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PSSA READING ASSESSMENT. PRACTICE. CHARACTER. char·ac·ter Definition : a person in a story, novel, or play. Accuracy. ac·cu·ra·cy Definition : completing without error. Affix. af·fix

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  2. CHARACTER char·ac·ter • Definition: a person in a story, novel, or play

  3. Accuracy ac·cu·ra·cy • Definition: completing without error

  4. Affix af·fix • Definition: a letter or a group of letters attached to the beginning or end of a word (prefixes and suffixes) disappear lengthen

  5. Antonym ant·onym • Definition: a word of opposite meaning HOT COLD

  6. Bias bi·as • Definition: an attitude that always favors one way of feeling or acting over any other

  7. Biography bi·og·ra·phy • Definition: a history of a person's life

  8. Cause and Effect cause • Definition: something that explains an effect or result ef·fect • Definition: an event, condition, or state of affairs that is produced by a cause

  9. Compare com·pare • Definition: to show to be similar, examine for points of likeness

  10. Conclusion con·clu·sion • Definition: a final decision reached by reasoning OR the last part of something OR a final summing up

  11. Conflict OR Problem con·flict • Definition: a clashing or sharp disagreement (as between ideas, people, events, plots, interests, or purposes) OR prob·lem • Definition: something to be worked out or solved

  12. Context Clues con·text clues • Definition: Text book writers usually know when they must use a word that will be new to their student readers. So they often include other words or phrases to help with the understanding of the new word. These words or phrases are referred to as context clues. They are built into the sentences around the difficult word.

  13. Contrast con·trast • Definition: to show noticeable differencesor to compare two persons or things so as to show the differences between them

  14. Dialogue di·a·logue • Definition: a conversation between two or more persons OR a conversation given in a written story or play

  15. Fiction fic·tion • Definition: something told or written that is not fact OR a made-up story

  16. Genre genre • Definition: a particular type or category of book or written works

  17. Inference in·fer·ence • Definition: coming to a conclusion based on what you already know and what you have read in the story

  18. Informational Text in·for·ma·tion·al text • Definition: text whose primary purpose is to convey information

  19. Main Idea main idea • Definition: The main idea of a paragraph or story is what all the sentences and paragraphs are about

  20. Nonfiction non·fic·tion • Definition: literature or a movie that is true

  21. Personification per·son·i·fi·ca·tion • Definition: a description of non-human objects or ideas using human characteristics Example: Winter trees are starving, lacking leaves of spring.

  22. Plot (OR Action) plot • Definition: the main story

  23. Poetry po·et·ry • Definition: words arranged in a rhythm that expresses ideas and emotions

  24. Prefix pre·fix • Definition: a letter or group of letters that comes at the beginning of a word and has a meaning of its own Preview

  25. Problem and Solution prob·lem • Definition: something to be worked out or solved AND so·lu·tion • Definition: an answer to a problem

  26. Rhyme rhyme • Definition: one of two or more words having this similarity in sound

  27. Root Word root word • Definition: A word to which prefixes and suffixes may be added to make other words Unclear Clearly Cleared Root word = Clear

  28. Setting set·ting • Definition: the time and place of the action of a story or performance

  29. Suffix suf·fix • Definition: a letter or group of letters that comes at the end of a word and has a meaning of its own enjoyable

  30. Summarize sum·ma·rize • Definition: to tell what something is about, but in a shorter version

  31. Synonym syn·onym • Definition: a word having the same or almost the same meaning as another word in the same language Angry  Mad

  32. Sequence se·quence • Definition: the order in which things are or should be connected, related, or dated

  33. Alliteration al·lit·er·a·tion • Definition: the repetition of a sound at the beginning of two or more neighboring words Example: Sammy ate salad at Sarah’s before skateboarding to softball.

  34. Narrator OR Speaker nar·ra·tor • Definition: the person telling the story

  35. Exaggeration ex·ag·ger·a·tion • Definition: to enlarge a fact or statement beyond what is actual or true This test was as painful as getting a flu shot!

  36. Simile sim·i·le • Definition: a figure of speech in which things different in kind or quality are compared by the use of the word like or as The owls had eyes like stars!

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