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UNEP GEF–5 Expanded Constituency Workshop Belize March 1-3,2011

UNEP GEF–5 Expanded Constituency Workshop Belize March 1-3,2011. UNEP alignment w/ GEF 4 of 6 sub-programmes. Ecosystem Management Climate Change Hazardous Wastes Environmental Governance. UNEP – GEF Project Typologies as per Program of Work (POW).

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UNEP GEF–5 Expanded Constituency Workshop Belize March 1-3,2011

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  1. UNEP GEF–5 Expanded Constituency Workshop Belize March 1-3,2011

  2. UNEP alignment w/ GEF 4 of 6 sub-programmes • Ecosystem Management • Climate Change • Hazardous Wastes • Environmental Governance

  3. UNEP – GEF Project Typologies as per Program of Work (POW) • international cooperation and action, inc transboundary and south-south cooperation; • norms and standards; • Dev. and imp. of int’l, reg’l and other environmental conventions; • science-based inventories and assessments

  4. UNEP – GEF Project Typologies as per Program of Work (POW) • building capacity for env. info. mgmt and decision support systems, • early warning of emerging issues; • Env. policy advice based on sound science, through EAs, national and regional policy instruments, and stronger mainstreaming of environment into other sectors;

  5. UNEP – GEF Project Typologies as per Program of Work (POW) Technology support and capacity building services in line with country priorities, including innovative methods, tools and technologies; institutional capacities; demonstrating best practices; barrier removal for market transformation; and awareness raising, knowledge generation/ dissemination & env. education.

  6. UNEP/GEF-5 Biodiversity & LD Flagship Themes • Protected Areas / SFM • Ecosystem Services • Migratory Species and Flyways (?) • Biosafety & Invasive Alien Species • Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) • Land Degradation (conserv.agric. and ecosystem restoration)

  7. UNEP/GEF-5 Cimate ChangeFlagship Themes • Low ODS/Energy Efficiency in refrigeration and A/C • Energy Efficiency • GHG reduction & RE from dump sites • Enabling activities/TNAs • Ecosystem based adaptation (LDCF/SCCF/AF)

  8. UNEP/GEF-5 IW Flagship Themes • High Seas (Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction – ABNJ) with BD • Ridge To Reef (IWCAM-2) • Blue Forests (with BD & CC) • Marine Corridors (with BD)

  9. UNEP/GEF-5 Chemicals Flagship Themes • Environmentally sound management (ESM) and phase out, POPs chemicals in production and use. • Demonstrate feasible and innovative technologies to achieve impacts in POPs releases reduction • ESM of POPs wastes and contaminated sites • Strengthen nat’l/reg’l & global capacities for effective POPs releases reduction and phase out • Global processes: mercury management, SAICM, global monitoring

  10. UNEP/GEF-5 Multi–Focal Flagship Themes Green Economy – incremental costs - various sectors assist governments in “greening” their economies by reshaping and refocusing policies, investments and spending towards a range of sectors, such as clean technologies, renewable energies, water services, green transportation, waste management, green buildings and sustainable agriculture and forests.

  11. Regional Partners • National Executing Agencies • Regional Entities, and Centers of Excellence, for example: UWI, CABI, IICA, 5 Cs Center, CATIE CEHI, … Caribbean Development Bank CARICOM, OECS Secretariat

  12. GEF-5 Caribbean Regional projects under preparation IW - IWCAM – 2 POPs - Integrated Chemicals Management in Caribbean SIDs inc. implementation of NIPs POPs – Improved Management of Agrochemical life cycles in Caribbean and Central America region CC/Ozone - Removing barriers to introduce low-GWP alternatives in the refrigeration and A/C sector

  13. Recommended Minimum Fiduciary Standards Audit, Financial Management and Control Framework External Financial Audit; Financial Management and Control Frameworks; Financial Disclosure; Code of Ethics; Internal Audit Project/Activity Processes and Oversight Project Appraisal Standards; Procurement Processes; Monitoring and Project-at-Risk Systems; Evaluation Function Investigations Investigation Function; Hotline & Whistleblower Protection

  14. LIST OF ANNEXES TO THE UNEP PROJECT COOPERATION AGREEMENT (PCA) Annex 1 Project Document (Appendices are listed as part of Annex 1) Annex 2 CEO approval letter Annex 3 Definition of terms Annex 4 Contact details Annex 5 Draft project supervision plan Annex 6A Inventory of non-expendable equipment template Annex 6B Equipment transfer letter template Annex 7A Third Party Form template Annex 7B Cash advance template Annex 8 Progress report template Annex 9 Project implementation review report template Annex 10 Final report template Annex 11 Quarterly expenditure statement template Annex 12 Cofinance template

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