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A Kris Martin Production

A Kris Martin Production. KARITANE REVISITED. This program is designed for you to use as a reminder of what we saw and found out at Karitane. Use the section of this presentation as your revision programme sees fit. KARITANE REVISITED.

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A Kris Martin Production

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A Kris Martin Production

  2. KARITANE REVISITED This program is designed for you to use as a reminder of what we saw and found out at Karitane. Use the section of this presentation as your revision programme sees fit.

  3. KARITANE REVISITED Select either to look at the landforms menu or the focussing questions menu. Landforms Focussing Questions

  4. Phenomena Menu Select the section you wish to revise: 1. Whole area 2. “Mother & Child” stacks 3. “Twistie” stack 4. Blowholes 5. Sand spit 6. Basalt rocks Return me to initial menu

  5. From this scene you should be able to draw a sketch map and label where the natural processes are occurring. To an example of a sketch To Maps of Area

  6. Maps of Karitane and Coastal Otago To an example of a sketch

  7. Sketch of the Karitane penninsula Thanks to Jonny for the use of his sketch. You will need to label the sketch when you recreate it for bursary. Also say where the phenomenas are and what natural process is happening there. 1. Longshore drift 2. Saltation 3. Wave attack 4. Wave attack, weathering, sediment type 5. Tectonic uplift, biota, corrasion, corrosion

  8. ‘Mother and Child’ Stacks Used in Focussing questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Coastal erosion : weathering, wind, wave attack, gravity, abrasion, degradation etc. Fluvial deposition : Laying down of sediment

  9. ‘Twistie’ Stack Used in Focussing questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Coastal erosion : weathering, wind, wave attack, gravity, abrasion, corrasion etc. Coastal and fluvial deposition : Laying down of sediment

  10. Blowhole Used in Focussing questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Coastal erosion : weathering, gravity, wave attack Coastal deposition : beach that has been created

  11. End of Sandspit Used in focussing questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Coastal erosion : longshore drift, saltation, vegetation removal Coastal deposition : longshore drift, saltation, biota

  12. Columnar Basalt Used in focussing questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Coastal erosion : wave attack, corrasion, biota attack Volcanism : sill development

  13. Focussing Questions Menu Select the focussing question that you wish to revise. 1. Elements and interactions. 2. Spatial variations. 3. Distribution of phenomena. 4. Operation of natural process 5. Interaction among phenomena. 6. Human influence. Return me to initial menu

  14. Focussing question 1: What are the elements and interactions involved in your natural process?: Elements sediment type wind, rain, sun biota waves etc Interactions longshore drift corrosion corrasion abrasion etc

  15. Focussing question 2: What are the spatial variations found in your natural process?: basalt cf beach mother stack cf child “mother & child” cf “twistie” penninsula cf beach spit cf penninsula Cf = compared to

  16. Focussing question 3: How does your natural process affect the distribution of phenomena: Why are the stacks there? Why is the basalt there? Why are the blowholes there? Why is the beach there? Why is the spit there?

  17. Focussing question 4: How does your natural process operate?: Wave attack Longshore drift Wetting & drying Corrosion Corrasion Abrasion etc. etc. Coastal Erosion

  18. Focussing question 5: How does your natural process illustrate interaction among the phenomena: Waves attack basalt, material is carried elsewhere via longshore drift. Stacks protect headland. Biota protects landforms until biota disappears then the landform erodes quicker.

  19. Focussing question 6: How has your case study area been modified by human action: Pa development Harbour development House development People on the beach Fishermen Trig station Species introduction - plants / animals DOC development

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