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Do Now: Complete the Do Now on the worksheet in front

Do Now: Complete the Do Now on the worksheet in front. Objectives: Students will be able to...(1) analyze visuals for key information (2) describe the advantages of the North and the South  Homework: CP1/CP2: Questions 1 -5 on pg. 356 based on 11.1 Honors: Notes on 11.1 (DUE WEDNESDAY).

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Do Now: Complete the Do Now on the worksheet in front

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  1. Do Now: Complete the Do Now on the worksheet in front Objectives: Students will be able to...(1) analyze visuals for key information (2) describe the advantages of the North and the South  Homework: CP1/CP2: Questions 1-5 on pg. 356 based on 11.1 Honors: Notes on 11.1 (DUE WEDNESDAY)

  2. Think back…what are some differences between the North and the South?

  3. Lets review the causes of the Civil War… Civil War Causes Rap

  4. Tale of the Tape: Advantages Complete the Worksheet using the article

  5. Ticket to Leave: Which advantage do you think is the most important?

  6. Lets talk about your projects

  7. Do Now: Do an I see/It means on the Image below

  8. Party Politics in the North Lincolns Goal: Preserve Union War Democrats – Supported Civil War Peace Democrats (“Copperheads”) – Opposed War, wanted to unite country with negotiations

  9. Civil Rights Do you think it’s ok for the government to draft people into the army if the government needs people?

  10. Draft/conscription • Major disagreement between Republicans and Democrats • Conscription – forcing people into military service • Some riots occurred over this (Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin) • Lincoln suspends Habeas Corpus – Person’s right not to be imprisoned unless charged with crime and given trial

  11. Diplomatic Relations South – Wanted Europe to recognize them as country North – Wanted Europe to mind their own business Trent Affair – South sends two diplomats (James Mason & John Slidell) to Europe and France to negotiate

  12. Jigsaw: Major People Working in your group – Create a profile of your given leader

  13. Do Now: Do you think the technology soldiers or armies have in war plays a big role in how the fighting goes? Why? What are some of the deadliest weapons do you think? Objectives: Students will be able to...(1) explain the impact of technology on the Civil War (2) analyze a video clip for key information Homework: CP1: Pg. 368, 1-3 (Section 3 Assessment) Work on projects Honors: Notes on 11.2

  14. Recognize this guy?

  15. First “Modern” War Many officers studied Napoleon for techniques HUGE Armies used Bayonets – Long knives on the front of rifle

  16. New Bullets – Minnie Balls • Used to use round metal balls • Now using cone-shaped-bullet • Quicker to reload • More accurate • Trenches built by defending forces

  17. Accuracy of Smoothbore Muskets vs. Rifle-muskets Much more accurate http://www.littlestregular.com/blog/2007_02_01_archive.html

  18. Cameras First time photography played a role in war People could see what war was like

  19. Telegraph office http://www.kidport.com/RefLib/UsaHistory/CivilWar/Communication.htm

  20. Telegraph wagon http://www.civilwarhome.com/telegraph.htm

  21. Can spread info faster and more accurately http://www.webbgarrison.com/thesoldierfull/vol1fullindex.html

  22. Railroads http://www.old-picture.com/civil-war/Soldiers-railroad-cannon-small.htm

  23. Moves supplies and People to battlefields • http://faculty.umf.maine.edu/~walters/web%20103/outline%2014%20umf%20103_06.htm

  24. Rifled Cannon The Whitworth designed cannon could fire a shell over 6 miles. http://www.andrewspages.dial.pipex.com

  25. Hand grenades/rockets http://grenadelauncher.com/

  26. Hale rocket and rocket launcher More causalities http://warandgame.wordpress.com/2007/11/28/nineteenth-century-military-rockets/

  27. Iron Clad Boats http://militaryhistory.about.com/od/navalbattles1800s/ig/Civil-War-Navies/USS-Cairo.htm

  28. http://www.britannica.com/ebc/art-13043/In-the-first-battle-of-ironclad-warships-the-Confederate-Virginiahttp://www.britannica.com/ebc/art-13043/In-the-first-battle-of-ironclad-warships-the-Confederate-Virginia

  29. Submarines http://news.webshots.com/photo/1195793651015913979KyvkEV

  30. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/ship/sub-history3.htmhttp://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/ship/sub-history3.htm

  31. Balloons http://www.sonofthesouth.net/leefoundation/civil-war/1861/october/civil-war-balloons.htm

  32. http://www.old-picture.com/civil-war/Professor-military-Virginia-balloon.htmhttp://www.old-picture.com/civil-war/Professor-military-Virginia-balloon.htm

  33. Technology and the Civil War As you watch the video, list pieces of technology, and how they changed or impacted the war.

  34. Do Now: From what you’ve learned or seen in movies/TV, how would you describe war or battlefields? Objectives: Students will be able to...(1) explain life on the battlefield (2) analyze various sources for key information about life on the battle field Homework: CP1: Work on project – Part 1 due Monday

  35. North vs. South in the War

  36. Primary Source Activity Working in small groups, look through the packet of authentic sources and write a newspaper article about life on the battlefield YOU MUST reference all the sources at least once. Will turn in at the end of class.

  37. Do Now: Do an I See/It Means on the image below

  38. Northern Strategy – Anaconda Plan Proposed by General Chief of the US – Winfield Scott

  39. War of Attrition • Attrition – The wearing down of one side by the other through exhaustion of soldiers and resources • North – more troops

  40. South Strategy – Defensive War of Attrition Pick battles carefully then retreat Wanted Union to spend $$ and resources Many Southerners disliked

  41. This was the anaconda plan…Answer the questions on your worksheet….

  42. Answer the questions on your sheet as you watch the video clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsgR1_oL56w

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