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HPCMP Benchmarking Update

Department of Defense High Performance Computing Modernization Program. HPCMP Benchmarking Update. Cray Henry April 2008. Outline. Context – HPCMP Initial Motivation from 2003 Process Review Results. DoD HPC Modernization Program. DoD HPC Modernization Program.

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HPCMP Benchmarking Update

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  1. Department of DefenseHigh Performance Computing Modernization Program HPCMP Benchmarking Update Cray Henry April 2008

  2. Outline • Context – HPCMP • Initial Motivation from 2003 • Process Review • Results

  3. DoD HPC Modernization Program

  4. DoD HPC Modernization Program

  5. HPCMP Serves a Large, Diverse DoD User Community 519 projects and 4,086 users at approximately 130 sites Requirements categorized in 10 Computational Technology Areas (CTA) FY08 non-real-time requirements of 1,108 Habu-equivalents Computational Fluid Dynamics – 1,572 Users Computational Electromagnetics & Acoustics – 337 Users Electronics, Networking, and Systems/C4I – 114 Users Computational Structural Mechanics – 437 Users Environmental Quality Modeling & Simulation – 147 Users Forces Modeling & Simulation – 182 Users Computational Chemistry, Biology & Materials Science – 408 Users Climate/Weather/Ocean Modeling & Simulation – 241 Users Signal/Image Processing – 353 Users Integrated Modeling & Test Environments – 139 Users 156 users are self characterized as “Other”

  6. Benchmarks Have REAL Impact • In 2003 we started to describe our benchmarking approach • Today benchmarks are even more important

  7. 2003 Benchmark Focus • Focused on application benchmarks • Recognized application benchmarks were not enough

  8. 2003 Challenge – Move to Synthetic Benchmarks • 5 years later we have made progress, but not enough to fully transition to synthetics • Supported over $300M in purchases so far

  9. Comparison of HPCMP System Capabilities – FY 2003 - FY 2008 Habu-equivalents per Processor

  10. What Has Changed Since 2003 (TI-08) Introduction of performance modeling and predictions Primary emphases still on application benchmarks Performance modeling now used to predict some application performance Performance predictions and measured benchmark results compared for HPCMP systems used in TI-08 to assess accuracy (TI-08) Met one on one with vendors to review performance predictions for each vendor’s individual systems

  11. Overview of TI-XX Acquisition Process Usability/past performance information on offered systems Determine requirements, usage, and allocations Choose application benchmarks, test cases, and weights Vendors provide measured and projected times on offered systems Measure benchmark times on DoD standard system Determine performance for each offered system per application test case Determine performance for each offered system Collective acquisition decision Measure benchmark times on existing DoD systems Determine performance for each existing system per application test case Use optimizer to determine price/performance for each offered system and combination of systems Center facility requirements Life-cycle costs for offered systems Vendor pricing

  12. TI-09 Application Benchmarks AMR – Gas dynamics code (C++/FORTRAN, MPI, 40,000 SLOC) AVUS (Cobalt-60) – Turbulent flow CFD code (Fortran, MPI, 19,000 SLOC) CTH – Shock physics code (~43% Fortran/~57% C, MPI, 436,000 SLOC) GAMESS – Quantum chemistry code (Fortran, MPI, 330,000 SLOC) HYCOM – Ocean circulation modeling code (Fortran, MPI, 31,000 SLOC) ICEPIC – Particle-in-cell magnetohydrodynamics code (C, MPI, 60,000 SLOC) LAMMPS – Molecular dynamics code (C++, MPI, 45,400 SLOC) Red = predicted Black = benchmarked

  13. Predicting Code Performance for TI-08 and TI-09 *The next 12 charts were provided by the Performance Modeling and Characterization Group at the San Diego Supercomputer Center.

  14. Prediction Framework – Processor and Communications Models

  15. Memory Subsystem Is Key in Predicting Performance

  16. Red Shift – Memory Subsystem Bottleneck

  17. Predicted Compute Time Per Core –HYCOM

  18. One curve per stride pattern Plateaus correspond to data fitting in cache Drops correspond to data split between cache levels MultiMAPS ported to C and will be included in HPC Challenge Benchmarks Sample MultiMAPS Output Memory Bandwidth (MB/s) Working Set Size (8 Byte Words) MultiMAPS System Profile

  19. 4 Core Woodcrest Node L2 cache being shared Modeling the Effects of Multicore

  20. Performance Sensitivity of LAMMPS LRG to 2x Improvements

  21. Performance Sensitivity of OVERFLOW2 STD to 2x Improvements

  22. Performance Sensitivity of OVERFLOW2 LRG to 2x Improvements

  23. Main Memory and L1 Cache Have Most Effect on Runtime

  24. Differences Between Predicted and Measured Benchmark Times (Unsigned) Note: Average uncertainties of measured benchmark times on loaded HPCMP systems are approximately 5%.

  25. 25 Solving the hard problems . . . 9/4/2014

  26. 26 Solving the hard problems . . . 9/4/2014

  27. 27 Solving the hard problems . . . 9/4/2014

  28. 30 Solving the hard problems . . . 9/4/2014

  29. 31 Solving the hard problems . . . 9/4/2014

  30. 32 Solving the hard problems . . . 9/4/2014

  31. What’s Next? More focus on Signature Analysis Continue to evolve application benchmarks to represent accurately the HPCMP computational workload Increase profiling and performance modeling to understand application performance better Use performance predictions to supplement application benchmark measurements and to guide vendors in designing more efficient systems

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