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About T P C L

About T P C L. T o r onto P r emi e r Cr i c k et L e a g ue is a n a ssoci a t i on f or med by w el l - k n o w n softb a ll

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About T P C L

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  1. About TPCL Toronto Premier Cricket League is an association formedbywell-known softball cricketers who are playingcricketforyears.The passion forcricketandcommunity leadershipbrought fine people togetherto form andestablish thisassociation in a veryshort term. TPCL will be organizingsoftball crickettournaments andleague games in Twenty 20 format between twelve leadingteams who were playingcricketinGTA formore thanten years in otherorganizedleagues. TPCL is committedto provide a platform foralllikemindedpeople to enjoycricket andsocialize with eachother andcreatea familyatmosphere.We knowthis will get betterandbigger in coming years and will attract more teams andsupporters from ourcommunity. TPCL 2013 Board ofDirectors: Name Position MilroyBastiampillai Senior Advisor Nirthanadan Elayathamby Senior Advisor AsokSanthiralingam Community Relation Advisor TPCL 2013 CommitteeMembers: Name Position Cricket Club Nesan Ramachandran President Jaguars C.C. Chandran Santhiralingam Sports Secretary Devils C.C. RajeevanGaneshan Secretary Knights C.C. Kishon Jeeva Treasurer BlackCats C.C. SurenBalachandran Assist. Secretary Riderz C.C. Vinoth Arumugam Assist.Treasurer Eelam Boys C.C. Niel Anandarajah Committee Member Ideal Crickters Jeyanthan Sathananthan Committee Member Cambridge C.C. Douglas Nadarajah Committee Member Benz C.C. Praba Sivaz Committee Member E-Force C.C RubanRatnam Committee Member Toronto 11Stars C.C.

  2. SoftballCricket Clubsassociated with TPCL Toronto Premier Cricket League has proudlyaccommodatedthe followingtwelve soft ball cricketclubs for 2013T-20league. BenzC.C E-ForceC.C. IdealCricketers BlackCatsC.C. CambridgeC.C. JaguarzC.C. DevilzC.C. KnightsC.C. DixieC.C. RiderzC.C. EelamBoysC.C. 11StarsC.C.

  3. TorontoPremierCricketLeague MediaLaunchandConference TPCLhas organized Media launch anda conferenceon March 3rd, 2013 at Queen Palace banquet hall. The chiefguestsof this event wereHon. Miss. RathikaSitsabesan M.P. and CouncilorDr. RaymondCho from ward 42. Theevent was full with manymedia friends from our local community andyoungsoftballcricketers to support the launch.

  4. Toronto Premier Cricket League– T20 Opening Ceremony Toronto Premier CricketLeaguegeared up to hosttheirinaugural T-20cricket league for 2013 at Charlottetown Park near Port UnionandLawrence. Theopeningceremonywas started on May19, 2013at 10:30am. There weremanydistinguishedguests from the communityand Cityof Torontoparticipated on this dayto support ouryouth and the gameof cricket. Also, the whole ceremonywas live coveredbyour media sponsorsTamilOneTV and VanakkamFM 105.9 Radio.

  5. TPCLALLSTARFUNDRAISINGTOURNAMENTin association withTORONTO POLICECRICKETCLUB for SCARBOROUGH GRACEHOSPITAL Percy CumminsGround,Toronto–TorontoPremierCricketLeague’sfundraisingevent for ScarboroughHospitalturnedouttobe hugesuccess.Toronto PoliceCricketClub, TamilOneTV,VanakkamFM,volunteers,sponsorsandTPCLmemberscametogether foragoodcause.Withthesupportfromall,TPCLwasabletoraiseagrandtotalof $3100. The event was filled with communityleaders and Toronto policemembers. Dr. AlokMukharjeefromTronto Police, Mansoor Ahmed fromToronto PoliceCricketboardAssociation, RathikaSitsabaiesanMP,Scarborough–RougeRiver, CouncillorRaymondCho,Ward 42Scarborough-RougeRiver, Bas Balkishan(MPP–Scarborough–RougeRiver), CouncillorChinLee,Ward41Scarborough-RougeRiver, Chris Allen,PresidentofScarborough-GuildwoodConservativeRiding Association TPCL startedtheeventbyshowcasingtalentsofcricketersundertheageof14fromboth eastandwest.Thereweresomeextraordinarytalentsandpassionforcrickethidden insidetheyouths. Thefutureof Canadian and TPCLcricketlooks reallyhealthy.

