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Programming Languages: Design, Specification, and Implementation

Programming Languages: Design, Specification, and Implementation. G22.2210-001 Rob Strom November 30, 2006. Readings (week 1). Theoretical and Historical Papers on Concurrency The “Readers/Writers” Problem http://www.md.chalmers.se/~ptrianta/SynC+Co/LIT/lamp77.pdf.gz

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Programming Languages: Design, Specification, and Implementation

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  1. Programming Languages:Design, Specification, and Implementation G22.2210-001 Rob Strom November 30, 2006

  2. Readings (week 1) • Theoretical and Historical Papers on Concurrency • The “Readers/Writers” Problem http://www.md.chalmers.se/~ptrianta/SynC+Co/LIT/lamp77.pdf.gz • Shared Registers (Part II) http://users.ece.gatech.edu/~dblough/6102/lamport_consistency.pdf • Wait-free synchronization http://www.cs.brown.edu/~mph/Herlihy91/p124-herlihy.pdf • Partially-ordered time. http://research.microsoft.com/users/lamport/pubs/time-clocks.pdf • Concurrency models in object-oriented languages • Ada Reference Manual Section 9 • Java Reference Manual Chapter 17 • Thinking in C++, chapter 11 • http://web.mit.edu/merolish/ticpp/TicV2.html#_Toc53985862

  3. Readings (week 2) • Problems with the Memory Model • Java Memory model is Broken http://www.cs.umd.edu/~pugh/java/broken.pdf • Thread-Safe Programming • Compiler-Enforced Thread-Safety (Guava): http://researchweb.watson.ibm.com/people/d/dfb/papers/Bacon00Guava.ps • Safe Reader-Writer Parallelism (Optimistic Readers): http://www.research.ibm.com/distributedmessaging/paper13.html

  4. Programming Project on Concurrency – due Nov. 30 • Extend the room world of the previous assignment so that multiple people can enter rooms and do things • Each thing someone does is an atomic unit of work, e.g. • Get things from factories and put them in the room • Pick up a bunch of objects and put them in a container • Pick up 2 containers and a funnel and transfer liquid from one container to the other • Don’t deadlock • Anticipate contention – e.g. you’ve picked up object A and try to pick up object B, but discover it’s gone because someone else picked up object B. You may need to give up your scripted action. • The implementation should have the same realism properties as the non-concurrent implementation did: e.g. things shouldn’t spontaneously disappear or appear in multiple places. • You may use any one of C++, Java, or Ada (probably the same language you used for previous assignment, but this is not required)

  5. Programming Languages Core Exam • Syntactic issues: regular expressions, context-free grammars (CFG), BNF. • Imperative languages: program organization, control structures, exceptions • Types in imperative languages: strong typing, type equivalence, unions and discriminated types in C and Ada. • Block structure, visibility and scoping issues, parameter passing. • Systems programming and weak typing: exposing machine characteristics, type coercion, pointers & arrays in C. • Run-time organization of block-structured languages: static scoping, activation records, dynamic and static chains, displays. • Programming in the large: abstract data types, modules, packages and namespaces in Ada, Java, and C++. • Functional programming: list structures, higher order functions, lambda expressions, garbage collection, metainterpreters in Lisp and Scheme. Type inference and ML. • Object-Oriented programming: classes, inheritance, polymorphism, dynamic dispatching. Constructors, destructors and multiple inheritance in C++, interfaces in Java. • Generic programming: parametrized units and classes in C++, Ada and Java. • Concurrent programming: threads and tasks, communication, race conditions and deadlocks, protected methods and types in Ada and Java.

  6. Monitors – Synchronized Methods • Threads are active • Started by calling start() method on a subclass of Thread • Objects are always passive • A synchronized method has these properties: • Critical section: locked before, unlocked after • Lock guaranteed to be released on termination • Causality respected: every action in method follows the locking; every action after completion of method follows the unlocking.

  7. Protected Objects in Ada protected body Signal_Object is entry Wait when Open is begin Open := False; end Wait; procedure Signal is begin Open := True; end Signal; function Is_Open return Boolean is begin return Open; end Is_Open; end Signal_Object; protected type Signal_Object is entry Wait; procedure Signal; function Is_Open return Boolean; private Open : Boolean := False; end Signal_Object; • Behaves like a task that repeatedly loops and accepts entries. But can be implemented without multiple threads. • But multiple reads (functions) may execute concurrently • Only one write (procedure or entry call) may be active at once. • But entry calls may queue up if their guard is false • Queued entry calls will run when their guard becomes true. • They take priority over any calls that enter later.

