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Department of Rural Development and Land Reform

This presentation outlines the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform's strategic plan for the years 2011-2014. The plan focuses on implementing rural development and achieving Outcome 7 - comprehensive rural development. It also considers the department's contribution to other government outcomes and aims to improve productivity, land administration, access to land and food, rural services, and employment opportunities.

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Department of Rural Development and Land Reform

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  1. Department of Rural Development and Land Reform Strategic Plan: 2011 – 2014 Presentation to the Select Committee on Land and Environmental Affairs 24 May 2011

  2. Presentation outline • Purpose • Introduction • Part A: Strategic Overview • Part B: Strategic Objectives • Part C: Links to other Plans • Annexure

  3. Purpose This presentation outlines the 2011-14 Department of Rural Development and Land Reform strategic plan as tabled on 09 March 2011. The emphasis of the plan is to implement the mandate of rural development and Outcome 7.

  4. Introduction • The strategic plan was developed in line with the recently approved National Treasury Framework for Strategic Plans and Annual Performance Plans. • The plan has incorporated the current strategic plan (2010-2013), Outcome 7 and its deliverables. • The plan takes into consideration the department’s contribution to Outcome 4, 6, 9 and 10. • The plan consists of three parts: • Section A: Strategic Overview • Section B: Strategic Goals & Objectives • Section C:Links to other plans

  5. Part A: Strategic Overview Strategic Context: Medium - Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) The department’s mandate is derived from the 5 priorities of the ruling party, and government’s MTSF : • Creation of decent work and sustainable livelihoods • Education • Rural development, food security and land reform • Health • Fight against crime and corruption Lekgotla • The New Growth Path provides strategies for job creation. To this end, the department will place emphasis on developing job creation strategies and programmes with a particular bias towards rural communities

  6. Strategic Context (cont) State of the Nation Address (SONA) In the State of the Nation Address, President Zuma highlighted the following: • The strategic importance of rural development and land reform as a lever for improving the lives of the previously disadvantaged people’s lives. • Creation of 500 000 job opportunities in the rural sector over the next 10 years. To this end DRDLR will focus on creating jobs through the CRDP, Land Reform (Recapitalisation and Development Programme) and the National Rural Youth Services Corps (Narysec) • Creating employment opportunities for the youth. To this end the department has created innovative models for employment creation, one of these is the Narysec. Over the next 3 years the department plans to create employment opportunities for 22 401 youth through the Narysec Programme. Budget Speech • Reduction in the unemployment rate • Reduction in the vacancy rate Government’s Outcomes approach • The department continues to focus on the achievement of Outcome 7 and its deliverables

  7. Vision Vibrant, equitable, sustainable rural communities Overarching Goal Social cohesion and development Mission To initiate, facilitate, coordinate, catalyze and implement an integrated rural development programme Strategy Agrarian transformation, interpreted to denote “a rapid and fundamental change in the relations (systems and patterns of ownership and control) of land, livestock, cropping and community

  8. Values • Batho Pele • Commitment • Accountability • Work Ethic • Innovation

  9. Key Priorities • To improve productivity in land reform projects through effective implementation of the Recapitalisation and Development programme; • To expedite the finalization of land claims; • Effective roll out of the CRDP to improve the livelihoods of rural communities; • Improve corporate governance and ensure enhanced service delivery; • Implement proper change management and innovation strategies; • Enhance the efficiency of information management systems.

  10. Strategic Goals (outcomes) The five outputs of Outcome 7, have been incorporated into the 8 departmental strategic goals

  11. 8 STRATEGIC GOALS OF THE DEPARTMENT • Sound corporate governance and service excellence through compliance with the legal framework achieved by 2014 • Reformed policy, legislative and institutional environment by 2014 • Effective land planning and administration that is biased towards rural areas • Institutional arrangements for effective corporate governance and stakeholder participation by 2014 • Increased access to and productive use of land by 2014 • Improved access to affordable and diverse food by 2014 • Improved rural services to support sustainable livelihoods by 2014 • Improved access to sustainable employment and skills development opportunities by 2014

  12. Legislative and Other Mandates Constitutional Mandate • Section 25 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 establishes the framework for the implementation of land reform Legislative Mandates • Legislation implemented by the Department is categorised according to: Land Reform (Tenure Reform, Redistribution, Restitution), Geospatial and Cadastral Services (Deeds Registration, Cadastral Surveys Management, National Geospatial Information, Spatial Planning & Information); and other general and relevant legislation.

