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Learn how to create better artwork by understanding the principles of art through the works of Helen Frankenthaler, Vincent Van Gogh, and Edouard Manet. Explore the elements of balance, contrast, proportion, movement, emphasis, repetition/pattern, unity/variety, and harmony.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Core Level EXPECTATIONS • 2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the elements of art and the Principles of Art Helen Frankenthaler.

  2. What are you learning? The Principles of Art Vincent Van Gogh-Irises growing in garden-1853-1890

  3. Why are you learning it? So you can create better pieces of art. Edouard Manet-A Bar at the Folies-Bergere-1882

  4. How will you know you have learned it? When you can identify the principles and elements of art that you use to create your artwork. Edvard Munch- The Scream-1883

  5. The Principles of Art • Balance • Contrast • Proportion • Movement • Emphasis • Repitition/Pattern • Unity/Variety • Harmony Pier-Auguste Renoir-The luncheon of the boating party-1881

  6. BALANCE The way the elements are arranged to create a feeling of stability in a work. Alexander Calder

  7. Balance Georgia O’Keeffe Formal Balance usually is achieved by the artist placing objects in the work in a symmetrical or equal-sided arrangement. Informal Balance is created when an asymmetrical layout is used. Radial Balance occurs within a circle design.

  8. Symmetrical Balance The parts of an image are organized so that one side mirrors the other. Leonardo DaVinci

  9. Paul Klee

  10. Asymmetrical Balance When one side of a composition does not reflect the design of the other. James Whistler

  11. Radial Balance Rose Window at Notre Dame

  12. Core Level EXPECTATIONS 2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the elements of art and the Princples of Art GO TO WORKSHEET • B • A • L • A • N • C • E 2.1.1  Identify how the elements of art and the principles of design solve a visual art problem. 2.1.2  Plan the use of the elements of art and the principles of design to solve a visual art problem. 2.1.3  Create works that use the elements of art and the principles of design to solve a visual art problem.

  13. Proportion Tom Otterness Proportion refers to one piece of an object in relation to the rest of the object.

  14. Claes Oldenburg

  15. PROPORTION The comparative relationship of one part to another with respect to size, quantity, or degree; SCALE. Gustave Caillebotte

  16. Fernando Botero

  17. Amedeo Modigliani

  18. Core Level EXPECTATIONS 2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the elements of art and the Princples of Art GO TO WORKSHEET • P • R • O • P • O • R • T • I • O • N 2.1.1  Identify how the elements of art and the principles of design solve a visual art problem. 2.1.2  Plan the use of the elements of art and the principles of design to solve a visual art problem. 2.1.3  Create works that use the elements of art and the principles of design to solve a visual art problem.

  19. CONTRAST A large difference between two things to create interest and tension. Ansel Adams Salvador Dali

  20. Contrast Gee’s Bend Quilts

  21. Contrast in color

  22. Core Level EXPECTATIONS 2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the elements of art and the Princples of Art GO TO WORKSHEET • C • O • N • T • R • A • S • T 2.1.1  Identify how the elements of art and the principles of design solve a visual art problem. 2.1.2  Plan the use of the elements of art and the principles of design to solve a visual art problem. 2.1.3  Create works that use the elements of art and the principles of design to solve a visual art problem.

  23. Rhythm,Movement George Bellows Directional Movement is a visual flow through the composition. It can be the suggestion of motion in a design as you move from object to object by way of placement and position.

  24. Rhythm Edvard Munch

  25. Vincent Van Gogh

  26. MOVEMENTRHYTHMMOVEMENTRHYTHMMOVEMENTRHYTHM A regular repetition of elements to produce the look and feel of movement. MarcelDuchamp

  27. Cy Twombly

  28. Core Level EXPECTATIONS 2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the elements of art and the Princples of Art GO TO WORKSHEET • M • O • V • E • M • E • N • T 2.1.1  Identify how the elements of art and the principles of design solve a visual art problem. 2.1.2  Plan the use of the elements of art and the principles of design to solve a visual art problem. 2.1.3  Create works that use the elements of art and the principles of design to solve a visual art problem.

  29. Emphasis/Focal Point Andrew Wyeth Emphasis is when the artist manipulates the Elements of Art so that your eye is drawn to a particular area.

  30. FrancescoGoya

  31. Hokusai

  32. Commemorative Bronze, Kingdom of Benin

  33. Core Level EXPECTATIONS 2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the elements of art and the Princples of Art GO TO WORKSHEET • E • M • P • H • A • S • I • S 2.1.1  Identify how the elements of art and the principles of design solve a visual art problem. 2.1.2  Plan the use of the elements of art and the principles of design to solve a visual art problem. 2.1.3  Create works that use the elements of art and the principles of design to solve a visual art problem.

  34. Pattern/Repitition Gustav Klimt Pattern means the repetition of an element (or elements) in a work. An artist achieves a pattern through the use of colors), lines, or shapes .

  35. Jasper Johns

  36. PATTERNand Repetition Gustav Klimt Repetition of a design.

  37. Andy Warhol

  38. Ancient Greek Geometric Period Vase

  39. Core Level EXPECTATIONS 2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the elements of art and the Princples of Art GO TO WORKSHEET • P • A • T • T • E • R • N 2.1.1  Identify how the elements of art and the principles of design solve a visual art problem. 2.1.2  Plan the use of the elements of art and the principles of design to solve a visual art problem. 2.1.3  Create works that use the elements of art and the principles of design to solve a visual art problem.

  40. Unity/Variety Kurt Schwitters Variety occurs when an artist creates something that looks different from the rest of the artwork. An artist may use variety to make you look at a certain part or make the artwork more interesting.

  41. Joseph Cornell

  42. James Rosenquist

  43. Robert Rauschenberg

  44. Core Level EXPECTATIONS 2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the elements of art and the Princples of Art GO TO WORKSHEET • V • A • R • I • E • T • Y 2.1.1  Identify how the elements of art and the principles of design solve a visual art problem. 2.1.2  Plan the use of the elements of art and the principles of design to solve a visual art problem. 2.1.3  Create works that use the elements of art and the principles of design to solve a visual art problem.

  45. Harmony Jacob Lawrence Unity is the feeling that everything in the work of art works together and looks like it fits.

  46. Egyptian Hieroglyphics

  47. Mark Rothko

  48. Core Level EXPECTATIONS 2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the elements of art and the Princples of Art GO TO WORKSHEET • H • A • R • M • O • N • E • Y 2.1.1  Identify how the elements of art and the principles of design solve a visual art problem. 2.1.2  Plan the use of the elements of art and the principles of design to solve a visual art problem. 2.1.3  Create works that use the elements of art and the principles of design to solve a visual art problem.

  49. Core Level EXPECTATIONS 2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the elements of art and the principles of art 2.1 Identify the elements of art and the principles of design

  50. You Decide What Principle of Art is being used… • 2.1 Identify the elements of art and the principles of design

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