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Maintaining a Sharp Eye

Passage I Tangsancai – An Ideal Tourist Souvenir. Passage II Ordering a Gift Online. Maintaining a Sharp Eye. Passage I Tansancai – An Ideal Tourist Souvenir. Related Information Intensive Study Practice. Related Information. The Tang Dynasty (618 - 907).

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Maintaining a Sharp Eye

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  1. Passage I Tangsancai – An Ideal Tourist Souvenir Passage II Ordering a Gift Online Maintaining a Sharp Eye

  2. Passage I Tansancai – An Ideal Tourist Souvenir Related Information Intensive Study Practice

  3. Related Information The Tang Dynasty (618 - 907) It is one of the most flourishing and prosperous dynasties in the Chinese history. During this period of time, agriculture, poetry, handicraft, business and other industries came to a peak and China became the most powerful country in the world. It is a dynasty the Chinese take the most pride in.

  4. Related Information The Silk Road The Silk Road dates back to the 2nd century B.C. when Zhang Qian went on a business trip to the western countries following this trade thoroughfare linking Asia and Europe. Originating from Chang’an, the route traveled through Shaanxi Province, the Hexi Corridor in Gansu Province, Xinjiang, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Syria, ending at the eastern shores of the Mediterranean. More than 4 000 of its 7 000 kilometers were in China. Because China’s silk reached the West along this road, European scholars came to call it the “Silk Road”.

  5. Related Information

  6. Intensive Study • Text • Difficult Sentences • Important Words

  7. Passage I Tangsancai – An Ideal Tourist Souvenir (Para. 1) The Chinese term Tangsancai refers to the tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty (618-907 A.D.). It is called “tri-colored” because yellow, green and white colors were normally used in making the ceramics, although some pieces can also be found in two or four colors. Developed in the tradition of the green and brown glazed pottery of the Han Dynasty, it represented a peak in the development of Chinese ceramics and was well known by the world in its time. 1

  8. Passage I (Para. 2) Unearthed tri-colored Tang ceramics are usually horses, camels, female figurines, dragon head mugs, figurines of musicians and acrobats, and pillows. Of these, the tri-colored camels have won the greatest admiration. They are presented as bearing loads of silk or carrying musicians on their backs, their heads raised as if neighing. The red-bearded, blue-eyed riders, clad in tunics with tight sleeves and hats with upturned brims, reproduce true-to-life images of men from Central Asia of that time as they were walking along the Silk Road to the tinkle of camel bells. 2 3

  9. Passage I (Para. 3)The tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty was developed some 1 300 years ago by drawing on the methods of Chinese traditional painting and sculpture as well as employing the various bodies of clay forming and incising techniques. The lines therefore produced were rugged and powerful. Then glazes of different colors were painted on before placing the pottery in a kiln. The colors dripped and melted together to form smooth tones, due to the intense heat and chemical reactions caused by the firing of the kiln. 4 5

  10. Passage I (Para. 4) The tri-colored Tang ceramics flourished during the 8th Century, a relatively short period of time during the Tang Dynasty. During this period, aristocrats used the ceramics as funerary objects. Therefore, findings of tri-colored Tangs today are considered rare and valuable treasures, valued for their brilliant color and life-like shapes. (Para. 5) Imitations are now produced in Luoyang, Xi’an and other cities of China and are well received by tourists as souvenirs because of their resemblance to the original. 6

  11. Translation Example Difficult Sentences 1. (Para. 1) Developed in the tradition of the green and brown glazed pottery of the Han Dynasty, it represented a peak in the development of Chinese ceramics and was well known by the world in its time. past participle phrase used here to show the origin and development of the art 唐三彩由汉代的绿棕两色釉陶发展而来,代表了中国陶器发展史上的一个顶峰,并在当时举世闻名。 Destroyed in the storm, the village now has become a depopulated zone.

