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How the Indian Education Act Impacts Your School District

How the Indian Education Act Impacts Your School District. Overview of Presentation. Teacher Quality Native Languages Curriculum and Instruction Tribal/Parent Involvement Status Reports. Teacher Quality.

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How the Indian Education Act Impacts Your School District

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How the Indian Education Act Impacts Your School District

  2. Overview of Presentation • Teacher Quality • Native Languages • Curriculum and Instruction • Tribal/Parent Involvement • Status Reports

  3. Teacher Quality • Increase Native American teachers and administrators: undergraduate and graduate degree programs • Assist teachers working with Native American students: endorsements in bilingual, reading, special education, TESOL

  4. Native Languages • Ensure the maintenance of native languages • Ensure that native language bilingual programs are part of a school district’s professional development plan • Tribes develop Memorandum of Agreement with PED • Tribes establish criteria for tribal members to teach native language and culture

  5. Native Language Bilingual Programs 23 school districts with substantial Native American student enrollment 16 school districts with Native American Bilingual Programs 7 school districts with No Native American Bilingual Program

  6. Curriculum and Instruction • Tribes are notified of all curricula development for their approval/support • Assist tribes and districts in the planning, development, implementation, and evaluation of curricula in native history, languages, and culture • Assist tribes and districts to develop curricula and instructional materials in native languages, history, and culture

  7. Tribal/Parent Involvement • Partner with tribes to increase involvement and control over the schools and the education of their students • Establish formal government-to-government relationship with tribes and the BIA education division

  8. Tribal/Parent Involvement • Establish relationship with urban Indian members to participate in initiatives and educational decisions • Ensure that parents, tribal departments of education, PED, universities, and other policymakers work together to improve educational opportunities for American Indian students

  9. Status Reports • A school district with tribal lands located within its boundaries shall provide a district wide American Indian education status report to all tribes represented • The status reports shall be written in a brief format and shall contain information through which public school performance is measured and reported to the tribes:

  10. Status Reports • Student Achievement • School Safety • Dropout Rate • Attendance • Parent and community involvement • Educational programs targeting American Indian students • Financial reports • Current status of Indian Policies and Procedures • District initiatives to decrease dropouts and increase attendance • Public school use of variable school calendars • Consultations with parent advisory committees

  11. Contact Us • Penny Bird – Assistant Secretary of Education (505) 827-6679 • Barbara Alvarez – Education Administrator (505) 827-4149 • Patrick Werito, Education Administrator (505) 827-3871 • Velma Sanchez, Office Administrator (505) 827-6679 • Fax: (505) 827-6668 • Website: http://www.ped.state.nm.us/indian.ed

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