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Bedding Plants

Bedding Plants. By: Kierstin Gier. Ageratum houstonianum. Floss Flower. Ageratum houstonianum. Floss Flower. Antirrhinum majus. Snapdragon. Begonia semperflorens. Bedding Begonia, (Fibrous Begonia). Bellis perennis. English Daisy. Calendula officinalis. Calendula (Pot Marigold).

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Bedding Plants

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bedding Plants By: Kierstin Gier

  2. Ageratum houstonianum Floss Flower

  3. Ageratum houstonianum Floss Flower

  4. Antirrhinum majus Snapdragon

  5. Begonia semperflorens Bedding Begonia, (Fibrous Begonia)

  6. Bellisperennis English Daisy

  7. Calendula officinalis Calendula (Pot Marigold)

  8. Calibrachoa hybrids Million Bells

  9. Catharanthusroseus(Vincarosea) Madagascar Periwinkle (Vinca)

  10. Coleus x hybridus Coleus

  11. Cosmos bipinnatus Cosmos

  12. Cyclamen persicum Florists’ Cyclamen

  13. Dahlia hybrids Bedding Dahlia

  14. Dianthus barbatus hybrids Sweet William

  15. Eustomagrandiflorum (Lisianthusrusselianus) Lisianthus

  16. Impatiens walleriana Impatiens

  17. Lobelia erinus Lobelia

  18. Lobulariamaritma Sweet Alyssum

  19. Matthiolaincana Stock

  20. Papavernudicaule Iceland Poppy

  21. Petunia x hybrida Petunia

  22. Primulamalacoiders Fairy Primrose

  23. Primula x polyantha English Primrose

  24. Salvia splendens Scarlet Sage

  25. Senecio x hybridus Cineraria

  26. Tagetes hybrids Marigold

  27. Viola x wittrockiana Pansy

  28. Zinnia elegans Zinnia

  29. Ajugareptans hybrids Carpet Bugle

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