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The Development of Training Material

The Development of Training Material. 7 th meeting of the Advisory Expert Group on National Accounts 23 April to 25 April 2012 New York. Outline of Presentation. Introduction Overview of main training initiatives by ISWGNA members and partner organizations

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The Development of Training Material

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  1. The Development of Training Material 7th meeting of the Advisory Expert Group on National Accounts 23 April to 25 April 2012 New York

  2. Outline of Presentation • Introduction • Overview of main training initiatives by ISWGNA members and partner organizations • EUROSTAT - Essential SNA: Building the Basics • World Bank – The Virtual Statistical System • IMF SNA training • UNSD initiatives • UNECE – training material on economic statistics • SIAP – training material on economic statistics • ISWGNA – Centralized knowledge platform • Issues for discussion

  3. Introduction • The 2008 SNA implementation strategy endorsed in the 39th session of the Statistical Commission gave greater emphasis to training and technical cooperation • Meet challenges in countries with less advanced statistical systems • Foster institutional capacity building and development of data sources • ISWGNA training activities are reported and updated on an annual basis • Seminars and workshops on national accounts compilation and basic statistics (including economic, environment and financial statistics) and its application for policy formulation. • Development of standardized training materials on the 2008 SNA and supporting classifications, statistical registers and basic economic statistics.

  4. Essential SNA: Building the Basics • EUROSTAT interactive e-course on main concepts of the System of National Accounts as contained in their handbook “Essential SNA: Building the Basics” • Main reference framework is the Minimum Requirement Data Set developed by the ISWGNA • Focus on gradual compilation of accounts and tables relevant for addressing policy issues • Modules complemented by exercises and a glossary, and comprise a media gallery per chapter providing access to web pages and further readings • Background document SNA/M1.12/5.3 (Eurostat-Essential SNA)

  5. Virtual Statistical System (VSS) • Free online resource developed by the World Bank for national statistical offices, data producing agencies and data users. • Information on effective statistical systems/organizations and the essential knowledge prerequisites for statisticians in these organizations. • Contains E-learning courses on selected topics, including on national accounts • Background document SNA/M1.12/5.2 (World Bank – Virtual Statistical System). • (https://www.virtualstatisticalsystem.org).

  6. SNA training by the IMF • IMF training courses on national accounts statistics • Six week 2008 SNA course periodically offered at the IMF Institute in Washington, DC • Two week courses on basic national accounts and on quarterly GDP through its regional training centres • Course on macroeconomic statistics at the Singapore Training Institute • Plans to convert some training materials, incl. on GDP compilation within the 2008 SNA framework, into a format that can be published on the external website

  7. UNSD initiatives • Training seminars and workshops upon request from Member States and in collaboration with United Nations regional commissions and other partners in line with global implementation programme adopted by the United Nations Statistical Commission. • The ‘Knowledge base on Economic Statistics – Methods and Country Practice’ is a repository of information on methodology and country practices in economic statistics (http://unstats.un.org/unsd/EconStatKB/KnowledgebaseArticle10131.aspx) • Plans for an additional repository on capacity building and training materials of national statistical offices based on in-house training programmes.

  8. Training material on economic statistics from the UNECE • Training materials such as power point slides and links to international guidelines and manuals available on the UNECE’s website (http://www1.unece.org/stat/platform/display/TRAINSTATS/Economic+statistics). • National accounts including classification issues; the non-observed economy; 2008 SNA implementation; capital services; research and development • Seasonal adjustment including detailed instructions on how to prepare raw series, how to undertake adjustment using Demetra+ and how to disseminate the adjusted figures • Business registers including country experiences; use of administrative sources; legal issues; and classifications (ISIC, NACE, SNA) • Price statistics including international manuals on CPI and PPI; guidance for sampling; adjustment for quality changes and treatment of seasonal products.

  9. Training material on economic statistics from SIAP • Annual programme of training in economic statistics and SNA • Four month general statistics course • Two month course every other year on analysis, interpretation and use of economic statistics in the SNA • One to two week regional and country courses in response to requests from ESCAP member states • E-library of materials used in training courses. Plans to link available collections of the World Bank, UNSD and UNECE (http://unsiap.or/jp/ematerial/ematerial_other/National_Accounts.php) • Launched a two month online e-learning course on introduction to 2008 SNA in November 2011. Plans to offer it again in 2013.

  10. Centralized knowledge platform • Established by ISWGNA on the 2008 SNA implementation website to provide access to resources from ISWGNA members and partner organisations (http://unstats.un.org/unsd/nationalaccount/impTr.asp). • Plans underway to include a coordinated list of activities by international organisations to be updated annually.

  11. Issues for discussion The AEG is requested to: • Provide guidance on the topics and format of training to be provided • Express views on the training material that needs to be developed for a knowledgebase on training material • Express views on the mechanisms to assure coordination of training activities among international and regional agencies

  12. Thank you

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