  13. Legislative and Other Mandates (cont.) Planned Policy Initiatives • Green Paper on Rural Development and Land Reform gazetted by May 2011 • White Paper on Rural Development and Land Reform approved by Cabinet by May 2012 • Policy on: • land ownership by foreign nationals (2011) • the proposed Rural Development Agency (2011) • the establishment of a Land Management Commission (2011/12) • land valuation and the establishment of a Valuer-General (2011/12) • land tax (2013/2014)

  14. Situational Analysis • The Department operates in a volatile environment which consists of a number of factors that will influence its ability to deliver on its mandate. • Some of these factors include: poor service delivery, high unemployment especially in rural areas, slow economic growth and social fragmentation in rural areas. • In order to address these challenges, the Department has undergone a thorough and robust strategic planning process. From the intensive engagements it became apparent that the Department needs to consider taking a different outlook in how it operates. • The outcomes-based approach adopted by The Presidency and government in general calls for a different modus operandi. The department has therefore identified its "business as usual" – those things that it has been doing as part of its previous and current mandate – as the sustained agenda; and its business "unusual" – the things that it must now do because of the changes affecting government, i.e. to deliver 12 outcomes – as the change agenda.

  15. Situational Analysis (cont) Performance environment Performance in the 2010/11 financial year indicates the following: • Between 1994 and 2010, approximately 7,4 million hectares of land were transferred or redistributed to previously disadvantaged persons through the land reform programme (Restitution and Redistribution) mainly for agricultural purposes. • To date, the CRDP has been rolled out in 60 rural wards. Organisational environment • Due to the creation of the “new” Department in 2009, there has been re-configuration of existing programmes and the addition of new ones. The original seven programmes have been consolidated into five programmes; namely, administration, geospatial and cadastral services, rural development, restitution and land reform. • Approval of the final organisational structure is in progress

  16. Strategic Planning Process • The strategic plan was developed by the senior management of the Department through a series of strategic planning sessions led by the Chief Directorate: Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. • The first sessions entailed strategic discussions with top management that set the strategic direction for the Department. During these sessions the management outlined the Department's key priorities by taking into consideration government's key priorities and the 12 outcomes of government as identified in the MTSF (particularly Outcome 7, which is coordinated by the Minister for Rural Development and Land Reform). • This followed individual branch consultations with the relevant stakeholders.

  17. Part B: Strategic Objectives • This section covers objectives identified to achieve the set goals. • The strategic objectives are allocated to all 5 budget programmes of the Department. • The tables are a summary of Part B, which in the strategic plan are depicted per programme (1-5)

  18. Programme 1: Administration Purpose To provide strategic and logistical support in the form of executive, corporate services. It also oversees departmental capital works and makes a nominal contribution to the public sector education and training authority Priorities • Improving corporate governance and enhance service delivery • To implement proper change management and innovation strategies • Enhance the efficiency of information management systems • Reforming the policy, legislative and institutional framework.

  19. Geospatial and cadastral services Purpose • To provide geospatial, cadastral surveys, spatial planning information as well as technical services in support of sustainable land development Key priorities Improving efficiency of cadastral surveys management, information services and registration of deeds by: • Reducing the turnaround times for the approval of cadastral documents • Reducing the time taken to register deeds and documents • Providing land registration services and information to support the government’s development agenda • Reducing spatial inequalities in rural communities

  20. Programme 3: Rural development Purpose • To initiate, facilitate, coordinate and catalyse the implementation of CRDP that leads to sustainable and vibrant rural communities. Key priorities • Roll-out the CRDP in all rural municipalities • Improving food security in rural communities by establishing food gardens and improving technologies for food production • Create jobs in rural areas through Narysec, infrastructural projects, etc

  21. Programme: Restitution Purpose To provide settlement of land restitution claims under the Restitution of Land Rights Act, 1994(Act No 22 of 1994), and to provide settlement support to restitution beneficiaries Key priorities • Reduce the backlog of land claims • Settle all outstanding land claims

  22. Programme 5: Land Reform Purpose To provide sustainable land reform programmes in South Africa Key priorities • To improve productivity in land reform projects through the effective implementation of the Recapitalisation and Development Programme • Acquire and allocate strategically located land

  23. Part C: Links to other plans This section shows the Department’s Public Entities and Private Partnerships. The Department has 2 entities: • Agricultural Land Holding Trading Account • Ingonyama Trust Board It also has the Kgolaganyo Public Private Partnership

  24. Budget Summary

  25. Annexure: Strategic objective annual targets for 2011 - 2013 The annexure depicts annual targets for each of the strategic objectives indicated in Section B

  26. Reflection on past performance To date the following has been achieved: • 7.4 m hectares have been redistributed to previously disadvantaged South Africans • CRDP has been rolled out over 21 rural municipalities • Over 7 500 young people have been recruited for the Narysec Programme • 411 farms are currently under the Recapitalisation and Development Programme • In the process of planning for revitalisation of 27 irrigation schemes across the country • Vacancy rate reduced from 16.7% to 10.24% • 21 prioritised posts filled (more than 17 in Senior Management)


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