  12. Translation Example Difficult Sentences 2.(Para. 2) Of these, the tri-colored camels have won the greatest admiration. here refers to horses, camels, female figurines, etc. mentioned previously. 其中,三彩骆驼最负盛名。 She has three children. Of them, she likes the youngest the most.

  13. Translation Example Difficult Sentences prep. 3. (Para. 2) They are presented as bearing loads of silk or carrying musicians on their backs, their heads raised as if neighing. 独立主格结构 骆驼或者驮着丝绸,或者载着乐师,头高高仰起,仿佛正在嘶鸣。 The cat is vividly presented as jumping at the snake.   He stared at me as if he were wild.  

  14. Translation Example means “about ” Difficult Sentences 4. (Para. 3) The tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty was developed some 1 300 years ago by drawing on the methods of Chinese traditional painting and sculpture as well as employing the various bodies of clay forming and incising techniques. means “ in addition to ” 唐三彩是在大约1300年前,通过吸收中国传统绘画和雕刻工艺,以及采用各种各样的捏泥成形和切塑技术发展起来的。 The technology was developed by drawing on the result of his scientific research.   She is a talented musician as well as a photographer.  

  15. Translation Example Difficult Sentences 5. (Para. 3) The colors dripped and melded together to form smooth tones, due to the intense heat and chemical reactions caused by the firing. means “caused by, because of ” 由于窑内炉火燃烧时的高温和化学反应,不同的颜色滴落并融汇成光滑的色调。 The team’s success was largely due to her efforts.  

  16. Translation Example Difficult Sentences n. means “what were found or discovered” 6. (Para. 4) Therefore, findings of tri-colored Tangs today are considered rare and valuable treasures, valued for their brilliant color and life-like shapes. 过去分词短语作状语 因此,今天出土的唐三彩陶以其艳丽的色彩和栩栩如生的形象被视为稀有的珍品。 A terrible earthquake was reported to have happened in that area recently, which drew the world’s attention.  

  17. Important Words tri- (prefix) three, triple三,三倍,三重 FOR EXAMPLE: • triangle (三角形) • trilateral (三边的) • trilingual (能说三种语言的) • trilogy (三部曲) • tricycle (三轮车) • bi-: • (prefix) two, double • 二,二倍,二重 • bicycle • bilingual

  18. Important Words peakn. point of highest intensity, value, achievement, etc. 顶点,顶峰 FOR EXAMPLE: Traffic reaches a peak between 8 and 9 in the morning. She is at the peak of her career.

  19. Important Words cladadj. dressed, clothed 穿着 FOR EXAMPLE: The Eskimos are always warmly clad throughout the year. The motor-cyclists clad in leather look so cool to the young girls.

  20. Important Words someadv. (used with numbers) approximately, about 大约,近于 FOR EXAMPLE: He spent some twelve years of his life in Africa. Some thirty people attended the funeral. • Review the use of “some” after class.

  21. Important Words employ v. make use of, use 使用,利用 FOR EXAMPLE: You could have employed your spare time much better if you had planned well. The police employed force to break up the crowd. • employ v.to engage the services of; put to work 雇佣…;使工作

  22. Important Words flourish v. be successful, very active or wide-spread, prosper 兴旺,繁荣,旺盛 FOR EXAMPLE: No new business can flourish in the present economic climate. The Chinese culture flourished in the Han and Tang Dynasties.

  23. Important Words consider v. be of the opinion, regard ... as 认为,视为 FOR EXAMPLE: We consider this (to be ) very important. The painting was previously considered worthless, but now it turns out to be very valuable. He is considered to be the best leader of the organization.

  24. Practice Read and Think Read and Complete Read and Translate Read and Simulate

  25. It refers to the tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty (618 - 907 A.D.). Read and Think Answer the following questions according to the passage. • What does the Chinese term Tangsancai refer to?

  26. These figures are usually horses, camels, female figurines, dragon head mugs, figurines of musicians and acrobats, and pillows. Read and Think • What figures are presented by the unearthed tri-colored Tang ceramics?

