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Independence Middle School Science MAP Prep

Independence Middle School Science MAP Prep. The rock type that would contain fossils would be?. metamorphic. sedimentary. A:. B:. Igneous. semiprecious. C:. D:. sedimentary. What is the main cause of continental drift, volcanic Eruptions, and earthquakes.

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Independence Middle School Science MAP Prep

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  1. Independence Middle School Science MAP Prep

  2. The rock type that would contain fossils would be? metamorphic sedimentary A: B: Igneous semiprecious C: D:

  3. sedimentary

  4. What is the main cause of continental drift, volcanic Eruptions, and earthquakes Convection currents below Earth’s crust Earth’s rotation on it’s axis A: B: Slowly sinking of Earth’s crust The Sun’s heat warming Earth C: D:

  5. Convection currents below Earth’s crust

  6. Which of the following does gravity NOT do? Pull objects towards the Earth’s center Cause volcanoes to erupt A: B: Keep the planet s in their orbit around the sun Keep the moon in it’s orbit around the Earth C: D:

  7. Cause volcanoes to erupt

  8. The main source of energy for the water cycle is? The Earth rotating around the sun Energy from Earth’s gravitational field A: B: Heat from the Earth’s core Heat radiation from the Sun C: D:

  9. Heat radiation from the Sun

  10. Which statement is most likely true about the formation of igneous rock? It is formed from other rocks due to heat and pressure It is formed when molten magma is cooled A: B: It is formed by long periods of weathering and erosion It is formed underwater in island lakes C: D:

  11. It is formed when molten magma is cooled

  12. Which is NOT part of the Earth’s water cycle? Ground water/run off Precipitation A: B: Conduction Evaporation C: D:

  13. conduction

  14. Which planet has the shortest year? Mars Jupiter A: B: Mercury Earth C: D:

  15. Mercury

  16. Which Ecological event has NOT significantly changed Earth’s atmosphere, land and oceans Farming with increased usage of fertilizers deforestation A: B: Increased usage of chemicals that seep into the atmosphere Mountain climbing C: D:

  17. Mountain climbing

  18. If a full moon happened on June 2, when would the next full moon occur? June 30 June 16 A: B: June 28 June 23 C: D:

  19. June 30, it has a 28 day cycle

  20. What can we use to find the source of information that can be used to trace evolution on Earth? Fossil records Soil samples A: B: Egyptian Scrolls Cave drawings C: D:

  21. Fossil records

  22. Fossils tell the…. relative age of rocks beginning age of rocks A: B: absolute age of rocks date the rocks will melt C: D:

  23. Relative age of rocks

  24. What causes the seasons on Earth? The tilt of the Earth on its axis The revolution of the Earth around the Sun A: B: The rotation of the Earth on its axis Night and day C: D:

  25. The Earth’s tilt on it’s axis

  26. The Earth spinning on it’s axis is called? Retrograde motion tilt A: B: revolution rotation C: D:

  27. rotation

  28. Which of the following does the movement of the Earth’s plates NOT cause? hurricanes mountains A: B: volcanoes earthquakes C: D:

  29. hurricanes

  30. Earth’s yearly trip around the Sun is called… rotation revolution A: B: leap year vacation C: D:

  31. revolution

  32. Night and day are caused by Earth’s tilted axis Earth’srotation Tilt of the Earth’s axis A: B: The different hemispheres on Earth Earth’s revolution C: D:

  33. Earth’s Rotation

  34. Which planet is a rock planet? Jupiter Saturn A: B: Venus Neptune C: D:

  35. Venus

  36. Which one is not a mineral property? color luster A: B: odor hardness C: D:

  37. Odor

  38. What can cause the Green house effect? An increase in CO2 in the atmosphere Dramatic climate changes A: B: The destruction of forests Allofthe above C: D:

  39. All the above!

  40. Which does NOT describe the Ozone layer Around 32 miles above Earth Is getting thinner above the poles A: B: it is made up of CFC’s (chlorofluorocarbons) Absorbs UV rays from the Sun C: D:

  41. It is made up of CFC (chlorofluorocarbons)

  42. Earth’s atmosphere is made up mostly of…. Carbondioxide nitrogen A: B: oxygen hydrogen C: D:

  43. Nitrogen

  44. Which is NOT a renewable resource coal trees A: B: water wood C: D:

  45. Coal

  46. Acid rain is caused by…. Using aerosol sprays Usingfertilizers A: B: Burning coal and oil Sprayingpesticides C: D:

  47. Burning coal and oil

  48. Which is NOT used to reduce soil erosion Wind breaks Strip mining A: B: contour plowing Terracing planting fields C: D:

  49. Strip mining

  50. A rock formed deep underground from magma That has cooled is…. igneous sedimentary A: B: metamorphic extrusion C: D:

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