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The Holocaust

The Holocaust. What was “The Holocaust?”.

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The Holocaust

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  1. The Holocaust

  2. What was “The Holocaust?” • The systematic annihilation of 6 million Jews —1.2 million children by the Nazis. In 1933, 9 million Jews lived in the 21 countries of Europe that would be occupied by Nazi Germany during World War 2. By 1945, 2 of every 3 European Jews had been killed. • About 6 million others died: gypsies, political prisoners, Communists, Slavs, trade unionists, habitual criminals, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, vagrants, physically handicapped, and mentally “unfit.”

  3. Essential Questions • How did the Nazis kill 6 million Jews and 6 million others in a matter of a few years? • Why did the “Final Solution” evolve the way that it did?

  4. You need to understand the following terms and their significance • Dachau • Kristallnacht • The Holocaust • Non-Jewish groups also victimized by Nazis • Henrich Himmler • Ghetto • Gestapo • Babi Yar • Auschwitz • Kapo • Slave or Forced Labor • Final Solution • Einsatzgruppen

  5. 1933, era of repression begins, Nazis start to round up opponents

  6. “Don’t buy from Jews!”

  7. First concentration camp opens at Dachau in March 1933. Initially for communists, political prisoners, and criminals

  8. 1935 Laws passed restricting Jews from business, serving in the army. Sexual relations and marriage with non-Jews are crimes. Jewish children can’t play in same places or attend non-Jewish schools “Jews are not welcomed here”

  9. November 9-10, 1938 • Kristallnacht, “Night of Broken Glass”

  10. Kristallnacht:Harbinger of the Holocaust • 30,000 Jewish men arrested and taken to concentration camps • More than 1,000 synagogues destroyed • Tens of thousands of Jewish businesses and homes ransacked and destroyed • Dozens of Jews killed

  11. The Nazis had fascist sympathizers in other countries • Anti-Semitism is widespread all around Europe • On a Jewish-owned shop,Norwegian fascists painted this slogan:"Palestine is calling. Jews are not tolerated in Norway."

  12. Chief Architects of The Holocaust • Heinrich Himmler (l), head of the Gestapo and the SS • Lt. General Reinhard Heydrich (r), Himmler’s deputy and head of the Reich Security Main Office, responsible for setting up Einsatzgruppen

  13. Jews were herded into ghettos • Why would the Nazis do that?

  14. Einsatzgruppen- mobile killing units • paramilitaries/police • Followed army into Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union • Key part of Nazi Holocaust • Killed 1.3 million Jews mostly by shootings

  15. Largest massacre—Babi Yar @ Kiev in Ukraine. 34,000 Jews killed, September 29-30, 1941

  16. Non-Germans responsible for much of the killing • Nazis recruited local fascists, anti-Semites, and criminals to do a lot of killing in Baltic states, Russia, Eastern Europe, and Yugoslavia

  17. Mobile killing not efficient enough for the Nazis. January 20, 1942 Wannsee Conference • “Final Solution to the Jewish Question”

  18. To carry out the extermination of the Jews, Nazis established six death camps in Poland where large numbers of deportees were gassed or starved to death.

  19. The largest death camp was AUSCHWITZ

  20. 1.2-1.5 million Jews were shipped to Auschwitz…

  21. Pair Share Think/Talk • Why were Auschwitz and all the other major death camps situated in Poland?

  22. Look at the location. Where did most Jews in Europe live?

  23. Jewish Police

  24. Kapos, some of whom were Jewish, were inmates who supervised the prisoners and carried out the orders of the Nazi camp commandants and guards. They were often as brutal as their SS counterparts. Kapos

  25. “Work Makes One Free”

  26. …only 1 in 20 survived

  27. Different types of Camps: death camps, concentration camps, labor camps

  28. Millions of slave laborers served the German war effort • “Forced and slave labor was used in road-building and defense works; the chemical, construction, metal, mining, and munitions industries; and elsewhere. Such labor was integral to concentration camps and their subcamps, farms, ghettos, labor battalions, religious institutions, prisoner-of-war camps, and private industries in Germany, other Axis countries, and the German-occupied territories east and west.”

  29. Pair/Share talk • Why did the Nazis resorted to such widespread use of slave and forced labor?

  30. USHMM Auschwitz film

  31. Life through SS eyes • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USqiV7phxjc&feature=relmfu

  32. Hint: 70 million Germans were fighting against industrialized countries with a combined population of more than 400 million + their empires.

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