Beta particle  electron Gamma Ray  energy Back to Jeopardy

  32. Particles$200Answer When sulfur-35 (Z = 16) decays to chlorine-35 (Z = 17), a beta particle (electron) is emitted. Back to Jeopardy

  33. Particles$300Answer Nuclear radiation can be detected by using a Geiger counter . Back to Jeopardy

  34. Particles$400Answer Two particles that will be deflected by a magnetic field are alpha and beta particles. Back to Jeopardy

  35. Half-Life $100Answer When a nucleus in an excited state decays to the ground state, a gamma ray is emitted. Back to Jeopardy

  36. Half-Life $200Answer The time interval during which a nucleus has a 50% probability of decaying is its half-life. Back to Jeopardy

  37. Half-Life $300Answer The half life of uranium-232 is 70 years. The time for 3/4 of a sample of uranium-232 to decay is 140 years. Back to Jeopardy

  38. Half-Life $400Answer If a piece of wood is suspected to be several thousand years old, its true age can likely be determined through use of the isotope carbon-14. Back to Jeopardy

  39. Reactions $100Answer The combining of two nuclei to form a larger nucleus with the release of energy is nuclear fission. Back to Jeopardy

  40. Reactions $200Answer What is fission? The splitting of a large nucleus into two smaller nuclei. Back to Jeopardy

  41. Reactions $300Answer What is meant by binding energy? This indicates how tightly bound together a nucleus is. Back to Jeopardy

  42. Reactions $400Answer In a bad accident, a nuclear reactor could explode like an atomic bomb. (False) Back to Jeopardy

  43. Controlled Reactions $100Answer Magnetic confinement is used in controlled fusion experiments to control a plasma. (True) Back to Jeopardy

  44. Controlled Reactions $200Answer In a nuclear reactor, control rods are used to limit the number of neutrons passing from one fuel rod to another. Back to Jeopardy

  45. Controlled Reactions $300Answer Two areas in which fusion is the source of energy are stars, hydrogen bombs, & tokamak reactors Back to Jeopardy

  46. Controlled Reactions $400Answer The determination of the composition of a material by bombarding it with neutrons and monitoring the emitted radiation is neutron activation analysis . Back to Jeopardy

  47. Potpourri $100Answer The Voyager space probes used electricity provided by radioisotope thermoelectric generators . Back to Jeopardy

  48. Potpourri $200Answer When uranium-238 (Z = 92) is bombarded with a neutron, it can change into uranium-239. Back to Jeopardy

  49. Potpourri $300Answer The mass of an atom of carbon-12 (Z = 6) is less than the mass of 6 protons and 6 neutrons because of binding energy. Back to Jeopardy

  50. Potpourri $400Answer Most stable element. Iron Element 26 Back to Jeopardy

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