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What are we going to call the first people who lived in North America?

?. ?. ?. ?. ?. ?. ?. ?. ?. ?. ?. ?. ?. ?. ?. ?. ?. What are we going to call the first people who lived in North America?. Where did The First Occupants come from?. How did the First Occupants get to North America ?.

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What are we going to call the first people who lived in North America?

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  1. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

  2. What are we going to call the first people who lived in North America?

  3. Where did The First Occupantscome from?

  4. How did the First Occupants get to North America ?

  5. What were the names of the 3 main groups of First Occupants?

  6. What region did the Iroquoians live in? • What regions did the Algonkianslive in? • What region did the Inuit live in ?

  7. How did the first Occupants live in the year 1500?

  8. Did the 3 groups of First Occupants live in the same places?

  9. Because the 3 groups of First Occupants lived in different places, they lived in different ways

  10. Iroquoians: the way they lived • Iroquoians lived in the St-Lawrence Valley • The soil was very FERTILE • Fertile means good for growing vegetables

  11. Iroquoians were farmers! • They grew vegetables • corn, beans, squash • Men hunted animals sometimes for meat • Farming is where they got most of their food

  12. Iroquoians stayed in the same place • Because they were farmers • They grew food • They lived close to where they grew food • Staying in one place is called SEDENTARY • Iroquoians had a sedentary way of life

  13. Iroquoian Homes • Iroquoians lived in villages • There were a lot of houses in the village. • The houses were called ‘LONGHOUSES’

  14. Inside a Longhouse

  15. Longhouses were made of…. • Wood • Bark from trees • Animal fur and bones • Other natural materials

  16. Villages were protected • Iroquoian villages were protected by a wall • This wall was made out of large pieces of wood • The wall protected the village from attacks

  17. Iroquoians Con’t • How did they travel? • Travel by foot (snowshoes in winter) or by canoe (on waterways) • What did their housing look like? • They built semi-permanent structures called ‘longhouses’ • Each longhouse housed several families

  18. Iroquoians Con’t • How did they farm, hunt and store food? • Simple tools like stone axes, bows/arrows and baskets allowed them to live and maintain a sedentary life • Animal skins/furs comprised most of their clothing  trade with Algonkian tribes

  19. Iroquoians Con’t • Why were longhouses semi-permanent? • Every 8-10 years, the soil the Iroquoian tribes farmed became infertile…so they had to change where they lived • A new Group of longhouses was built elsewhere

  20. Iroquoians Con’t • Iroquoian social structure was known as MATRIARCHAL • What did this mean for them? • Women made important decisions, were the leaders of permanent settlements and decided who would be the chief of the tribe/village (a man)

  21. Algonkians: their way of life • Algonkian groups lived in the ‘Canadian Shield’ and Appalachian Mountain Regions  NOT FERTILE • NON FERTILE= hunting and gathering= NOMADIC

  22. AlgonkiansCon’t • They did not farm like the Iroqouian tribes, so they relied on hunting animals and gathering wild vegetation like berries • Summertime=fishing grounds • What was their housing like? • Small/portable dwellings called wigwams • 2-4 families per wigwam

  23. AlgonkiansCon’t • How did Algonkians travel? • Foot, canoe, snowshoes, tobogans • Tools? • Bows/arrows, stone axes, fishing implements like nets

  24. AlgonkiansCon’t • The social structure= PATRIARCHY • What does that mean? • The opposite of MATRIARCHAL • Men made important decisions and were placed in leadership roles

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