  6. ThehardballcricketgamebetweenTorontoPoliceCricketClubandTPCLAllStarswasThehardballcricketgamebetweenTorontoPoliceCricketClubandTPCLAllStarswas arealthriller.TPCL AllStarsbattedfirstandscored102runsin15overlimitedmatch. Ajanthan Vijayakumar scored30runs andRajeev Sivanesanscored27undefeatedruns. TPCC was abletoachievethe target inthe last over. Thegamewasn’t inanysidesfavour tillthe end. RoshanNallaratnam scored 34 runs asan openerand was named the MVP. SimilartotheHomerunDerbyinbaseballTPCLcameupwiththeMostDangerous Batsmanandbowlercompetition.Tenbatsmen andtenbowlerswereselectedforthe contest.Batsmenweregiventhechoicetopickabowlerfromthe drawthroughlottery system.Batman’schallengewastohitasmany sixesastheycanandbowler’schallenge wastonotgive sixandtake wickets.Inthe endtwo Dixie players tookhome the award. NirubanNirthananthanwasnamed the MostDangerousBatsmanasNamasivayam Selvakumar took theMost DangersBowleraward. MostDangerous Batsman MostDangerous Bowler ALLStarMVP TPCCLvs TPCL MVP ThelasteventofthedaywasthetalentshowcasinggamebetweenTPCLAllStarsand committee selectedteam.Committee selectedsquad 78runsin10oversbutlost thegame inlastover toAllStarsasKamal(Devilz) scored34runs.KamalwasnamedtheMVP of the match.

  7. TPCL T20 FIRST EVER DRAFT TOURNAMENT CharlottetownPark,Toronto–DrafttournamenthasbeenthebestoftheTPCLsofar. Apart from allthecompetitivemindset the playersloved theopportunitytoplaytogether. Therewere5managersthatownedteams:Jeyanthan(Siruthaigal),Mohan(Destroyers), Nesan(Rebels),Milroy(Strikers)andSanjay (Hunters).Eachmanagerdraftedtwelve playersfortheirteamswiththegoaltowin.TheHunterswent5-1intheirgamesand theironly losscameinthefinaltotheSiruthaigal.Siruthaigalbecamethechampsofthe first draft tournament in TPCLhistory. Thedrafttournamentwasheldwithonegoalofbringingalltheplayerstogether.The playersgottheopportunity totalkandplaywithplayersthatthey neverwouldhave experiencedotherwise.Those who camewith negative opinionsaboutother teamsandits playersweresurprised. TheyrealizedhowwrongtheywereandthankedTPCLfor providingsuchan opportunity. Asthetournamentwentonplayersbecamefriendlyandsupportiveofeachother.The togetherness did not end at the grounds. The winning manager Jeyanthan invited everyone to join fordinnerat Chinese restaurant. At therestaurant, theplayerssat together in abig groupand had dinner as oneTPCLteam. Thosewhoparticipatedinthetournamentcontinuetoenjoythegoodfriendshipthatthey havecreatedthroughthetournament.Theotherswhomissedtheopportunityareeagerly waitingfor it nextyear.

  8. TPCL T20 THE FINAL andTHECHAMPIONS of2013 Charlottetown Park, Toronto–The teamsthatfinishednumber 1and2inthe standings provedthatthey aretherealnumber1and2by making intothefinal.BlackCatsand Eelam Boyzfaced against each otherin best of 3 final. EelamBoyswerethefavouritescomingintothefinal.TheydefeatedBlackCatsthree gamesinarow andhelda3-0record.EelamBoyzalwaysfightstilltheendandthefans lovetowatchtheirgame.However, inthefinalBlackCatsshowedtheirexperience and teamwork.BlackCatstooktwostraightgamesfromEelamBoyzinthe finaltohoist the first ever TPCL’s challengetrophy. Miraj, the captain of Black Cats said that theywerenervouscoming into the final because ofthewaythatEelamBoyzdominatedthemin thefirst3games.Healsostatedthat heis extremelyhappywith theoutcome and congratulated EelamBoyzon thegood games. Jinoshan(Kutty)becametheMVPoftheplayoffs.Thoughitwasateamvictoryfor BlackCatsthisindividualstoodoutinevery game.Hetookimportantwicketsandstayed atthecreaseduringmostchallenging andpressurizedtime.Hispatienceandtheteam work ofBlack Cats havemadethem deservethis cup. TheTPCLcommitteethankedalltheteamsandsupporterswhohelpedtofinishthefirst yearoftheleaguewithabang.SpecialthankstoJeyanthanwhocookedforallandmade the whole playoffsenjoyable and memorable. TPCLis lookingforwardtohave anotherexitingseason in 2014. WelldoneBlack Cats!!

  9. WELCOMEtoTPCL T20 • Chargers Cricket Club • Dotcom Cricket Club • Rangerz Cricket Club • Rocket Cricket Club • Venkaikal Cricket Club

  10. Season 2014Playing Conditions

  11. TPCL 2014 LEAGUE FORMAT • All 16 teams play against each other in the 1st round. Total of 120 matches in the 1st round. • In the 2nd round 16 teams will be divided into two groups based on the 1st round standing. • Standing 1,4,6,8,10,12,14 & 16 will be called GROUP A.Standing 2,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 will be Called GROUP B. • At this point teams will play once with other in the same group. • A team will be playing 22 games before the playoff. • Including both groups matches total of 56 matches played in the 2nd round. • All 16 Teams May Need to play at least 3 weeks of Saturday to cover the 1st round before all-star game. • Top EIGHT teams will be selected for the playoff. • League matches will award 3 points to the winning team. • Knock out matches will award 1 point to the winning team.

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