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Sybase ASE: LOAD Executor

Sybase ASE: LOAD Executor. Rev. 6.2012. Sybase Administration Tools available at: http://andrewmeph.wordpress.com mailto: andrew.me.ph@gmail.com. Note and disclaimer:. The tools posted on the blog will require the same setup: Sybase Client installed (for tools connecting to ASE server).

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Sybase ASE: LOAD Executor

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  1. Sybase ASE: LOAD Executor Rev. 6.2012 Sybase Administration Tools available at: http://andrewmeph.wordpress.com mailto: andrew.me.ph@gmail.com

  2. Note and disclaimer: • The tools posted on the blog will require the same setup: • Sybase Client installed (for tools connecting to ASE server). • Administrative login user (for tools doing ASE administration). • A set of two or more .dll files supplied with the installation – performing licensing and environment operability checks. • All the tools have been tested to run bug-free. Nonetheless, the tools are provided “as is.” Responsibility for running a tool lies with the user. Comments and bug reports are welcome. They will be addressed and rectified. Please send the comments either directly by mail or through the blog. • As with any tool, it is recommended to start using it in the development environment before trying it on the Production Server.

  3. LOAD Executor: Quick info • The tool is an executor thread in the suite of tools designed to replay code samples collected earlier into ASE_LOAD_DATA table (DDL provided). • Apart from being able to activate code samples collected earlier, it is designed to collect execution statistics of the code it replays. This includes physical/logical IO, CPU Time, parse time, index / table scan statistics, & more – mostly the counters provided with statistics time/io settable ASE options. It has some extras to these. • Execution statistics can be collected on SQL level, or on per-table level within an SQL executed. • As a by-product, it is possible to feed the tool code samples manually and analyze its performance characteristics. • The tool was designed in order to be able to analyze modified ASE 15 optimizer characteristics. It may be used likewise in order to monitor performance impact of code changes by executing the same code with and without change and comparing differences across various performance counters.

  4. LOAD Executor : options Most of the available options here are quite straightforward: • EStat: collects execution statistics (Tbls. to drill-down by table). • EPlan: collects execution plans (not recommended for loads – too voluminous). • Full: to display the plan “as is” rather than simplified. • ReCon: to reopen connection by the end of each loop. • Loop: to loop execution. • Src?: to allow rowcount [RCnt] limitation to the code executed and to the number of code samples retrieved from the code source table. Continued on the next slide…

  5. LOAD Executor : options • NoEx: to run with ”no exec” (for checks that may be done thus). • Delay: to pause for # seconds between each execution. • SysDB: Is the name of the database where the code sample table [ASE_LOAD_DATA] has been created. • Feed: to open the feed code form to feed code samples manually. • Filter: to open the filter code form to filter (include or exclude – Excl) the desired code patterns (0 represent the number of code patterns filtered). • All DB SPs: allows to run all available stored procedures with dummy parameters – not very useful, since most will run into an error. Provided “as a last resort” – when there is no better alternative.

  6. LOAD Executor : statistics When executed for the sake of collecting execution statistics rather than generating load, the tool makes the following statistics available: • Parse ticks, CPU Time, Elapsed Time. • Writes, Total Logical/Physical Reads. • Table/Index scans [index scans count scans that start at index start]. • Reformatting. • Number of Work Tables created. When drilled down by table, statistics will be display on per-table basis.

  7. LOAD Executor : statistics The statistics generated may be exported into .csv file – either manually or automatically by the end of each execution loop (Auto Ex. – Large F. optimizes exports for large amount of collected statistics). It is possible to export execution time alone, for more simplistic comparison (say when all that interest us is how fast the same code executes in version A, as opposed to version B, without drilling down into the reason for the change or inspecting optimizer choices per version). The tool may be used, for example, to inspect how the same code performs under different optimizer strategies (oltp, mixed, dss, default, current, &c– don’t forget to clean the statement cache/force procedure recompilation).

  8. Ase load executor: feedbacks • The tool is being reworked from time to time to address changes in the ASE and align it better with ASE administrators needs. • In order to make the software better and more convenient your feedback is encouraged. • Feedback and bug reports may be made either directly to andrew.me.ph@gmail.com or posted as comments to the tool page published on the wordpress.com blog. • The blog is available at http://andrewmeph.wordpress.com. • More tools are available there, as well as general comments on Sybase ASE, RS (and in future IQ) products. • You are welcome to post your own ideas there which may be later transformed into customized tools and posted there for download.

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