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Native American Wars: Modoc & Nez Perce in the 1870s, Apache Wars in the Southwest

Learn about the Modoc War, Nez Perce War, and Apache Wars during the late 19th century. Discover the conflicts, negotiations, and consequences of these Native American struggles.

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Native American Wars: Modoc & Nez Perce in the 1870s, Apache Wars in the Southwest

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  1. The Northwest, 1870-80

  2. The modoc War (1872-73)

  3. The Modoc War (1872-73) • Modocs placed on reservation with unfriendly tribe • Returned to Lost River country under Kintpuash (Captain Jack) • Fighting broke out during negotiations for tribe to return

  4. The Modoc War (1872-73) • Modacs retreated to Lava Bed at Tule Lake • Natural fortress • Four engagements over six months • Army suffers heavy casualties despite superior numbers and weaponry

  5. The Modoc War (1872-73) • Negotiations end in tragedy • Gen. Canby and Reverend Thomas killed while unarmed • Reinforcements led to Modacsurrender • Captain Jack and other leaders executed

  6. Nez Perce War (1877) • Historically friendly tribe • Nez Perce Reservation created across three states • Settlers invade territory due to rumors of gold • Gov’t called for removal to Lapwai Reservation in Idaho • Chief Joseph and followers refused • Irresponsible actions on both sides led to war

  7. Nez Perce War (1877)

  8. Nez Perce War (1877) • 1300 mile chase across Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming • Interrupted by sharp engagements • NAs used terrain expertly • Army used supply chains; NAs lived off of land • Avoided large scale battles

  9. Nez Perce War (1877) • Reasons for Nez Perce defeat: • Women and children slowed travel • Superior strength and weapons of Americans • Telegraph alerts troops along line of flight • Heavy casualties on both sides eventually force Chief Joseph to surrender

  10. The Southwest, 1870-80

  11. Apache Wars • Massive zone of operations; effective warriors and cavalry • Few in number, but tied down Army over extended amount of time • Fighting with Chief Cochise  1861-1872 • Treaty created new reservation until 1876 • Apache also faced conflicts with Mexican army as well

  12. Apache Wars • Many Apache tribes relocated to San Carlos Reservation • Terrible living conditions • Apaches turn to raiding • Fighting breaks out against Apache leaders such as Geronimo and Victorioacross Arizona • Geronimo escapes from reservation three times • Surrender eventually negotiated in 1886, though small raids continued into early 20th century

  13. George Crook • Commander of Department of Arizona • Used mobile strike forces and Indian scouts against Apache • Supported NA rights outside of the battlefield • Negotiated Geronimo’s surrender in 1886 • Failed at last minute

  14. Emblem of 501st Parachute Infantry

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