  27. It was developed some 1 300 years ago by drawing on the methods of Chinese traditional painting and sculpture as well as employing the various bodies of clay forming and incising techniques. Read and Think • When and how was Tangsancai developed?

  28. Because they are rare, and people value their brilliant colors and life-like shapes. They were used as funeral objects by aristocrats. Read and Think • Why are findings of tri-colored Tang ceramics today very valuable? • In the Tang Dynasty, for what purposes were the tri-colored Tang ceramics used?

  29. Read and Complete • Fill in the blanks without referring to the passage. Unearthed 1 __________ Tang ceramics are usually 2 _______, camels, female figurines, dragon head mugs, figurines of musicians and acrobats, and pillows. Of these, the tri-colored 3 ________ have won the greatest admiration. They are presented as bearing loads of 4 ____ or carrying musicians on their backs, 5 ___________ raised as if neighing. The red-bearded, 6 __________ riders, clad in tunics with tight sleeves and hats with upturned brims, reproduce true-to-life images of men from 7 ___________ of that time as they were walking along 8 _____________ to the tinkle of camel bells. tri-colored horses camels silk their heads blue-eyed Central Asia the Silk Road

  30. Read and Complete • Complete each of the following statements according to the passage. 1. The glazed pottery is called “tri-colored” because _____________________ colors were usually used in making the ceramics. 2. Developed in the tradition of the green and brown glazed pottery of the Han Dynasty, it __________________ in the development of Chinese ceramics and was well known by the world in its time. yellow, green and white represented a peak

  31. Read and Complete 3. The tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty was developed by adopting the methods of ____________________________________ as well as using the clay forming and incising techniques. 4. The tri-colored Tang ceramics __________ during the 8th century. 5. Imitations are now produced in some cities of China and are well received by tourists as __________. Chinese traditional painting and sculpture flourished souvenirs

  32. Read and Complete • Fill in the blanks with the proper words and expressions given below, changing the form if necessary. present refer to employ draw on represent reproduce develop well receive melt the original 1. The police _________ force to open the door. 2. I don’t know which of her brothers she was ___________. 3. We ________ her experience throughout the project. 4. The place has __________ from a fishing port into a thriving tourist center. employed referring to drew on developed

  33. Read and Complete 5. The hot sun soon ________ the ice frozen during the whole last week. 6. The opening-up policies are ___________ by the public. 7. The design was __________ on T-shirts. 8. China and India ________ 40% of the world’s population. 9. Tobacco companies are trying to _______ a more favorable image. 10. This painting is a copy; __________ is in New York. melted well received reproduced represent present the original

  34. Read and Translate Translate the following sentences into English. refer to 1.我说有人懒惰, 并不是指你。 When I said someone was lazy, I was not referring to you. 2.这个作品代表了现代音乐的一种主要趋势。 trend represent modern music This work represents a major trend in modern music.

  35. Read and Translate style flourish 3.这种风格在17世纪的德国非常盛行。 This style flourished in Germany in the 17th century. 4. 孩子们对商店里栩栩如生的玩具鸟非常着迷。 be attracted by life-like The children were attracted by the life-like toy birds in the shop.

  36. Read and Translate silk clothes 5.他们公司生产的丝绸服装在东南亚很受欢迎。 well received The silk clothes their company makes are well received in Southeast Asia.

  37. Read and Simulate Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences. 1. It is called “tri-colored” because yellow, green and white colors were normally used in making the ceramics. Changchun is called an Automobile City because the First Automobile Plant of China was set up in the city. Now you try: 因为琳达非常喜欢唱歌,所以被称为“小鸟”。 因为她总是助人为乐,所以被称为“天使”。 Linda is called a “little bird” because she likes singing very much. She is called an “angel” because she is always ready to help other people.

