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The Austrian JI/ CDM programme

The Austrian JI/ CDM programme. Forum MPD Maroc Marrakech, April the 21st and 22nd 2004 Mag. Angela Friedrich Ministry of Environment, Austria. Starting point. >> Austrian Kyoto target under the burden sharing agreement: - 13%

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The Austrian JI/ CDM programme

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  1. The Austrian JI/ CDMprogramme Forum MPD Maroc Marrakech, April the 21st and 22nd 2004 Mag. Angela Friedrich Ministry of Environment, Austria

  2. Starting point >> Austrian Kyoto target under the burden sharing agreement: - 13% >> Reduction effort: - 21,5 % (in comparison to the data 2002) >> Climate Strategy adopted by Council of Ministers in June 2002 >> Components of the Climate Strategy: national measures and the use of the Kyoto instruments (JI and CDM) >> JI and CDM are meant to close the gap between national reduction potentials and required reduction closed by JI/CDM projects (3-5 Mio t/a CO2-equivalent)

  3. General Framework of the Austrian JI/CDM programme (1) >> Legal basis: Amendment to the Federal Environment Fund Act >> Entry into force on the 21st of August, 2003 >> Main elements: • Up to 36 Mio Euros per year for: • acquisition of ERUs and CERs from projects • Support of project preparation • Investments in Fonds (CDCF) >> Designated representative in Austria: Kommunalkredit Public Consulting • Contact point for all questions concerning JI and CDM • Check of the submitted documents: EoI, Invitation for Proposal

  4. General Framework of the Austrian JI/CDM programme (2) >> Priority for project categories • Renewable Energy Production • Fuel Switch to less carbon intensive fuels • Combined heat and power installations • Energy efficiency projects • Waste management measures

  5. Procedures >> Submission of the Expression of Interest (EoI) to the Kommunalkredit Public Consulting (Project Idea note (PIN) + Letter of Social Responsibility) >> Check of the EoI >> Submission of the Invitation for Proposal (IoP) to KPC (Project Design Document (PDD) und Letter of Approval (LoA)); Check! >> KPC gives a recommendation to the Commission >> Commission gives a recommendation to the Minister of Environment >> Minister of Environment decides about the acceptance of the projects >> KPC gives a recommendation to the Commission >> Contracts with the Investors and host countries >> At present: 1. call (until 30th September 2004)

  6. Conditions for the acceptance of projects >> economic criteria (price, financial concepts,...) • ERUs: average ~ 4,5 €/t CO2 • CERs: average ~ 3,5 €/t CO2 >> environmental criteria (impacts on air, soil, waste,...) >> social criteria (stakeholder comments, insurance of employees,...)

  7. Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) >> For facilitation of project implementation, agreement for the transfer of reduction units >> Concluded with Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Slovakia Romania and Morocco >> Further MoUs in concrete preparation: • Ukraine, Estonia (JI) • Bolivia, Bosnia, Brasil, Chile, China, Columbia, India, Mexico, Peru (CDM)

  8. Submitted projects in the Austrian JI/CDM programme so far >> 14 projectsthat were officially submitted • 6 JI projects (Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia) • 8 CDM projects (India) >>12 projectsthat are in the pipeline • 7 JI projects (Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Romania) • 5 CDM projects (Brazil, India, Ecuador, Sri Lanka)

  9. Outlook >> Flexible mechanisms will play an important role in the Austrian Climate Strategy >> Attitude to JI and CDM in Austria very positive

  10. Further information angela.friedrich_a@lebensministerium.at helmut.hojesky@lebensministerium.at www.lebensministerium.at Ministry of Environment, Department Climate Protection www.klimaschutzprojekte.at www.ji-cdm-austria.at The Austrian JI/CDM-Programm www.publicconsulting.at kyoto@kommunalkredit.at KPC – Carrying out office of the Austrian JI/CDM-programme

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