  8. Wait and Notify • A caller invokes a synchronized method: but discovers some essential condition is false. • It issues wait() on the object (You must hold the lock to do this) • This releases the lock and lets other callers call other methods • When the condition is made true, notifyAll() is called on the object (or notify() if you want Java to pick a waiter) • That terminates the wait(), and lets all waiters (or the selected waiter) try to compete for the lock again. • Other callers may have made the condition false again, so it is important to check the condition once again! • Not guaranteed to be fair (same waiter can lose the battle to get the lock each time)

  9. Producer/consumer in Java public class ProducerConsumer { int[] Q; // queue of integers int in = 0; // next free index in queue int out = 0; // first used index if count > 0 int count = 0; // number of items on queue. // Invariant: in-out (mod Q.length) = count ProducerConsumer(int size) { Q = new int[size]; } synchronized public void enq (int qe) throws InterruptedException{ while (count >= Q.length) {wait();} Q[in] = qe; in = (in+1)%Q.length; if (count++ == 0) notifyAll(); } synchronized public int deq () throws InterruptedException { while (count == 0) {wait();} int r = Q[out]; out = (out+1)%Q.length; if (count-- == Q.length) notifyAll(); return r; }}

  10. Memory Model in Java • Defines what happens when multiple threads access the same values without synchronizing • How can this happen? • Through static variables. Static variables are “considered harmful” but not forbidden. • Through object references that are shared but not synchronized • The results are counter-intuitive, and attempts have been made to fix the model • Too weak a model breaks many programming idioms • Too strong a model inhibits many optimizations

  11. The first sign of trouble: “prescient” stores • Assume thread 1 calls m1, thread 2 calls m2 • What traces are possible? • a=0, b=0 • a=0, b=2 • a=2, b=0 • a=2, b=2 • If allowed, breaks many assumptions. • If disallowed, prevents many compiler optimizations, and still may fail on some architectures unless barrier synchronizations are used

  12. More bad news for optimizers: “Reads kill” • Suppose p.x = 2 • A second thread updates q.x to 3 • q is an alias of p • Can I see i=2, j=3, k=2? • If yes, this violates the original JMM and breaks some programming idioms • If no, this inhibits the ability to save values in registers

  13. Worse news • Suppose P2 saw the new Foo.bar but the old Foo.bar.f!?!?! • Could see old values of things, or current values of previously stored things – a security exposure • Could see values of “final” fields change

  14. What is Guava? • Language proposal • Guarantees thread-safety • Enforces Read/Update distinction • Small syntactic extensions • Usually defaults to single-thread Java • Translatable to existing JVM byte code • Optimizations for efficient GVM • No implementation yet

  15. O3 O6 O9 O5 O8 O10 Component Model M1 M2 V1 V2 O1 X V11 O4 X O7 O2

  16. Referenced Monitors • + always synchronized • Referenced Objects • + never synchronized • – restricted references • Values • + may be user-definable • + classes/methods • + move, copy-by-value Java and Guava types • Referenced Objects • classes-methods • access by reference • synchronized or not • Values • built in – primitive types • no classes/methods • no references/sharing • copy by value

  17. Guava changes: summary Instance toString clone hashCode equals getClass • – Annotations • synchronized • volatile • + Annotations • [read], update • [local], global • lent, kept, in Region, new Local Mobile copy Reference Value Object Monitor wait notify finalize notifyAll

  18. Y: BucketList[] X: BucketList[] Y[0] X[0] A 3 . A 3 . D 9 . D 9 . E . E . Y[1] X[1] B 3 . B 3 . C 8 . C 8 . B 3 . C 8 . Z Monitors, Values, Objects M1 An object has at most one owning monitor/value M2 M3 G 1 . G 1 . G 1 . Y[1]

  19. M1 X M2.foo(X); M2 Y Z Region Analysis: lent, kept M1 X class M2type extends Monitor { . . . void foo (lent Bucket P1); } class Ztype extends Object { . . . void bar (lent Bucket P1, kept Bucket P2); } M2.foo(X); M2 this.N = P1; Z.bar(P1,Y); Y • lent = An unknown region • (Default for parameters of non-objects) • kept = Same region as this • (Default for parameters of objects) Z.bar(Y,P1); this.A = P1; this.A = P2; P1.op(); P2.N = this; Z

  20. A C D Region Analysis: new, in R M1 E class M2type extends Monitor { . . . new Bucket m (Bucket P1 in R1, Bucket P2 in R1, Bucket P3 in R2, Bucket P4 in R2); } E B E = M2.m( A,B,C,D); M2 P1.N = P2; P4.N = P3; P2.N = P4; return new Bucket ( 3, null); • new = No region • in R = Same region as other parameters labeled in R

  21. Update and Global • A read method: • Doesn’t update instance variables (region=this) • Doesn’t update anything synchronized • Otherwise, may update parameters • To check this, interfaces annotate • if a method isn’t a read method • if a parameter is modified • if a method is global (gets a lock)

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