  38. Read and Simulate 2. Developed in the tradition of the green and brown glazed pottery of the Han Dynasty, it represented a peak in the development of Chinese ceramics. Seen in this light, the matter is not as serious as people generally suppose. Now you try: 因为生长在穷乡僻壤, 他们当中有些人从未见过火车。 在这些成绩的鼓舞下, 他们决定扩大经营。 Born and brought up in remote villages, some of them have never seen a train. Encouraged by these successes, they decided to expand the business.

  39. Read and Simulate 3. Of these, the tri-colored camels have won the greatest admiration. Of all these problems, this one is the biggest. Now you try: 在所有这些书中,我最喜欢这本。 在所有这些任务中,这一项是最困难的。 Of all these books, I like this one (the) best. Of all these tasks, this one is the hardest.

  40. Read and Simulate 4. They are presented as bearing loads of silk or carrying musicians on their backs, their heads raised as if neighing.   When she had finished talking, she looked at the audience as if waiting for an applause. Now you try: 她不时地四处张望,好像在找什么人似的。 他停了下来,好像在期待什么人讲话似的。 From time to time she looked round as if searching for someone.   He paused as if expecting someone to speak.

  41. Read and Simulate 5. The lines therefore produced were rugged and powerful. The designs thus made are being checked over thoroughly. Now you try: 这些是一代一代传下来的问题。 今晚有什么计划吗? They are problems passed down from generation to generation. Is there anything planned for tonight?

  42. Read and Simulate 6. The tri-colored Tang ceramics flourished during the 8th Century, a relatively short period of time during the Tang Dynasty.   Alchemy flourished widely during the Middle Ages. Now you try: 许多植物在温暖湿润的气候生长茂盛。 他的生意一直兴旺发达。 Many plants flourish in warm humid climates. His business has been flourishing.

  43. Passage II Ordering a Gift Online Related Information Intensive Study Practice

  44. Related Information Shopping Online Some people like to buy things online because it is convenient and there is no need to spend a whole day going around different department stores for just one thing. But some people don’t like to shop online because they find the surfing and searching operation too troublesome and payment with credit cards not secure at all.

  45. Intensive Study Text Difficult Sentences Important Words

  46. Passage II Ordering a Gift Online (Para. 1) Rarely do I surf the web as an Internet shopper myself. But last night I decided I would like to send a gift to an aunt and uncle that my family recently had the pleasure of visiting. I went to one of the major search engines and searched using the words “ordering flowers online” or something to that effect. As I went through each of the top sites that appeared, I was dismayed to find so many obstacles to making a simple online transaction! 1 2

  47. Passage II (Para. 2) The first site had a good product which I thought about ordering, but when I clicked on the “order this item” graphic, it brought me to a page with empty fields to fill out, where I was supposed to put in THEIR product number and price! 3

  48. Passage II (Para. 3) The next site charged extremely high (in my opinion) shipping charges. It doesn’t seem quite right that a $25 bonsai tree should have a $10 shipping charge to me. The next site had no secure order form. (Although when I wrote to them expressing my disappointment that they had no secure order form, they assured me that they did indeed have one and had had it for years --- still, it wasn’t showing secure for me!) 4

  49. Passage II (Para. 4)One site had a great order form and shopping cart. I added my chosen product to the shopping cart and it seemed to work fine, but then I couldn’t find any way to GO TO the shopping cart to place my order! I knew it had to be there somewhere. Upon further inspection, I found a tiny link among the list of links in the left border column that said “go to shopping cart.” Now I’m an experienced Internet user, I can’t even imagine what it must be like for total beginners who want to buy things online. For whatever reason, probably out of spite because I couldn’t find the “go to shopping cart link,” I moved on.

  50. Passage II (Para. 5) So, I did another search on HotBot and this time noticed a banner ad, the kind that pops up on your computer when you log into a com website, for the FTD (Florists’ Telegraph Delivery) site. I rarely click on banner ads, but this seemed to be what I was looking for, so I clicked through. What a difference! The FTD site was well organized, easy to browse through, secure, and had reasonable shipping charges. My question is why do we still have to get to a “big dog” to get that kind of service?

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